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Modern European History I HIS-106. Unit 4 - Economic Renewal and Wars of Religion ( 1560-1648). Introduction. The period from 1560-1648 is mostly known as the age of the Wars of Religion
Modern European History IHIS-106 Unit 4 - Economic Renewal and Wars of Religion (1560-1648)
Introduction • The period from 1560-1648 is mostly known as the age of the Wars of Religion • It starts with the French Civil War and ends with the Peace of Westphalia at the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 • All the major powers of western Europe are pulled into these conflicts • However, this is also the time when the modern global economic system begins to develop • This is usually ignored by the events of the next hundred years
The Opening of the Atlantic • Prior to 1492, the Atlantic had been seen as a major obstacle • Now it was open not only for travel but for expansion and conquering • With the “discovery” of the New World, Europeans began to enjoy new found wealth • With it, new powers began to rise up • This was, however, at a serious cost to the native populations • Specifically, the decimation of the native populations in the Americas
The Portuguese • By 1500, only overland trade had been made between Europe and the Far East • There was a growing need for goods coming out of Asia, especially silk and spices • Focused their attentions on Africa and Asia • Throughout the 15th century, worked their way down the western coast of Africa • The whole purpose of this exploration was to find an eastern sea route to the Far East • In the process, they were able to extend their influence, increase their trade routes, and set up colonies • These colonies then led to profitable trade outlets for gold, ivory, and slaves
The Portuguese • In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope • Europeans now have a sea passage to the Indian Ocean • This is also why Portuguese King John II would not support Columbus’ idea of a western sea route to India • Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) • Put together after Columbus’ discovery • Divided the world into two hemispheres • A line was drawn at 370 leagues (970 miles) west of the Cape Verde islands • Everything east of that would go to Portugal, while everything west would go to Spain
Map showing the divisions of the world by the Treaty of Tordesillas from 1502
The Portuguese • In 1498, Vasco da Gama rounded the cape of Africa • He landed on the southwest coast of India • The Arab traders in India were wary of the Portuguese, fearing that they would somehow disturb their trade • Portuguese set up trading posts along the east African coast • In 1509, the Portuguese made it to Malacca, near modern day Singapore • From there they went to China and the Amboina, which was the heart of the Spice Islands • They set up the first European commercial empire • Now able to sell goods from the Far East much more cheaply in Europe than the Venetians
Christopher Columbus • (1451-1506)
Spanish Conquest of America • From 1492 to 1518, only modest attempts were made at settlement by the Spaniards • However, in the next thirty years the Spanish and their conquistadores worked to conquer the New World • In the process, they nearly exterminated native peoples of the Caribbean Islands • They toppled and plundered the great Aztec and Inca empires • They gained control of territories 10 times as large as homeland • They also discovered fabulous silver mines and built an oceanic trade
Spanish Conquest of America • Spain was motivated by religion, nationalist pride, and dreams of personal enrichment • A Spanish foot soldier once said “We came here to serve God and the King, and also to get rich” • In 1520, Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire • He was aided by the small pox epidemic that wiped out a good portion of the population • In 1533, Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan Empire in Peru • The empire had been riddled by smallpox and weakened by violent internal divisions
Spanish Conquest of America • The Spanish went on to extended their dominion over the Mayan people of the Yucatán, Honduras, and Guatemala over the next few decades • Disease had killed off and weakened the native populations even before the Spanish had arrived • Spain then launched further expeditions into Chile, New Granada (Colombia), Argentina, and Bolivia in the 1530s and 1540s • By 1550, most of the major centers of native populations had been overwhelmed by the Spanish
Spanish Conquest of America • Silver was found abundantly in the New World, especially in South America • Native labor (along with some African slaves) was coerced into mining the metal for the Spanish • Native societies were allowed to control their own communities but were forced to provide labor for the mines • By 1660, they had extracted more than 7 million pounds of silver • This tripled the entire European supply and led to a serious “price revolution” in Europe
