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CHI SONO I PARTNER LOCALI CHE HANNO ADERITO AL PROGETTO? Le risposte le possiamo trovare nella L.r. n. 5 del 24 marzo 2004 “ Norme per l’integrazione sociale dei cittadini stranieri immigrati” Nicoletta Molinaro Regione Emilia-Romagna.
CHI SONO I PARTNER LOCALI CHE HANNO ADERITO AL PROGETTO? Le risposte le possiamo trovare nella L.r. n. 5 del 24 marzo 2004 “ Norme per l’integrazione sociale dei cittadini stranieri immigrati” Nicoletta Molinaro Regione Emilia-Romagna
Law LR n°5 of 24 march 2004 “Regulations concerning the social integration of foreign citizen immigrants” The Emilia-romagna Regional Council. What the new law means for non Italian citizen immigrants.
THE DUTIES OF LOCAL INSTITUTIONS THE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION Ist main task is to programme interventions in favour of foreign citizens who have migrated here. Thisis done by preparing a three-year plan for social integration. IT supports financially local authorities and NGOs.
PARTICIPATION AND REPRESENTATION OF FOREIGN CITIZENS AT LOCAL LEVEL The newregionallaw set up the RegionalCommitteeforForeignImmigrantswhichhas task ofhelping the regional Authority of Emilia-Romagna realizeitspoliciesof social integration. The objectof the newcommitteeistogiveeach and everyforeign citizen the possibilityofparticipatingactively in the pubblic and political life of the regional community.
THE DUTIES OF LOCAL INSTITUTIONS THE PROVINCIAL ADMNISTRATIONS Their principle task is to co-ordinate the project for the social integration of foreign citizens in their territory and to monitor what is being accomplished. Thy can also provide economic assistance to registered associations.
THE DUTIES OF LOCAL INSTITUTIONS THE MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Theirmain duty isto work for the social integrationofforeigncitizensbyrealising the programmesdesignedby the Regionaladministrationwith the help ofassociations and volunteer work(housing, social support, integration in the life of city). Theyalso help with the experiencesfor the transfer ofdeceasedforeigncitizens back home in case theirfamiliescannotaffordto do so.
REGIONE EMILIA - ROMAGNADepartment The school system and professional training Minors (under 18 yearsofage) are guaranteed full rightstostudy and can take advantageofallschool (schoolrefectory, transportation, free textbooks, scholarships, etc.) Smallerchildren can take advantageof the servicesforinfants (childrencentres, centresforparents and children, playingspaces…)
REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNADepartment Social IntegrationofImmigrantForeignCitizens Promote Italian courses for both adults and minors and encourage initiatives that to make it easier for foreigners to enter the labour market by providing information guidance and training.
It’s supports: Multiculturalcentreswhichenabledifferentculturestomeet Public initiativesaimed at improving information and communicationconcerningimmigration Initiatives in art, culture and sport aimed at emphasizing the best qualitiesof the culturesof the countriesoforigin and at creatingopportunitiesforcomingtogether.
Ecco il perché della presenza tra i partner locali CENTRI DI DOCUMENTAZIONE EDUCATIVA MEMO di Modena e CD/LEI di Bologna Ecco il perché della presenza nei gruppi di lavoro dei Centri interculturali e delle associazioni di volontariato sociale: Zonarelli- intercultural center Mondinsieme – intercultural center Family center
COSA SONO I CENTRI DI DOCUMENTAZIONE EDUCATIVA • SONO STRUTTURE TERRITORIALI COMUNALI • SONO DI SUPPORTO ALLE SCUOLE PER LE ATTIVITà DIDATTICHE • METTE A DISPOSIZIONE DI INSEGNANTI E STUDENTI E DI GENITORI SPAZI attrezzati per studiare, programmare e consulatare libri. • Collabora con i docenti e le scuole per la produzione di materiale didattico e reperimento di materiale didattico prodotto da altri • Organizza corsi di formazione e di aggiornamento, convegni e attività per docenti e genitori
CD >> LEI - Centro di Documentazione Laboratorio per un'Educazione Interculturale • It’s an intercultural centrefor the promotion of intercultural educationwithinschools in Bologna Province • The mainfieldsofactivities are relatedto: • Training ofteachers • Documentationof best practicescarried out bylocal, national and europeanschools • Multicukturallibrary and promotion ofmigrantliterature
MEMO is a service centretosupportschoolautonomywith training, documentation, information, research and relations with the territoryaroundseveral major themes, amongwhichstands the interculturalism. MEMO as Intercultural Center organizesitsfunctions and promotespecificactions and projects in ordertoassureallforeignsaccessto and useof educational services and schools; tosupportschools and educational services in the reception and integrationforeignstudents; topromote the learningofItalianas a secondlanguage in a multilingualcontext and intercultural education and topreventsituationsofhardship, neglect and schooldropforforeignstudents. memberofregional and national network ofCenters Intercultura.
