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Explore the causes of WWII through global aggression, appeasement, & the failures of peace efforts. Understand why Allied leaders backed down & how Axis powers rose. Discover key events like the Munich Agreement, Spanish Civil War, and the formation of Axis Powers.
Causes ofWorld War II Global II
Aggression, Appeasement, and War • Allied leaders wanted to avoid war world peace “no more war” • Italy, Germany, Spain, and Japan glorified war and scorned peace
Dictators Challenge World Peace • Japanese military leaders wanted an empire as powerful as the western powers. • Seized Manchuria in 1931 • Withdrew from League of Nations and continued to invade China
Italy Busts a Move • 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia • Mussolini used modern weapons to win • Tanks, machine guns, poison gas, and airplanes • League of Nations ordered sanctions (penalties) • No power to enforce the sanctions Appeasement of Italy
Hitler Tests the Waters • Hitler built up military • Went against the Treaty of Versailles (stopped paying reparations) • Invaded the Rhineland • Appeasement-policy of giving in to demands of an aggressor to keep peace
Germany is on the Move • Invaded Austria to combine the two countries • Hitler scared anyone who opposed him in Austria a.k.a. “Anchluss”1938 • Western democracies stood down
Czech Crisis..Munich Conference 1938 • Czechoslovakia was one of two democracies in Eastern Europe • Hitler wanted the 3 million Germans in western Czech to be given autonomy • Hitler made a deal with Britain and France that he would not invade anymore if they gave up the Sudetenland
Why Did Western Powers Back Down? • France was politically divided at home needed British support • Britain didn’t want to confront Hitler • Thought Fascism was better than Soviet Communism • Great Depression hurt economies • Pacifism, opposition to all war Why Appeasement?
Why didn’t the U.S. oppose Appeasement & enter WWII earlier? • 1939: U.S. Army ranked 16th in world behind Romania • May 1941: # of combat ready divisions (10-15,000 soldiers) • US = 1 • Germany = 208 • # of Military Aircraft in 1941 • US = 471 • Germany = 2,700 on Eastern Front alone • Tanks: • US = 200 • Germany = 3,500 on Eastern Front alone
Spanish Civil War • Monarchy to Republic • Catholic Church and military ran the show • Revolt by peasants that forced the king to leave the throne • Hitler bombed Spain and helped Francisco Franco become the Fascist leader of Spain
Axis Powers are formed • Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis 1936 • Agreed to fight Soviet Communism • Not interfere with each other’s expansion
Nazi-Soviet Pact • 1939, Hitler makes a pact with Stalin • Not to fight against each other, divide up Poland • Germany gets guarantee of one-front war; USSR get land and time to rebuild its military • Germany invades Poland • Britain and France declare war on Germany
Why War Began? • Axis Aggression • Need for raw materials encourages expansion • Western Appeasement • Failures of Treaty of Versailles - Revise the 1919 Peace Settlement