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Finland. By: Ryan Haller and Brayton Ballenger. Flag. The blue color is symbolic of blue skies, and the thousands of lakes in Finland. The white represents the winter snows Based on the Scandinavian Cross Adopted in May 29,1918. Physical Characterizes. 187,888 lakes Capital : Helsinki

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  1. Finland By: Ryan Haller and Brayton Ballenger

  2. Flag • The blue color is symbolic of blue skies, and the thousands of lakes in Finland. • The white represents the winter snows • Based on the Scandinavian Cross • Adopted in May 29,1918

  3. Physical Characterizes • 187,888 lakes • Capital: Helsinki • Largest lake is Saimaa - 4th largest in Europe • 86% of Finland is forests- Largest forested area in Europe • Surface is still expanding due to post-glacier rebound

  4. Language • National languages: Swedish and Finnish • 92% speak Finnish • Best known foreign language is English • During the Russian era the Finnish Language gained recognition • Some Immigrant languages are: -Russia -English -Chinese

  5. Finland Population • 5,338,395 people - most in southern Finland -8th • Most sparsely populated • 15 people per square mile (estimated) • Growth rate: 0.084% in 2010

  6. Religion • Most are of the Evangelical Lutheran Church – One of the largest Lutheran churches in the world • 17% of Finland have no religion- second largest group behind Lutheran in the country. • 41% of Finland believe that there is more of a spirit than a God

  7. Culture • Cultural name is Finnish • Love the theatre – over 58 theatres with a permant stage In them • One custom is people in Finland don’t tip waiters • December 26th National Finland Boxing day

  8. History • First in habitants the Sami people • By 1809 All of Finland was conquered by Alexander I of Russia • Declared Independence on December 6, 1917 • Jan. 1, 1999 adopted euro as official currency • In 2000 TarjaHalonen became president. • First what of Finland?

  9. Government • Republic • In 2000 TarjaHalonen became president. -First women President • Terms of president and Cabinet • Parliament • Political Parties: Central Party, Social Democracy Party and the Conservative Party

  10. Economic Structure • Based on manufacturing • Creates many high-tech gadgets • Free-market economy • Joined the EU in 1995 • Economy depends on imports and raw materials • Unemployment rate 8.5%

  11. Tourism • Center of Ecological tourism • Public Transportation is the best in the world -Number One, Number One • Tourism all year around • Small cities so you can walk to your attraction for free!!

  12. Fun Facts • Dancing in the streets-Finland Festival • Broadcast News In Latin • 1.8 million Sauna’s in Finland • Ice Swimming • Home of Santa Claus - as an office in Northern Finland

  13. Sources • "Culture of Finland - Traditional, History, People, Clothing, Traditions, Women, Beliefs, Food, Customs." Countries and Their Cultures. Web. 16 Mar. 2011. <http://www.everyculture.com/Cr-Ga/Finland.html>. • "March Calendar of Holidays and Observances." Welcome to Shaw Webspace! Web. 16 Mar. 2011. <http://members.shaw.ca/high5/02cal.html>. • Finland Death Rate - Demographics." Index Mundi - Country Facts. Web. 16 Mar. 2011. <http://www.indexmundi.com/finland/death_rate.html>. • "Finland Religion." World Map, Map of the World. Web. 20 Mar. 2011. <http://www.mapsofworld.com/finland/people-culture-festivals/religion.html>.

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