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Double Entry System for Assets, Liabilities and Capital

Learn about the characteristics and rules of the double entry system in accounting, where each transaction requires two entries - one debit and one credit entry.

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Double Entry System for Assets, Liabilities and Capital

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  1. Chapter 2 (Bölüm2) The double entry system for assets, liabilities and capital (Varlıklar, borçlar ve sermaye için çift kayıt sistemi)

  2. The double entry system(Çift Kayıt Sistemi) The double entry system of accounting is characterised by the following features(Muhasebede çift kayıt sistemi aşağıdaki gibi karaterize edilmiştir): Each transaction requires two entries to be made(Her işlemin iki kaydı-girişi yapılmalıdır) Each transaction requires (Her işlem şunu gerektirir) One debit entry (Borç kaydı) One credit entry (Alacak kaydı).

  3. The accounts for double entry(Çift kayıt sistemi için hesaplar) Each account should be shown on a separate page in the accounting books (Muhasebe defterlerinde her hesap ayrı bir sayfada gösterilmelidir).

  4. Rules for double entry bookkeeping (Çift kayıt sisteminin kuralları) The rules for double entry bookkeeping are outlined in the following table(çift kayıt sisteminin kuralları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterilmiştir):

  5. Or, to see this in the accounts (veya hesapları şu şekilde görebiliriz)

  6. Activity(Aktivite) The owner starts the business with £10,000 in cash on 1 August 2012.

  7. Activity (Continued) A van is bought for £4,500 in cash on 2 August 2012.

  8. Activity (Continued)

  9. Activity (Continued) Fixtures (e.g. shelves) are bought on credit from Shop Fitters for £1,250 on 3 August 2008.

  10. Activity (Continued)

  11. Activity (Continued) Paid the amount owning to Shop Fitters in cash on 17 August 2012.

  12. Activity (Continued)

  13. Activity (Continued) Combining all four of these transactions, the accounts now contain:

  14. Activity

  15. Activity (Continued)

  16. Activity (Continued)

  17. Activity (Continued)

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