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Perspective: Generation Statistics. U.S. Total Generating Capacity 2006. Source: Global Energy Decisions / Energy Information AdministrationUpdated: 10/07. U.S. Electricity Generation Fuel Shares 2006. Source: Global Energy Decisions / Energy Information AdministrationUpdated: 10/07. Performance Statistics.
1. Future of Nuclear PowerLake Forest CollegeMarch 28, 2008 Notes
2. Perspective: Generation Statistics
5. Performance Statistics
6. Sustained Reliability and Productivity
10. Fuel Related Costs
12. Nuclear Fuel Cost Not DirectlyRelated to Uranium Spot Price
13. Expanding Output of Existing Plants
15. TVA’s Browns Ferry 1 back in service May 2007 (5-year, $1.8 billion project)
TVA approved Watts Bar 2 completion August 2007 (5-year, $2.5 billion project) Notes
16. Safety
17. U.S. Industrial Safety Accident Rate2006
19. Environmental View
Emissions Avoided by the U.S. Nuclear Industry
1995 - 2006
Year Sulfur Dioxide (Million Short Tons) Nitrogen Oxides (Million Short Tons) Carbon Dioxide (Million Metric Tons)
1995 4.19 2.03 670.60
1996 4.16 1.89 645.30
1997 3.97 1.76 602.40
1998 4.08 1.76 646.40
1999 4.13 1.73 685.30
2000 3.60 1.54 677.20
2001 3.41 1.43 664.00
2002 3.38 1.39 694.80
2003 3.36 1.24 679.80
2004 3.43 1.12 696.60
2005 3.32 1.05 681.92
2006 3.12 0.99 681.18
Total 44.15 17.93 8,025.50
Source: Emissions avoided by nuclear power are calculated using regional fossil fuel emissions rates from the
Environmental Protection Agency and plant generation data from the Energy Information Administration
Updated: 4/07
Emissions Avoided by the U.S. Nuclear Industry
1995 - 2006
Year Sulfur Dioxide (Million Short Tons) Nitrogen Oxides (Million Short Tons) Carbon Dioxide (Million Metric Tons)
1995 4.19 2.03 670.60
1996 4.16 1.89 645.30
1997 3.97 1.76 602.40
1998 4.08 1.76 646.40
1999 4.13 1.73 685.30
2000 3.60 1.54 677.20
2001 3.41 1.43 664.00
2002 3.38 1.39 694.80
2003 3.36 1.24 679.80
2004 3.43 1.12 696.60
2005 3.32 1.05 681.92
2006 3.12 0.99 681.18
Total 44.15 17.93 8,025.50
Source: Emissions avoided by nuclear power are calculated using regional fossil fuel emissions rates from the
Environmental Protection Agency and plant generation data from the Energy Information Administration
Updated: 4/07
22. Emissions Reductions in Perspective The UNFCCC estimates that the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will generate 1.2 billion tonnes of emission reductions by the end of 2012
Worldwide, nuclear power avoids the emissions of around 2.6 billion tonnes of CO2 annually
23. World Nuclear Generation 1973 – 2005, Billion kWh
24. Comparison of Life-Cycle EmissionsTons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent per Gigawatt-Hour
30. Increasing Public Support
31. Favorability to Nuclear Energy by Political ViewsNuclear energy has strong support across the political spectrum.
32. Growing Public Support For More Nuclear Energy
33. Near Term Deployment
34. U.S. Needs 25 Percent More Electricity by 2030 BkWh
35. Capacity Brought Online by Fuel Type 1950-2007 (Nameplate Capacity, MW)
38. New Nuclear Plants Under Consideration
39. New Nuclear Plants Under Consideration
40. State Policies Supporting Nuclear Construction
41. Nuclear: Future Promise
42. The NGNP Concept – HTGR Demonstration The Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Demonstration Project is the basis for an entirely new generation of advanced nuclear plants that utilize high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR) technology. This technology extends the application of nuclear energy beyond the generation of electricity to uses in the broader energy sector. The HTGR reliability, safety, proliferation resistance, waste management and economy will be competitive with and, in some cases, exceed those achieved in existing commercial nuclear plants.
The NGNP Project will result in a full scale prototype that demonstrates the commercialization potential of the HTGR and associated technologies. It will also help establish the commercial infrastructure. These advanced nuclear plants can supply competitive, emission-free, high temperature process heat and/or hydrogen. The hydrogen can be used as an energy carrier or in enhanced oil recovery, refineries, coal-to-liquids and coal-to-gas plants, chemical plants and fertilizer plants. Accordingly, these advanced nuclear plants can promote the utilization of indigenous coal and uranium resources and extend domestic oil and gas resources thereby reducing dependence and costs associated with imported petroleum and natural gas. Utilization of these high temperature HTGR heat sources can effectively improve the carbon efficiency of major petrochemical and bulk hydrogen-based complexes. The Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Demonstration Project is the basis for an entirely new generation of advanced nuclear plants that utilize high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR) technology. This technology extends the application of nuclear energy beyond the generation of electricity to uses in the broader energy sector. The HTGR reliability, safety, proliferation resistance, waste management and economy will be competitive with and, in some cases, exceed those achieved in existing commercial nuclear plants.
The NGNP Project will result in a full scale prototype that demonstrates the commercialization potential of the HTGR and associated technologies. It will also help establish the commercial infrastructure. These advanced nuclear plants can supply competitive, emission-free, high temperature process heat and/or hydrogen. The hydrogen can be used as an energy carrier or in enhanced oil recovery, refineries, coal-to-liquids and coal-to-gas plants, chemical plants and fertilizer plants. Accordingly, these advanced nuclear plants can promote the utilization of indigenous coal and uranium resources and extend domestic oil and gas resources thereby reducing dependence and costs associated with imported petroleum and natural gas. Utilization of these high temperature HTGR heat sources can effectively improve the carbon efficiency of major petrochemical and bulk hydrogen-based complexes.
43. Final Thoughts Water use: a perspective
Waste management and recycling
Non proliferation
Nuclear’s role in climate change challenge