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IMEC-Leuven, Belgium Collaboration with Flemish Universities and Local Industry

IMEC-Leuven, Belgium Collaboration with Flemish Universities and Local Industry. Herman Maes Vice-President INVOMEC 9 October, 2003. Outline. Introduction A few words about IMEC Mission and Organization of INVOMEC Industri al Training & Services ITC : IMEC Training Center

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IMEC-Leuven, Belgium Collaboration with Flemish Universities and Local Industry

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  1. IMEC-Leuven, BelgiumCollaboration with Flemish Universities and Local Industry Herman Maes Vice-President INVOMEC 9 October, 2003

  2. Outline • Introduction • A few words about IMEC • Mission and Organization of INVOMEC • Industrial Training & Services • ITC : IMEC Training Center • EUROPRACTICE : a ‘total’ ASIC solution • Industrialization and Incubation • Strategy of Collaboration Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  3. Outline • Introduction • A few words about IMEC • Mission and Organization of INVOMEC • Industrial Training & Services • ITC : IMEC Training Center • EUROPRACTICE : a ‘total’ ASIC solution • Industrialization and Incubation • Strategy of Collaboration Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  4. IMEC Introduction and History • Founded : January 1984 by the Government of Flanders, Belgium as an independent R&D institute. • IMEC is a non-profit organization with a mission towards European and worldwide collaboration with industry and academia. • Human Resources (2002): 1250 (incl. 110 Ph.D. fellowships, 270 visiting scientists and industrial residents) • Close worldwide interaction with industry, universities and research institutes • Partner in a large number of EU and MEDEA+ programs • Annual budget (2002) : between 135 and 140 Meuro (research grant from local Government is 33.3 Meuro (about 25 % of this budget); the revenue from research contracts is above 100 Meuro. Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  5. Mission Statement IMEC’s Mission Statement To carry out R&D programs which are 3 to 10 years ahead of today’s industrial needs in the field of microelectronics, nanotechnology, design methods and technologies for ICT systems Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  6. IMEC Organization President and CEO G. Declerck Strategic partnerships R. De Keersmaecker Strategic Development Unit J. Van helleputte Technical Support & Computer Logistics W. Fluit Business Development L. Deferm Finance A. Vinck Human Resources E. Daenen Scientific Advisor H. De Man Design Technology for Integrated Information & Communication Systems DESICS R. Lauwereins Microsystems, Components & Packaging MCP R. Mertens Silicon Process & Device Technology SPDT L. Van den hove Industrialization & Training in Microelectronics INVOMEC H. Maes Associated University Laboratories Associated Laboratories at Higher Polytechnical Schools Universiteit Gent (RUG) INTEC, P. Lagasse ELIS, A. Van Calster Universiteit Brussel (VUB) ETRO J. Cornelis , R. Vounckx Limburgs Univ. Centrum (LUC) IMOMEC L. Deschepper KULeuven INSYS K. Maex, H. Deman Katholieke Hogeschool Brugge-Oostende Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  7. Focus of IMEC’s Research • DESICS : Design Technology for Integrated Information and Communication Systems System-on-Chip, MPEG- 4, Broadband wireless systems, reconfigurable systems, multi-media multi-mode terminals, BAN for health and comfort • SPDT : Silicon Process & Device Technology process technology : lithography, Cu & low-k back end, salicides, cleaning and ES&H, high-k gate dielectrics ---> 90nm, 65nm and 45nm generations device technology : deep-submicron CMOS : 90nm, 65nm, 45nm, BICMOS, NVM, FeRAM, reliability, analytical tools, sub-45nm devices • MCP : Microsystems, Components and Packaging packaging, optoelectronic components, imagers, smart sensors and integrated microsystems, solar cells, biosensors, nanostructures • INVOMEC: Microelectronics training and service programs to Flemish and international academia and industry Reinforcing of the Flemish industry by stimulating innovation and by supporting the creation of spin-offs Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  8. Introduction Each year, IMEC has to fulfil a number of stringent and ambitious Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) with regard to the interaction and collaboration with its Flemish stakeholders (‘return to Flanders’) • Training : Flemish Universities, Higher Polytechnic Schools, Flemish Industry  expressed in number of ‘contact-hours’ (target in 2003 ~5400 contact-hours) (+ of course towards IMEC) • Collaboration with Flemish Industry : • Turnover from collaboration with Flemish Companies (~ >15% of IMEC’s overall contract research turnover) • Number of contracts with Flemish SME’s (95 in 2003) • Number of new SME’s with whom contracts are concluded (5 in 2003) • Turnover from collaboration with Flemish SME’s (~ 3% of IMEC’s overall contract research turnover) • Creation of new spin-offs (at least 1 per year) • Number of contracts with Flemish Universities, Higher Polytechnic Schools and R&D centers (at least 32) Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  9. INVOMEC F l a n d e r s IMEC Universities R&D Centers Higher PS Ass. L. Desics SPDT HRM MCP BD FD TC Industry : Nat & Int. Flemish SME’s Introduction Service Training Support Spin-off Service Training Support  KPI’s synergy KPI i.c.w. BD & SD Service Training Prospect Collaboration  KPI’s INVOMEC strategy is aiming at maximizing the efficiency of this multi-service and multi-target mission – synergy! Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  10. Set up, coordinate and support a broad scope of • Training and Service programs in microelectronics • towards • IMEC employees • Flemish Universities • Higher Polytechnic Schools • Industry (national and international) • Anchorage and Valorization of IMEC’s IP and • know-howin the Flemish industrial landscape by • process and product innovation in existing companies • successful commercialization of research results by establishing new companies via incubation Industrialization and Training in Microelectronics MISSION Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  11. Outline • Introduction • A few words about IMEC • Mission and Organization of INVOMEC • Industrial Training & Services • ITC : IMEC Training Center • EUROPRACTICE : a ‘total’ ASIC solution • Industrialization and Incubation • Strategy of Collaboration Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  12. ITC IMEC Training Center DELFI MTC Flemish TSO LO Develop your Future at IMEC Microelectronics Training Center Technical Secondary Schools a.o. Primary Schools Universities & Higher PT- Schools Professors/ Lecturers of Flemish Universities and Higher Polytechnic Schools Teachers of Flemish Technical Secondary Education Teachers Primary Schools i.c.w. S-RVO IMEC Universities - International - Flemish Industry - International - Flemish: LC - Flemish : SME IMEC Staff Target group DELFI WG INVOMEC Follow-up Adv.C Advisory meetings IMEC- IMEC Training Counsel Board SRVO Steer-ing ITC : IMEC’s Training Center Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  13. MTC 2002/3 Center for Advanced Learning SME 2003-2004  from 2003 Technical Training Strategy • Bio- and nanotechnology • Autonomous computing • Security • Heterogeneous systems • Integration of embedded • systems Important Extension Of Course Offer in 2003 & 2004 Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  14. Mission of EUROPRACTICE IC Service • Promote and support the design of advanced Micro-electronic components • Know-how and methodologies via training  MTC • Tools via CAD • ASIC prototyping & small volume via Europractice • Europractice IC Service • Total solution • Access, support, P&R, prototypes, small volumes • For customers • Internal IMEC (SciDivs) • Flemish Polytechnical schools • Flemish Universities • Industry (Flemish & abroad) Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  15. EUROPRACTICE Offer • Low cost prototyping • Through MPW • Easy access • Support • Special conditions for research, universities and polytechnics : mini@sic • Small volume • Partner foundries offer access to small volumes only through Europractice • Synergy with Scientific Divisions allows to build demonstrators • Synergy with Flemish universities and SME’s Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  16. EUROPRACTICEa one-stop total solution EUROPRACTICE offers a total ASIC solution including • CAD tools for universities and R&D labs in Europe • Easy access to foundry information and cell libraries • Technical support to designers (take the role of foundry support) • Deep-submicron netlist-to-layout service + design support • Flexible access to silicon prototyping and production at leading foundries • Packaging and test including logistics for small volume Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  17. CAD Technology MPW prototyping Deep Small volume submicron Purchase Access Univ Industry Place and Wafers Packaging Test Distribution Design kits Route Support Support EUROPRACTICE European Consortium IMEC – RAL - FhG 600 univ MOSIS X USA CMP France Benchmarking of EP IC Services Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  18. Outline • Introduction • A few words about IMEC • Mission and Organization of INVOMEC • Industrial Training & Services • ITC : IMEC Training Center • EUROPRACTICE : a ‘total’ ASIC solution • Industrialization and Incubation • Strategy of Collaboration Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  19. Consolidation/Mission One of the major priorities within IMEC’s mission consists of the Anchorage and Valorization of IMEC’s IP and know-howtowards the Flemish stakeholders • Anchorage of IMEC know-how and IP: • Transfer of technology • Creation of Spin-offs • Valorization of IMEC know-how • Strengthen awareness by networking and support of the innovation policy • Initiate new collaborations with Flemish companies, emphasis towards SME’s • Set-up of consortia between SME’s, LC’s and IMEC • Valorization studies for industry, investors, IMEC R&D divisions Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  20. ttm (year) 10 Trained researchers (PhD) Workshops