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Welcome to our class! Our theme is "Do Your Best, Never Give Up." Learn about our class rules, consequences, bullying program, homework, and more.
DYBNGU This is the theme of our year. Do Your Best, Never Give Up
Class Rules The 4 B”s • Be kind to everyone. • Be a good listener. • Be safe. • Be the best student you can be. • DYBNGU
Consequences • First Offense: Warning • Second Offense: 5 minutes will be taken from recess • Third Offense: 10 minutes will be taken from recess • Fourth Offense: Child calls home with teacher supervision and 30 minutes will be taken from recess • Fifth Offense: Child will be sent to the Principal • Severe Clause: In the event a child physically and/or verbally threatens another child, teacher, staff member, or any other person, the teacher has the right to surpass all other consequences and sends the student immediately to the principal. In the event this occurs, the parent will be called to immediately come to school for a conference.
Bullying • The school has implemented the Olweus Bullying Program. The rules for this program are as follows: • We will not bully others • We will try to help students who are bullied • We will try to include students who are left out • If we, or someone we know, is being bullied, we will tell at least one adult at school and one adult at home.
Parent Information Contact Folder • Children are expected to bring their folder to school everyday. Please check their folder every night.
Storytown Shared Reading • Storytown is the basal reading series that we use in first grade. The phonics and comprehension skill sequence will be taught through this series. • Shared reading is the time during the day when we teach comprehension skills and review phonics skills through children’s literature. The children will be bringing a shared reading book home once a week. Please read the book with your child.
Guided Reading • We will have a Guided Reading lesson every Monday through Thursday. This reading approach allows students to read on their instructional level. It also avoids frustration and promotes good reading habits and a love for reading.
~What is the rest of the class doing while I meet with a Guided Reading group? • Your child will be working independently in centers • on seatwork • or completing a project when they are not at the guided reading table.
Homework Folder • Homework folders will be sent home Monday through Thursday. The Homework folder is divided into several color coded sections. • The first section (orange) is the Language Arts Section. When a star is placed beside an area on the chart, your child has homework in that area. Please practice reading and writing words with the rule. • The second section (yellow) is Math. Once again, when a star is placed in front of a skill, please practice that skill with your child. If I provide a worksheet to practice the skill it will be placed in the back pocket of the folder. . • The third section (green) is Shared Reading. When the book title is listed please read it with your child. These books may be read by the parent, the child or both. • The forth section (purple) is the Fluency section. The children will complete timed readings every Monday through Thursday. • The final section (pink) is the Guided Reading section. Please have your child read the book that is sent home in this section and return it to school the next day! Please sign the homework page in your child’s folder
Weekly Homework Assignments • Monday through Thursday: Guided book,minute fluency,( possible math, phonics, shared reading) • No more than 15-20 per day.
Word Wall • We will have a Word Wall in our classroom. The Word Wall will display all of the new words that we will be learning.
Report Card • All first grade classes will be administered the same report card assessments in all subjects. • First grade students will receive a report card every nine weeks. • The report is a checklist of skills based on the PA state standards that we have covered during that marking period. • Students with an 80% or below in any subject area will be given an interim report that must be signed by a parent and returned to school. • All tests with a score of 80% or lower will also require a parent signature. • Please pay close attention to the papers that are sent home with your child. • These are the best evidence that you can receive that allows you to see the areas where your child may be struggling. This also shows you the skills that you can be reinforcing at home.
Grading Scale • E 100%-94% • M 93%-80% • Sp 79%-70% • NI 69% and below
Science/Social Studies • The children will take part in daily social studies or science lessons based on the PA state standards.
Math • It is very important for students to memorize addition and subtraction facts to 18. First grade has a math tournament at the end of the year in which the students participate in flashcard and board races. • First grade also has a Math-a-thon fund raiser in April. We use the funds for our field trip in May. • Other skills the children will work on are number patterns and order, place value, graphing, money identification and time.
Writing • Our writing program is a mix of the Collins Writing program and Kid Writing. • The Collins Writing program focuses on 5 types of writing Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, etc. Students will be practicing one of these writing types every day.
Attendance • Attendance is very important. A lot of learning takes place in school. It is very important that you send an excuse with your child upon their return to school.
Book orders • I will send book orders once several times a year. Please make checks payable to the book club. Every order that you make assists in my collection of ‘bonus points.’ These points help for me to purchase items for the classroom.
Specials • Day A: Gym • Day B: Computers • Day C: Library • Day D: Art • Day E: Music • Day F: Rotating schedule • The monthly rotation will be listed on the weekly newsletter.
Newsletters • Each week I will be sending a weekly newsletter home. • All of the skills to be taught that week will be listed in the newsletter. • Special event information will also be included in the letter. • The letter should come home each Monday.
Breakfast • There will be no breakfast on two hour delay days.
Lunch money • Please send money in a money envelope. • Don’t forget to put your child’s name on the envelope. • We will eat lunch from 11:20-11:50 daily.
Birthdays • Treats can be brought in for birthdays. • Because of the Wellness Plan we ask that you consider sending a healthy treat or a non-food item. • We are not permitted to allow homemade items. All food items must be purchased from a certified bakery. • Also, the school food service offers birthday baskets that you can order to be delivered to your child’s class.
Security • All outside doors will be locked at all times. To enter the building you will need to enter the set of doors at the front of the building. There is a buzzer inside the first set of doors. Push the buzzer and a secretary will release the door for you.
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