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Quality Assurance System for Higher Education Institution (QAS-HEI): In practice. ILLAH SAILAH Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Higher Education. LEGAL BASIS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE.
Quality Assurance System for Higher Education Institution (QAS-HEI): In practice ILLAH SAILAH Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Higher Education
LEGAL BASIS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE • The Law Number 20 of 2003 : National Education System (article 1, 35, 50,52, 60) • The Governmental Regulation Number 19 of 2005, article 2 : National Education Standard • The scope of standard covers: • Contents √ • Processes √ • Graduate competence √ • Educators and educational staff √ • Facilities and infrastructure √ • Management • Funding • Learning assesment √ • kependidikan; • e. Standar sarana dan prasarana; • f. Standar pengelolaan; • g. Standar pembiayaan; • h. Standar penilaian pendidikan. • (2) Untuk penjaminan dan pengendalian mutu pendidikan sesuai dengan SNP dilakukan evaluasi, akreditasi, dan sertifikasi.
National Policy of QAS-HEI (2) Government Regulation Nr.19/2005 as to National Standard of Education (NSE) Article 4: The NSE aims at assuring the quality of national education in the framework of sharpening the intellect of the people and of forming their character, as well as shaping the civilization of a dignified nation. Article 91: (1) Any formal and nonformal education institution must conduct quality assurance of education. (2)Quality assurance of education aims to fulfill or exceed National Standard of Education (NSE).
National Policy of QAS-HEI (3) HELTS 2003 -2010 Point E Strategic Issues: In healthy organization, a continuous qualityimprovement should become its primary concern. Quality assurance should be internally driven,institutionalized within each organization’s standardprocedure, and could also involve external parties. However, since quality is also a concern of allstakeholders, quality improvement should aim atproducing quality outputs and outcomes as part ofpublic accountability.
Vision and Mission (strategic planning 2010-2014) Vision: Smart and Comprehensive Intelligence Mission: • Availability • Affordability • Quality • Equity • Assurance
NSE - HEI Standards Based on GR.Nr.19/2005 HEI Standards Exceed NSE Internally driven of National Education Q 8 NSE Minimum Standards Mandatory
QAS-HEI Existing Condition Higher Education Institution ESP BSA Evaluation of Study Program Based on Self Assessment Q Internal Quality Assurance IQA Self Assessment External Quality Assurance EQA
Indonesian QAS-HEI (1) Quality Assurance System Internal Quality Assurence System (IQAS) External Quality Assurance System (EQAS) Q NSE NSE NSE Higher Education Institution Data Base (HEI-DB) NSE Launched on 3 dec 2010
Indonesian QAS-HEI (2) HEI-Data Base National activities systemizes the collecting, processing, and saving of data, as well as information dealing with the management of HE at all of its institutions by the DGHE in order to supervise the management by the government, as instructed in Article 66 (1) and (2) of the Law of National Education System (NES); Internal QAS The systemic activities involving quality assurance of higher education at HEI by the institutions themselves (internally driven) are conducted to supervise HE management by the institutions themselves (in the shape of continuous improvement) as regulated by Article 50 (6) of the Law of NESand Article 91 of GR.No. 19/2005 as to NSE;
Indonesian QAS-HEI (3) External QAS The systemic activities involving the evaluation of suitability of programs and/or HEI by NAB-HEI or autonomous institutions outside of HEI that have been recognized by the government, to supervise HE management on behalf of public accountability as instructed in Article 60 (2) of the Law of NES and Article 86 (3) of GR.No. 19/2005 as to NSE (accreditation)
Indonesian QAS-HEI (4) • Goals and Objectives • 1. Goals • The purpose of QAS-HEI is to supervise the National HEI-DB, IQAS and EQAS to fulfill or even exceed the NSE by HEI to stimulate the effort to attain continuous quality assurance of HEI. • 2. Objectives • QAS-HEI has the following objectives: • Creating synergy between the National HEI-DB, IQAS and EQAS; • The National HEI-DB, IQAS and EQAS are to employ NSE as their exclusive or same standard.
Indonesian QAS-HEI (5) Status and Mechanisms 1. Status HEI-DBis intended to meet the requirements, as laid down in Article 50 of the Law of NES, which regulates that the management or co-ordination of the NES is the responsibility of the MONE. Therefore, this subsystem is developed to perform the tasks and to exercise the authority of the government to supervise HE management through achieving the NSE. IQAS is intended to fulfillor even exceed the NSE(continuous improvement) as an effort to meet the needs of internal stakeholders (especially students, educators and educational staff). EQASis based on the NSEor a standard exceeding this (as actually determined by HEI) and intended to specifically fulfill the needs of external stakeholders (parents, world of work, general public, and government).