The Educational Department of the Cervia Municipality deals the planning, organisational, administrative and financial managing of the school and pre-school sector of the whole municipal territory. • It is formed by 3 main sections: • Child care and Pre-school: • Right to study • Quality in school and after schoolservices • This section deals with activities linked to the development, managing and networking of projects, events and educational labs, which aim at improving quality of training and educational offer at the local schools; it is also in charge of the management of summer services and after school services.
COSA SONO I CENTRI INTERCULTURALI • In Emilia Romagna ce ne sono una ventina e sono stati voluti dalla regione per migliorare i servizi al territorio per le politiche di integrazione a livello locale. • Operano per garantire un effettivo esercizio di diritti e per l’accesso ai servizi da parte degli stranieri. • Sono di supporto alle scuole per interventi di mediazione culturale a favore di alunni stranieri.
The Municipality of Forlì represents the local community and takes care of its interests promoting the cultural, civil and economic development of its citizens. • Intervention are: Family, Childhood, Disabled, Adults, Elderly, Housing and Equal Opportunities. • The Municipality of Forlì carries out the activities it is responsible for in an integrated way through the following services: • Right to Education Service: The School Services Department is in charge of planning and managing the services for school access and attendance, as well as activities aimed at enforcing the Right to Education (fee remission for school canteen, grants to purchase books, scholarships); • Education Quality Service and Pedagogic Direction: the 6-18 year pedagogic coordination service coordinates the education services for 6-18 year children, among which pedagogic support is foreseen for Italian as a second language courses for foreign pupils in the Municipality of Forlì and the area surrounding it.
Scuola Diego Fabbri- Forli’ Progetto Comunicare senza frontiere:un passaporto per la mondialità • La scuola “Diego Fabbri” si caratterizza per la sua connotazione multietnica. • La presenza di alunni stranieri è in continua crescita: presenta una popolazione scolastica di 310 alunni distribuiti in 15 classi . • Vi sono 70 alunni stranieri inseriti in tutte le classi e sono direttamente coinvolti nella totalità dei progetti.
The specific municipal unit dedicated to schools has supported and collaborated with primary and first levelupper school in order to: • support the social cultural integration of foreign minors within the territorial context where they live; • improve their linguistic and communication skills; • improve the school learning processes; • favor the integration between italian and foreign youth < 18; • avoid school drop out.
I.P.S.S.S.C.T. DON Zefirino IODI "- REGGIO EMILIA • is a professional public institute which aims to prepare qualified personnel for the world of work • The population of the school is composed of 30% of foreign students, also recent immigrants. • For years, the institute has worked closely with local authorities, associations and networks of schools to respond effectively to issues of immigration and integration between different cultures • The Institute is able to provide: • The data compared to the emerging needs especially in the field of training and integration of students immigrants – • The practices, protocols, tools, implemented to meet those needs. - The willingness to experiment with new methodologies and disseminate new practices to improve the training and the integration of the immigrant student in the social life as well in the work field. • -the willingness to implement the steps needed to spread among students an intercultural training in support of civil coexistence, respect and appreciation of all cultures.
Project Audio Guide- Audiofiles freely downloadable LEONARDO DA VINCI –REGGIO EMILIA • School for pupils in the age range 11 -14 • La scuola ha attivato: • Progetto per favorire l'integrazione degli alunni stranieri: in collaborazione con l'Ente Locale e il Centro Servizi Territoriale vengono realizzate attività di lingua italiana come L2 (lingua due), di diverso livello. • Progetti specifici per favorire l'integrazione degli alunni diversamente abili, attraverso anche l'utilizzo di strumenti in grado di facilitare l'autonomia e l'uso di diversi linguaggi. • La scuola partecipa inoltre al Progetto in collaborazione col Comune "dalla socializzazione alla piena realizzazione dei potenziali" che prevede l'intervento integrato di assistenti educatori.
UFFICIO SCOLASTICO REGIONALE It’s the structure of the Ministry of Education OF THE STATE in the Region. The Ministry elaborates the guidelines of the educational policies of the country. These guidelines are put into effects by the School Regional Offices, which are located in all Italian Regions and are connected to the schools.
Contratto integrativo tra il ministero e le organizzazioni sindacali - art. 9- 16 marzo 2010 • Stabilisce i criteri e i parametri di attribuzione dei finanziamenti alle scuole situate in aree “a rischio educativo” con forte processo immigratorio e per la dispersione scolastica.
SWEDEN EMILIA-ROMAGNA NETWORK • SERN is a network of 54 local and regional authorities both in Sweden and Italy, particularly in the Emilia-Romagna region. • The network was founded in February 2005 with the main objective of developing in a structural manner the relations between its members in the two countries.
The main objective is, first of all, to foster relations and exchanges of good practices among the members and therefore to create a model of cooperation stretching over several policy areas and involving different level of government and at the same time a plurality of actors like educational institutions and NGOs. • In the field of education SERN has been promoting the development of several projects • SERN will participate supporting the partner regions in the coordination and management of all the activities, making sure that the project achieves its objectives, the partnership works effectively and that the products and results are delivered on schedule