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The Ask Twice campaign encourages people to check in on their friends' mental health by asking twice. Sometimes people say they're fine when they're not, so asking a second time can show that you really care. This campaign provides suggestions on how to ask twice and offers resources for more support.
Section Title Session 3: Ask Twice Time to Change, In Your Corner Campaign November 2019
Ask Twice Play Film #AskTwice
Ask Twice How does the character show he cares about his friend’s feelings? #AskTwice
Why ask twice? Sometimes people say they’re fine when they’re not, this can be for different reasons, for example worrying they will be judged. It can be helpful to ask someone how they are a second time or do something to let them know you really care. It can make it a bit easier for them to tell you how they really are.
How do we ask twice? #InYourCorner
With words “Are you sure you’re alright?” “I’m here if you ever want to talk” “You don’t seem yourself, anything bothering you?” #InYourCorner
With actions Send a funny photo Send them a text with one of the things you like most about them Help them with a task they need to get done Offer them a hug #InYourCorner
With suggestions “Let’s plan a trip together?” “Shall we go out for pizza later?” “Want to spend an evening gaming together this week?” #InYourCorner
Ask Twice Play Film
People sometimes say they’re alright when they’re not • You don’t have to be an expert to be a good friend to someone going through a hard time with their mental health and there is help for them and you • Asking a friend for a second time how they are can show you really care, Ask Twice End of Session 3 Key points to remember
More support • Signposting: • The Mix - www.themix.org.uk • Childline - 0800 1111 • Samaritans - 116 123 • SANE - 0300 304 7000 • Local GP • For more information: • Rethink – www.rethink.org/resources • Mind – www.mind.org.uk