Indonesian QAS-HEI (6) • 2. Mechanisms • The mechanism of QAS- HEI consists of the following steps: • a. The data and information dealing with each of the activities at HEI must be collected, processed and saved by the institutions concerned, in their own HEI-DB, with the classification of the data and information based on the NSE. These items must subsequently be forwarded, collected and saved or stored by the National HEI-DB managed by the DGHE. • The data and information concerning HEI consist of: • Data and information dealing with the attainment of the NSE covering 8 minimum standards; • Data and information dealing with activities at HEI that exceed the NSE, both in terms of quality and quantity exceeding8 minimum standards, in accordance with vision of the HEI concerned.
Indonesian QAS-HEI (7) • b. By making use of the data and information collected and stored in their respective HEI DB, HEI implement IQAS by way of self-evaluation at two levels, namely: • Self-assessment concerning the attainment of the NSEconsisting of 8 minimum standards both in terms of quantity and of quality; • Self-assessment concerning the degree to which the HEI concerned have exceeded the 8 minimum standards, both in terms of quantity and quality; • c. By making use of the data an information collected in the National HEI-DB, the NAB-HEI or autonomous institutions officially recognized by the government deal with accreditation called EQAS, with the stipulation that if the respective HEI do not achieve the 8 minimum standards, the HEI in question will be labeled“unaccredited”.
Indonesian QAS-HEI (8) • Institutional Affairs • Institutions that are responsible for performing their duties and tasks, showing their competence and assume responsibility in each of their respective subsystems as follows: • The DGHE is responsible for the management of the National HEI-DB; • Each HEI is responsible for the management of their respective HEI-DB and the implementation of IQAS; • The NAB-HEI (BAN-PT) or autonomous institutions officially recognized by the government are responsible for the implementation of EQAS.
Internal QAS - HEI QC management in Internal QAS-HEI PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) which will provide kaizen or continuous improvement in HEI Quality first Stakeholder - in The next process is our stakeholder Speak with data Upstream management SDCA PDCA SDCA PDCA SDCA Kaizen / continuous improvement PDCA SDCA PDCA SDCA S : Standard
Distribution of HE Institutions in Indonesia 3016 HEIs 15364 study program 331 244 166 91 206 334 329 248 320 481 130 123
PhD Master D IV Bachelor D III D II D I INDONESIAN QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK 9 Specialist 8 Profession 7 6 5 4 3 General High School Vocation High School 2 1 ACADEMIC PROFESSION VOCATION
What does DGHE do? Activities Results • Formulation of the guidance book • Socialization • Dissemination • Training of the trainers • Survey • Empower University to implement QAS • 2008-2009: there are 126 universities which applied excellent management • Accreditation Criterion mostly fulfilled by Universities, 2/3 of total of study program
What does DGHE do? 2010 • Sozialization attended by 1486 HEIs • In 17 regions • Intensive Technical Assistance to 126 HEIs • The best Practices HEIs:
Brawijaya University Senat Universitas REKTOR Dewan Pengawas PR-I PR-II PR-III Unsur Pimpinan/Pemimpin BLU EXAMPLE OF PUBLIC UNIVERISTY PJM SPI Unsur Pemantau dan Evaluasi BAU BAAK BAPSI BAK Biro PusatBisnis Unsur Pelaksana Administrasi Unsur Usaha Bisnis Unit LMKU UnitPenerbitan LSIH Perpus UnitTIK Unit InBis Pusat Bahasa Unit JPC Unit Lain Unit Pemb. Agama Unit Pel. Kesehatan Unit Lain Unsur Penunjang Akademik Unsur Penunjang Non Akademik FH FE FIB PKH Program Pend. Vokasi Program Pasca sarjana LPPM LP3 FT FPt FK FIA FP FPIK FMIPA FTP FISIP Lembaga Fakultas / Program setara Fakultas Unsur Pelaksana Akademik Program
QA MECHANISM IN UNPAR Decision of the foundation to set up: Team Establishment Core team implementator System team of QA Policy on QA.: 1. Vision and Mission 2. Accrediatation Results 3. Stakeholders need MODEL OF QA: P D C A – Plan, Do, Check, Action WITH CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT
S D C A P D C A S D C A P D C A S D C A P D C A S = Standard S D C A PDCA implementation
Definition on QAS in UNPAR QAS Unpar : • System of determinating, implementing, controlling, developing the quality stándar of UNPAR • Comprehensive, sustainable • Match with the basic values, vision, mission, objectives, goals of UNPAR • Formulated with all stakeholders
17 components 136 Subcomponents Unpar QAS-Unpar 17 Standards 136 Derivatives of Standars Structure of QAS in Unpar
UNPAR Strategies on QAS • Commitment of Foundation and University • Information and data warehouse establishment • Derivate and develop standards • Auditing (internal and external) execution • Continuous Benchmarking
The 5 Principals of Implementation • Quality first; • Stakeholders-in; • The next process is our stakeholders; • Speak with data; • Participative management.
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