Spanish Empire in America • By the late 15th century, it is estimated that the population of the New World had been between 50 and 70 million • Spanish used military force to subdue the native populations • In many cases, they were turned into slaves who were forced to work in these colonies • When the Spanish arrived in the Caribbean, they brought along such diseases as smallpox and typhus • Over the next 300 years, 2/3 of the native populations of the Americas were killed by disease • Most within a few generations of contact with the Europeans
Spanish Empire in America • One of the major imports from the New World was silver • While Spain had hoped to find more gold in the New World, they were much more successfully in discovering silver, especially in South America • The Spanish forced natives into mining the silver • In areas around the mines, the native communities were allowed to control their own affairs as long as they provided labor for the mines • This large amount of silver was used to help finance the Catholic side of the Reformation
Spanish Empire in America • The Spanish government believed that the colonies in the New World were there for the benefit of the mother country • The native populations that survived were put into slavery to either work in the silver mines or in the fields • The Spanish did not focus their sole attentions to the New World • In 1520, Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the world • He found a southwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific • He went on to discover the Philippine Islands, worked his way across the Indian ocean, and then returned to Spain
The Commercial Revolution • Prior to 1540, Europe was enjoying diverse forms of prosperity • Populations were finally recovering from the 14th century plague • There was a period of economic growth and with the discovery of the New World, this growth was expected to continue • Governments were becoming more effective in their management and were more successful at keeping the inside of their country stable • So what went wrong?
The Commercial Revolution • Starting in the mid 16th century, prices rose dramatically • Between 1550 and 1600, prices doubled and even quadrupled in certain areas • The cost of living in England overall doubled • There was a rise in population but no rise in agricultural production • Population levels rebounded from the plague filled 14th century • However, there were no technological breakthroughs in agriculture to produce enough food for the population • The food shortage led to a sharp increase in cost as demand outweighed supply • A larger percentage of their income was going to food
The Commercial Revolution • Also, wages either stagnated or declined • With the increase of population, there was an increase in the labor supply • This meant that wages either remained the same or went down • This meant that the average worker was paying more for food with less wages • There was a large influx of Spanish bullion coming to Europe from the New World • Spain took this silver and minted it to pay off its soldiers but its debtors as well • These new coins quickly circulated throughout Europe • This led to a sharp decrease in the value of silver
The Commercial Revolution • The masses were negatively affected by the price increases • When disasters hit, people could no longer afford the food and would literally starve to death • Even the monarchies were affected • The governments required a constant income • The taxes were worth less and less as money became devalued • Wars were becoming increasingly more expensive • They had to levy even higher taxes than before • Also during this time period there are a number of very costly wars that make the economic situation in Europe worse
Mercantilism • The economy of the time was based on two things: • Mercantilism • Growth of colonies • Mercantilism • In order for a country to be prosperous it must accumulate bullion • It was the main economic theory used from the 16th century until 1776 • Adam Smith published Wealth of Nations (1776) which promoted laissez-faire styled economics instead
Mercantilism There are three aims to mercantilism: • Economic Unity • Unified coins, measures, and weights • Unified national economy • Economic Statism • Government control of the economy • Makes laws on all economic matters • Gain Power • Strong economy leads to large armies and navies • Can win wars and increase international power
Basic Elements of Mercantilism There are three elements to mercantilism: • Bullionism • Collecting hard currency • Done through favorable balance of trade • Economic nationalism • Develop domestic industry • Protect domestic production (paternalism) • Make the country self-sufficient • Colonization • If country has no raw materials, get colonies • Won’t have to pay for raw materials • Provide new markets
