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Acadia University 阿卡迪亚大学 Jodrey School of Computer Science 乔瑞计算机学院

Acadia University 阿卡迪亚大学 Jodrey School of Computer Science 乔瑞计算机学院. Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada. Acadia University Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. Jodrey School of Computer Science. Carnegie Hall Home of the Jodrey School of Computer Science. Dr. Danny Silver, Director.

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Acadia University 阿卡迪亚大学 Jodrey School of Computer Science 乔瑞计算机学院

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  1. Acadia University阿卡迪亚大学 Jodrey School of Computer Science 乔瑞计算机学院

  2. Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada Acadia University Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada

  3. Jodrey School of Computer Science Carnegie Hall Home of the Jodrey School of Computer Science

  4. Dr. Danny Silver, Director Acadia Gets in Your Blood ! 1977 Soccer Team

  5. High Demand / Low Supply of Talent (thousands) Unemployment: ICT < 3.5%; National average of 7.0%. Source: Industry Canada website: Quarterly Monitor of the Canadian ICT Sector - Q2, 2008

  6. Jodrey School of Computer Science • 40 years of computer science at Acadia • 25th Anniversary of the School – Oct, 2008

  7. Undergraduate Degrees Offered • CIPS-accredited undergraduate degrees, all with Co-operative Education Option: • Bachelor of Computer Science • Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours • Bachelor of Computer Science with Specialization • E-Commerce (since 2000) • Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (2009) • Game Development (2010) • Conditional acceptance with English upgrading on campus

  8. Bachelor of Computer Science • Required Courses Cover: • Java, C, Linux Programming • Math/Statistics • Computer Architecture • Software Engineering • Computer Networking • Data Structures • Analysis of Algorithms • Op. Systems, Translators • Database Systems • Artificial Intelligence • Society and Ethics • Project / Thesis (Honours)

  9. Small Class Sizes, Collaborative Work • 100-200 UG, 15-25 Grad students • 30-50 new UG students per year • 5-7 new grad students per year

  10. Great People, Facilities and Options • Faculty: 8 full-time profs, 2 part-time • Staff: Admin. assistant, CS Lab Technician • CIPS accredited degrees • In class and Open Acadia con’t ed. courses • On-site free tutoring • 100% Co-op placement over last 3 years • Research experience as an undergraduate • Many opportunities to work on campus

  11. Graduate Program Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Science • Degree requirements: • Research methods course • Four graduate level courses • Thesis project

  12. Graduate Program Graduate Funding: • Acadia Graduate Awards • Up to $9,000 • NSERC and industry funding • Used to cover students up to $7,000 • Co-operative education option

  13. Labs and Research Groups • Intelligent Information Technology Research Lab • Cooperative Intelligent Distributed Systems Group • Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Res. Group • XML and Applications Group • Web Census Research Group • HCDI - Human Computer Dog Interface Group

  14. Jodrey School of Computer Science • World class facilities (network, servers, HPC) • Home of NS Robot Programming Competition • Student Computer Science Society • Numerous faculty/student events: • Soccer, Broomball • Volleyball, Curling • Corporate duck race • Video game competitions • Ethnic pot-lucks • “Come as a student … leave as a Colleague”

  15. A Student Perspective • Han Xu (3rd year): “Acadia University is located in the town of Wolfville, Nova Scotia, approximately 100 kilometers northwest of Halifax. It is very beautiful and quiet university. The environment and atmosphere here is very suitable for study. The computer science program is well respected in Canada. I am one of the computer science students. Wolfville is a small town, but there are several Chinese restaurants, supermarkets and shopping centers around it. It is very comfortable to live here.” • 阿卡迪亚大学坐落在新斯科舍省的喔菲尔市,离省会哈利法克斯100多公里远。阿卡迪亚是一个漂亮安静的大学。这里的环境和气氛非常适合学习。电脑编程系在整个加拿大都很有名。我是其中一名编程系的学生。喔菲尔是个小城市,但是喔菲尔周围分布着好几个中餐馆,超级市场和购物中心。对于留学生来说非常适合再这里生活。

  16. Summary • Beautiful region • Great university • Great opportunities in CS • Great program - UG / G • Small class, colab.proj. work • Great people – friends for life • EAP program • Co-op option

  17. See you in 2011! http://cs.acadiau.ca/

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