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Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering The National Academies, 2007 http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11741.html. Beyond Bias and Barriers Study Committee DONNA E. SHALALA (Chair) President, University of Miami
Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering The National Academies, 2007 http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11741.html
Beyond Bias and Barriers Study Committee DONNA E. SHALALA(Chair)President, University of Miami ALICE M. AGOGINOUniversity of California, Berkeley LOTTE BAILYNMassachusetts Institute of Technology ROBERT J. BIRGENEAUChancellor, UC Berkeley ANA MARI CAUCEExecutive Vice Provost, University of Washington CATHERINE D. DEANGELISEditor-in-Chief, JAMA DENICE DENTON*Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz BARBARA GROSZHarvard University JO HANDELSMANHHMI Professor, University of Wisconsin Madison NAN KEOHANEPresident Emerita, Duke University SHIRLEY MALCOMAAAS GERALDINE RICHMONDUniversity of Oregon ALICE M. RIVLINBrookings Institution RUTH SIMMONSPresident, Brown University ELIZABETH SPELKEHarvard University JOAN STEITZHHMI, Yale University School of Medicine ELAINE WEYUKERAT&T Laboratories MARIA T. ZUBERMassachusetts Institute of Technology
FINDINGS • Differences in biology and aptitude • Pipeline • Outright discrimination • Unconscious bias • Climate • Rules, policies, and structures
Women have the drive and ability to succeed in science and engineering. • No significant biological differences between men and women that would explain differential representation • No significant differences in performance in science and math that account for differential representation • Representation of women has increased 30-fold in some fields in the last two decades, which shows that when opportunities in science are available, women take them and excel
More girls are completing advanced science and mathematics classes in high school Source: US Dept of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress, 1990, 1994, 1998 and 2000 High School Transcript Studies. Based on Table 1-8 in National Science Board (2006) Science and Engineering Indicators, 2006. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.
There are differences by gender and ethnicity for intention to major in S&E fields Source: National Science Board (2006) Science and Engineering Indicators, 2006. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation., Appendix Table 2-6.
For students who do declare a major in S&E, 60% of women and 57% of men complete the major. Source: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resource Statistics, special tabulations of the US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, Completions Survey. Data available at http://www.nsf.goiv/statistics/wmpd/tables/tabc-15.xls
More women are earning S&E doctorates Source: National Science Foundation (2006) Survey of Earned Doctorates, 1974-2004. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.
Movement up the ranks varies by field and appears inversely related to the number of women PhDs and postdoctoral scholars Source: National Science Foundation (2006) Survey of Doctoral Recipients, 2003. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation. Notes: The Survey of Doctoral Recipients includes only those who earned doctorates in the United States and may under-represent the actual number of postdoctoral scholars and tenure-tack and tenured professors, particularly in those fields such as life sciences where there are a substantial number of international postdoctoral scholars and engineering where there are a substantial number of international professors.
For more than 30 years, women have earned • more than 30% of doctorates in social and behavioral sciences and more than 20% in the life sciences • But, at top research institutions, women hold • 15% of full professorships in social sciences • 15% of full professorships in the life sciences • <10% of full professorships in other scientific fields • Minority women are virtually absent from leading S&E departments. The problem is simply not the pipeline
Women are opting out of academic careers Increasing the number of women earning S&E doctorates will have little effect on the number of women in academic positions, unless attention is paid to recruiting women to these positions and retaining them once hired.
Female and minority scientists and engineers have had to function in environments that favor white men and pursue their careers, but without the opportunities and encouragement provided to white men. • All women scientists and engineers face continuous questioning of their abilities and commitment. • Barriers limit the appointment, retention, and advancement of women faculty. Barriers accumulate as women faculty rise in the ranks. • Minority women are subject to dual discrimination and face even more barriers. Women are very likely to face discrimination in every field of science and engineering.
A substantial body of evidence establishes that most people—men and women—hold implicit biases. • Decades of cognitive psychology research shows that • Most of us intend to be fair • Most of us carry unexamined biases • These biases influence our evaluations of people and their work • In every study, there was a significant effect of the gender or race of the person evaluated, but NO significant effect of gender or race of the evaluator
Measures of success underlying the current “meritocracy” • Are often arbitrary • Are applied in a biased manner • Do not necessarily relate to scientific creativity • Celebrate assertiveness and single-mindedness • Penalize women for assertiveness and single-mindedness • Do not celebrate flexibility, diplomacy, curiosity, motivation, and dedication
Academic structures and rules contribute significantly to the underutilization of women in academe • Rules that appear neutral have differential effects on men and women • Structural constraints and expectations are based on the assumption that faculty membershave spousal support • However, most spouses of S&E faculty are employed full-time (90% of husbands, ~50% of wives) • In addition, 80% of married women scientists and engineers have a scientist or engineer spouse vs. 50% of men.
Yes = married to another scientist or engineer. S&E Spousal Demographics
Goals • Reduce career impediments for women • Provide the nation with a source of talented and accomplished scientists and engineers • Enhance our nation’s competitiveness
Commitment to take corrective action • Dedication to basing change on data • Framework for monitoring progress (see Scorecard in Chapter 6) Effective programs have three key components
RECOMMENDATIONS • University leaders • Deans and department chairs • Faculty • Congress • Professional societies • Federal agencies
Trustees, university presidents, and provosts should provide clear leadership in changing the culture and structure of their institutions to recruit, retain, and promote women—including minority women—into faculty and leadership positions. • Incorporate into campus strategic plans goals of counteracting bias against women in hiring, promotion, and treatment, including working with an inter-institution monitoring organization. • Take action immediately to remedy inequities in hiring, promotion, and treatment. • As part of mandatory overall management efforts hold leadership workshops for deans, department heads, search committee chairs, and other faculty with personnel management responsibilities • Require evidence of a fair, broad, and aggressive search before approving appointments and hold departments accountable for the equity of her search process and outcomes • Develop and implement hiring, tenure, and promotion policies that take into account the flexibility needed across the life course
Deans, department chairs, and tenured faculty should take responsibility for creating a productive environment and immediately implement programs and strategies shown to be successful in minimizing the effects of biases in hiring, promotion, and tenure. • Initiate a full faculty discussion of climate issues • Develop and implement programs that educate all faculty members and students in their departments on unexamined bias and effective evaluation • Expand faculty recruitment efforts • Review tenure processes and timelines
University leaders should work with their faculties and department chairs to examine evaluation practices to focus on quality of contributions and their impact.
Professional societies and higher education organizations have a responsibility to play a leading role in promoting equal treatment of women and men and to demonstrate a commitment to it in their practices.
Higher education organizations should consider forming an inter-institution monitoring organization. • Scientific and professional societies should serve in helping to set professional and equity standards. • Ensure that keynote and other invited speakers at society-sponsored events reflect the diverse membership of the society • Ensure a reasonable representation of women on editorial boards and in other significant leadership positions • Nominations for awards and leadership positions • Provide child-care and elder-care grants or subsidies
The fact that women are capable of contributing to the nation’s scientific and engineering enterprise but are impeded in doing so because of gender and racial/ethnic bias and outmoded “rules” governing academic success is deeply troubling and embarrassing. It is also a call to action.
Beyond Bias and Barriers (2007) http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11741.html