Religious Conflict • The religious atmosphere of Europe during this period was also tense • Catholics and Protestants hated one another • As long as these rivalries remained heated, wars were inevitable • Leaders also fanned the flames of religious conflict • Many required their states to have a unified religion • Minority religious groups were seen as threats so many were kicked out of country • This led to civil wars in numerous country • They expanded into international wars in many cases • From 1540 to 1648, Europe was plagued with conflict
Henry II of France • (1547-1559)
French Wars of Religion • French Wars of Religion (1562-1598) • This period is also known as the French Civil War • The main Protestant group in France during this period were the Huguenots • It is believed they made up 10-20% of the French population by 1562 • It became popular amongst the aristocratic women who then in turn converted their husbands • Under the rule of Henry II, there was an uneasy peace between the crown and the Huguenots • Huguenots were forced to meet in secret at first but over time grew in popularity
French Wars of Religion • Expansion of Calvinism • First Huguenot communities were built starting in 1546 • In 1555, the first Huguenot church was erected in Paris • By the late 1550s, they demanded freedom of worship • On June 30, 1559, Henry II died in a jousting accident • This left his 15-year-old son, Francis II as king • He was a sickly child • Henry’s wife, Catherine de’ Medici, was chosen to be regent • The struggles between the Catholics and the Huguenots began after Francis took the throne
Francis II • (1559-1560)
French Wars of Religion • One the one side you had the Guise family • Specifically, they were Francis Duke of Guise and Charles Cardinal of Lorraine • They brothers believed that the country should be firmly Catholic and instituted an intense policy of persecution against the Huguenots • On the other side was Louis, Prince de Condé • He was the leader of the Huguenot movement • On December 5, 1560, Francis II died • He had an ear infection that led to the formation of an abscess in his brain
French Wars of Religion • Next up was his ten year old brother, Charles IX • His mother, Catherine de’ Medici, was again named regent • Massacre at Vassy (March 1, 1562) • The Duke of Guise was traveling through the city of Vassy and he came upon a group of Huguenots who were worshipping inside the city walls • Guise and his entourage started a fight with the Huguenots • 23 Huguenots were killed and over 100 more injured • Prince de Condé called all Protestants to arm themselves in self-defense • The war went on for eight years with intermittent truces • During this time, the Prince de Condé died and Henry of Navarre took control of the Huguenots
French Wars of Religion • By 1570, the French treasury was shrinking from the cost of the war so Charles IX began negotiations for a peace • Peace of Saint-Germain (August 8, 1570) • The Huguenots were given freedom of conscience throughout France and were allowed to hold office • They retained the right to worship publicly in the regions allowed before the wars and full freedom in their own areas • In order to solidify peace between the Catholics and the Huguenots, Catherine arranged for a marriage • This was to be between her daughter Marguerite to Henry of Navarre, the Huguenot leader
French Wars of Religion • The situation in Paris was tense • There were many who would not support the wedding • The Parisians were very uncomfortable with thousands of Huguenots in the city escorting their prince • On August 22, 1572, an assassination attempt was made on one of the Huguenot leaders, the Admiral de Coligny • St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (August 24, 1572) • French guards attacked the Huguenots as a “preemptive strike” against Huguenot retaliation • All but two of the Huguenot leaders, Henry of Navarre and the young Henri I, Prince of Condé, were murdered • The Parisian people joined in the fighting • There are estimates that as many of 3,000 Huguenots were murdered in Paris alone
French Wars of Religion • Charles IX claimed responsibility for the massacre stating that there had been a plot against the crown • Charles died on May 30, 1574 from tuberculosis • He was only 24 • Next in line was his brother Henry III • He was 22 years old when he took the throne but was the best “king material” out of the four brothers • Henry main goal was to find peace between the Catholics and Huguenots • The Guise family was not going to make this possible
Henry III • (1574-1589)
