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What Would Hippocrates Do?. Brian J. Porteous D.C., Q.M.E. Fellow, Palmer Academy of Chiropractic. Ethics, Laws and Regulations For Doctors of Chiropractic. Truth in Advertising “Got Research?” and Research Ethics. Truth in Advertising.
Brian J. Porteous D.C., Q.M.E.Fellow, Palmer Academy of Chiropractic Ethics, Laws and Regulations For Doctors of Chiropractic
Truth in Advertising “Got Research?” and Research Ethics
Truth in Advertising • Deductibles • Manipulation/Adjustment are not • equal to Vaccination • Rebates – Refunds – Prizes
Professional Boundaries● Remember your Oath…“First, Do Not Harm”● Sexual Boundaries between Doctor and Patient● Zero Tolerance
Chiropractic Oath To hold in esteem and respect those who taught me this chiropractic healing art; to follow the methods of treatment which according to my ability and judgment I consider necessary for the benefit of my patients; to abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous; to stand ready at all times to serve my fellow man without discrimination of race, creed or color. With purity I will pass my life and practice my art; I will at all times consider the patients under my care as of supreme importance; I will not spare myself in rendering them the help which I have been taught to give by my alma mater; I will keep inviolate all things revealed to me as a physician. While I continue to keep this oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the chiropractic healing art, respected by all men at all times.
Chiropractic Code of Ethics American Chiropractic Association International Chiropractic Association Palmer College of Chiropractic – West Life Chiropractic College – West Cleveland Chiropractic College – Los Angeles
The Chiropractic Oath I do hereby swear before God and these assembled witnesses, both corporeal and spiritual, that I will do my utmost to keep this, my sacred, trusted oath, as a graduate of the ______________Chiropractic College, that henceforth: I will esteem those who have taught me this Art, Science and Philosophy of Chiropractic and with this torch of knowledge, fashioned by Hippocrates, I will light the way to the understanding of those Natural Laws which preserve the human body as a fitting temple for the soul of man. I will keep the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the sick as my foremost duty, ever searching for and correcting the cause of their disease to the best of my ability, insofar as my science is in the highest precepts of my Alma Mater and harmonious with the Vis Medicatrix Naturae. I will at all times stand ready to serve my fellow man, without distinction of race, creed or colour, in my lifelong vocation of preventing and alleviating human suffering, wherever it may be found, by exemplifying in my own life a pattern of living in harmony with the Laws of Nature. I will refrain from any act of wrongdoing and will regard the keeping of a patient's confidence as a moral obligation, using any such information only in his or her best interests. May God so direct the skillful use of my hands that I may bring strength to the sick, relief to the suffering, peace of mind to the anxious and the inspiration to mankind to attain bountiful health that we may live this life to the fullest expression of its innate endowments. I therefore, solemnly swear to uphold these principles and precepts to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Chiropractic Oath First do no Harm. Hippocrates You swarean oath when you graduated from your alma mater
Mandatory Reporting Requirements● Health Practitioner WIC 15610.37● Failure to Report by Mandated Reporters
● Child Abuse/Neglect● Police/Sheriff Call ● Forms – SS 8572 Source CA. Dept. of Justice 916-227-3285 ● Forms – OCJP 925 www.oes.ca.gov. under plans and publicationsOCJP 930 Call OES at 916-324-9100 ● Child Protective Agency/Services
● Elder Abuse/ Neglect ● Police/Sheriff Call ● Forms – SOC 341 Source www.dss.cahwnet.gov/pdf/SOC341.pdf Contact your Co. Adult Protective Serv. Dept.
● Spousal or Cohabitant Abuse/Neglect● Police/Sheriff Call ● Form – OCJP 923* www.oes.ca.gov. under plans and publications Call OES at 916-324-9100
Hour 2: Ethics, Laws and Regulations for Doctors of ChiropracticReview of the Ethics, Laws and Regulations related to the Practice of Chiropractic in the state of California.
▪ Documentation ● What is Required and what is Needed ● Record Keeping – All Patients ● Medicare Documentation ● Ready for an Audit?
▪ California State Board of Chiropractic Examiners ● Purpose ● Website www.chiro.ca.gov ● Attend a Board Meeting ● CEU in Future ● Citations and Fines ● Investigations and Disciplinar Process
▪ Review of Specific Laws, Rules and Regulations ● Regulation Section 317 “Professional Conduct” ● “Unprofessional Conduct” ● Negligence ● Gross Negligence ● Standard of Care and Standard of Practice
▪ Types of Evaluations ● Quality of Care ● Sexual Misconduct ● Excessive Treatment Violations ● General Professional Conduct