FI (R0) Long Term Research (Ph.D., …) Co-owned IP (FI) Licensed IP (BI) 5 BI + new FI (R1/R2) IIAP, IST, IWT (generic), SBO 2-3 Licensed IP (BI) BI Technology Transfer & Spin-off 1 ADS, I&I Consolidation in Flanders 0 INVOMEC Evolution of IMEC strategy/programs Output for partner Licensed IP (BI) Fully owned development result (R2) Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  21. Consortium Technol.Platform SME Legend LC Spin-off so so so Seminars Courses Training KPI # Advice Studies KPI # Technology Services ADS projects R&D projects KPI Euro Funneling through different offers Attention Interest Explicit Interest Action Interconnect IVB RIS Federations ARRM Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  22. Collaboration : Technology Platforms • INVOMEC first initiator, later supportive/facilitating • Technology platforms based on IMEC technology and know-how • Selection on-going with the Scientific Divisions • Purpose • To set up a network/consortia including SME’s, LC, knowledge centers, universities, federations and IMEC around these platforms Example : MINT (Microsystems and Nano-technology network) • Bring together complementary expertise & know-how, initiate joint projects • Value proposition for the participating partners • Partners finding, B2B opportunities • Share market know-how, technology evolution • Road mapping • Collaboration projects (including IMEC as R&D provider) • Advantages for IMEC • High visibility • One-many relation • Flemish “embedding” Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  23. MINT, MIcrosystem and NanoTechnology network. MINT: A Microsystem and Nanotechnology platform for all parties over the value chain: Research - technology developers – product suppliers – end users. WTCM • Goals: • Forum: regional meeting place, interaction with members and • broader • Link: to international actors, to the user of the technology • Second opinion: realistic presentation of the opportunities and • possible applications of MST • Stimulate: the end user to integrate MST in products and processes MINT, member of European Microsystem & Micro-Nano Technology Network Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  24. MINT,MIcrosystem and NanoTechnology network. MINT activities: Partner search: regional – internationalInitiate R&D projectsOrganization of workshops, seminarsSet-up cluster activities Inform members on the developments and activities of the MST actors WTCM Contact: Stephanie Teughels http://www.imec.be/mint Stephanie.Teughels@imec.be Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  25. ‘Thematic’ oriented Services ‘Non-Thematic’ oriented Services IMEC’s role R&D projects Support of Innovation Policy of Flemish Gov. Thematic ADS projects Steering Technology platforms Services Supportive Ad hoc ADS projects Training Growth Path Consultancy Facilitating/ Networking Market/Valorization studies Informative IMEC’s Offer and Role Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  26. Main Activities The strategy is translated in 4 main activities: 1 Networking and support of Innovation Policy of Flemish Government 2 Collaboration with Flemish companies 3 Valorization studies 4 Creation of spin-off’s Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  27. Consortia Technology platforms IWT, 6FP Craft 6FP Flemish SME’s Large Flemish Companies IMEC Spin-off’s i.c.w. SciDiv, BD European SME’s • ICT • + also other sectors (textile, construction, automotive, ….) • valorization studies • prospect • market studies • frame agreements Radius of Action outside IMEC • prospect • feasibility studies • ADS activities • service • training • events/workshops I&I INVOMEC • prospect • links • FP6 for SME’s Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  28. Focal Points in Collaboration Strategy • Service offering towards Flemish industry • Structured thematically and in line with the scientific research programs • Evolution from one-to-one towards one-to-many relationships • Consortia, communities, networks, platforms • Buy-in of SME’s through low threshold service offerings (including training) • Application, Training and Support (“ADS”) activities is intensified through: • Consolidation of ADS operation • The creation of the “ADS” steering group • Focus on a selected number of technological topics • Intensive collaboration with IMEC’s associated labs Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  29. Type 1 : Research (3-10 year frame) Type 2 : Application of IMEC technology Type 3 : Distribution of know-how/expertise Type 4 : Support of innovation ADS: no ‘core business’ of the scientific divisions set-up of ADS teams that are active within the scientific divisions with support from I&I Collaboration with Flemish Companies ADS Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

  30. R&D group R&D group R&D group ADS Project leader Tasks : Proposal; Coordination of project I&I adviser Task : Account Managing ADS cells Division 2 Division 1 I&I Prospection ADS cell 2 ADS cell 1 Co-workers in the team can consist of permanent ADS members and R&D group members Herman E. Maes - INVOMEC 9 October 2003

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