French Wars of Religion • In 1576, the Guises formed the Catholic League and renewed the war • In 1584, Henry’s last brother, François, died • Since Henry III had no children, this meant that the next person in line for the throne was Henry of Navarre • This would not be tolerated by the Catholics • The Catholic League dominated this war • Guise marched into Paris with his troops in 1588, forcing Henry III to flee • Guise also made Henry III sign a number of edicts excluding Henry of Navarre from the throne along with any heretics
French Wars of Religion • By this point, Henry III was tired of being dominated by Guise • He discovered that Guise was receiving aid from Philip II of Spain • Guise also had been negotiating a treaty with Spain declaring Philip’s daughter to be the heir presumptive • On December 23, 1588, Henry III had the Guise brothers assassinated • Henry then went on to make an alliance with Henry of Navarre • On August 1, 1589, Jacques Clément, a fanatical Dominican friar stabbed Henry III • Before he died, Henry III declared that Henry of Navarre was the legitimate heir to the throne
Henry IV • (1589-1610)
French Wars of Religion • Henry IV’s rule marked the beginning of the Bourbon dynasty • War continued for the next nine years • Many of the nobility were staunch Catholic and refused to follow Henry IV • By this point, the state of France was in a miserable condition • The country was nearly bankrupt • Many farmlands and towns had been abandoned, and many of the roads were in ruins • Because of the warfare, trade was at a standstill • Henry realized that he had to do something drastic to win the hearts of the French
French Wars of Religion • On July 23, 1593, Henry converted to Catholicism • Protestantism was more of a “family tradition” rather than a religious devotion to him • On March 22, 1594, Henry was able to finally retake the city of Paris • He supposedly said that “Paris is well worth the mass!” • However, Philip II continued to support the Catholic League and its efforts to oust Henry • In January 1595, Henry declared war against Spain
French Wars of Religion • For the next three years, Henry was fighting the remnants of the League as well as Spain • Henry was forced to bribe many Catholic noblemen to lay down their arms and accept him as king • On May 2, 1598, the war was finally brought to an end • Edict of Nantes (April 13, 1598) • This was Henry’s “bribe” to the Huguenots • It established Catholicism as the official religion of France • Huguenots allowed to worship, attend universities, and serve as public officials • It created separate spheres of influence between the two religions
Philip II of Spain • (1556-1598)
Dutch Wars with Spain • One of the most powerful political figures at this time was Philip II of Spain • He depended heavily on the income from the colonies • However, all of the gold and silver (specie) coming into Europe devalued the currency • Also, the war with France put Spain heavily into debt • By the end of his reign, 2/3 of Spain’s income went to paying interest on all the loans taken out by the government • Spain’s main source of income in Europe came from the Low Countries • This is modern day Belgium and the Netherlands which were under Spanish control at this time
Dutch Wars with Spain • During the reign of Charles V, this region prospered • He had allowed the government to essentially run on its own • The southern Low Countries had the greatest per capita wealth in all of Europe • Antwerp as one of the leading financial and commercial centers in Europe • On October 25, 1555, Charles gave the Low Countries to his son, Philip II • Philip hoped to increase the amount of money coming to Spain from the Low Countries • This included Philip playing a greater role in the region
Dutch Wars with Spain • During this period, many Protestants were moving into the Low Countries • After 1559, many Huguenots migrating to the Low Countries • There were a large number of Anabaptists and some Lutherans • Philip himself was a staunch Catholic and believed God had chosen him to combat the forces of evil • William the Silent and a group of noblemen recognized the growing tensions in the country • They made it their duty to bring peace back to the region • Starting in 1561, these noblemen sent numerous petitions to Margaret of Parma, Philip’s appointee to the Low Countries • They asked for religious toleration for the Calvinists to ease some of that tension but she refused
William the Silent • (1533-1584)
Dutch Wars With Spain • “Breaking of the Images (August 1566) • Mobs of radical Protestants desecrated hundreds of churches and monasteries • Was a reaction to the increased persecution of Protestants • In response, Philip II sent in an army of twelve thousand Spanish troops • They were led by the Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, the 3rd Duke of Alva • Once the radicals were defeated, Alva then instituted a reign of terror • He set up the Council of Troubles which was a special tribunal to deal with heresy and sedition