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Beyond the Burning Time . Chapter 11- Notes. 3 women-Reactions to the trial and what they said in their defense What does Mary think about each of the 3 women's’ trials and actions? Cite page numbers Did each of the women have a fair trial?
Chapter 11- Notes • 3 women-Reactions to the trial and what they said in their defense • What does Mary think about each of the 3 women's’ trials and actions? Cite page numbers • Did each of the women have a fair trial? • Why would the girls agree with Tituba? How would this agreement be beneficial for them?
Chapter 13 • What does Gilly find that complicates his feelings for Virginia? Why would this suddenly make him angry toward Jacob? • Chapter 14 • What family rivalry do we learn about in this chapter? Who would Virginia Chase be more likely to side with? • Connect-How does this family rivalry play a role in the Salem Witch Trials? (Hint: History Channel)
Mood versus Tone • What is the difference? • These two literary terms can be very confusing so let’s take a look at some activities to help us understand the difference. Use a T-chart to take on notes on what distinguishes mood from tone. Add in your own personal comments to help you remember! • http://www.slideshare.net/sharonelin/authors-tone
Vocabulary • Biased-prejudice toward or unfair characterization of the members of a particular group • Prejudice- you pre-judge or stereotype people, behaviors, etc. • What are some synonyms for biased? • What are some antonyms for biased?
Examples • Synonyms:partial, one-sided, • Antonyms:disinterested, equal, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, neutral, nonpartisan, objective • The judges of the talent show were biased toward musical acts. • She is too biased to write about the case objectively.
Novel Connection • How would this term biased play a role in the Salem Witch Trials? • Respond to this prompt in your vocabulary notes. • References http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/biased • http://www.writeexpress.com/bias.html
Vocabulary Cont. • Unbiased- free from all prejudice and favoritism : eminently fair • Un/Dis=not How would the definition change the meaning of a word? Look at the two above vocabulary words as examples. • What are synonyms and antonyms for unbiased?
Novel Connection • In our novel on page 92, Deodat Lawson, the village’s former minister is called in as an impartial authority on the trials. Do you think that Lawson will truly be unbiased? Answer this question after reading Chapter 21.
Vocabulary • Perceive- to attain awareness through the senses or the power of observation • Example: I thought I perceived a problem, but I wasn't sure. • Perception-physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience, a capacity for comprehension • Example: The accused witches’ perception of the trials was very different from the village’s perception of the trial.
Vocabulary • Interpretation- to explain the meaning of something in a particular way • Example: Purpose to teach, persuade, inform, entertain, etc. • Synonym-to explain, clarify • Antonym- to confuse, misunderstand • The truth will only be found by careful interpretation of the evidence. • His remarks need further interpretation.
Vocabulary • Assumption-a fact or statement taken for granted • Synonym- it’s a given • Antonym-humble, modesty • Examples: I made the assumption that he was coming, so I was surprised when he didn't show up. • Many scientific assumptions about Mars were wrong.
Novel Connection • Would a perception, interpretation, or assumption be unbiased? • Why or why not? • How could someone’s bias, perception, interpretation, or assumption play a role in the outcome of the trials? • Do you think that the trials are being conducted in a way that gives each of the accused a fair, honest, and impartial trial?
Response for Thursday • Take out your picture of the witch from Tuesday. Does this picture match up with what the accused witches looked like? • In today’s culture how are witches’ portrayed? • Is this perception of witches different from Salem’s perception of witches? • What caused the change? Defend your opinion using vocabulary words like biased, unbiased, perceive, perception, interpretation, and assumption.
Example • Today’s perception of witches is drastically different from Salem’s assumption that all witches are evil servants of the devil. Times have changed allowing for religious opinions to not play a role in our interpretation of someone’s perceived guilt or innocence in a courtroom. To attempt a trial of witches in today’s society based on the Biblical interpretation of a witch would be viewed as biased and inadmissible to the courtroom. Instead, our current impressions of a witch would most likely be based on personal opinions created from Hollywood movies or fantasies of the magical. That is not to say that some people do not agree that witches are evil, but rather, persecution of witches would be viewed as a violation of their constitutional religious rights. Our society tends to be more open towards acceptance of various religious beliefs. Our society also finds a place for exploration of supernatural concepts without condemnation, and even believes that entertainment should include things that we do not understand like witchcraft.