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Florida Continuous Improvement Model FCIM. Science Capacity Development & School Reform Accountability Presenter : Cristian Carranza, Science Manager. Agenda. FCIM Overview : DATA (Plan) Instructional Focus Calendars (Do) Embedded Assessments (Check) Tutorial & Enrichment (Act)
Florida Continuous Improvement ModelFCIM Science Capacity Development & School Reform Accountability Presenter : Cristian Carranza, Science Manager
Agenda • FCIM Overview : • DATA (Plan) • Instructional Focus Calendars (Do) • Embedded Assessments (Check) • Tutorial & Enrichment (Act) • Coach Logs • Questions
Norms Tend to personal needs. Open your mind to new information. Organize your thoughts by writing or drawing. Listen respectfully to your colleagues. Share your ideas
How To Complete the Electronic Log http://w2k3wwwadmin1.palmbeach.k12.fl.us/coachlog/
Sign In Using District Email Log-In
Verify Information Contact Adam Miller if adjustments are needed
A WEEK AT-A-GLANCE Monday – Coach observes the teacher Tuesday– Coach models the entire instructional block using required components Wednesday – Coach and teacher co-teach Thursday – Coach observes the teacher again and debriefs Friday – Attend training
Coaching Continuum Highly directive… Highly reflective…
Questions? Student Portfolios Essential Labs Instructional Reviews Coach Logs Curriculum Framework
FCIM Overview: Build the Belief FCIM is based on a common belief… …All children can succeed!
FCIM Overview: Why Implement? • Evidence-based practices that build a district or school’s capacity to establish continuous improvement as a way of work • A step-by-step process to use assessment results to improve teaching and learning • Facilitates focused instruction with laser-like precision for ALL students
FCIM Overview: Purpose • Provides educators a school improvement process for: • Aligning school-wide improvement efforts • Increasing focus on student achievement • Using data to drive instruction • Applying evidence-based improvement tools
FCIM Overview: Random Acts of Improvement High Student Achievement = Programs
FCIM Overview: Aligned Acts of Improvement High Student Achievement = Programs
FCIM Overview: Components Data Disaggregation (Plan) Instructional Focus Calendar (Plan) Instructional Focus Lessons (Do) Mini-Assessments (Check) Maintenance (Check) Monitoring (Check) Tutorials and Enrichment (Act)
Data Disaggregation: Purpose • Data…. • Measures student progress and program effectiveness • Identifies students in need of assistance • Guides curriculum development • Maintains educational focus • Allocates resources effectively • Reports progress to all stakeholders • Promotes accountability
Data Disaggregation: Purpose 24 • Using data to make decisions: • Leads to quality instruction for all students • Ensures equity for all subgroups • Closes the achievement gap
Data Disaggregation: Assess Needs • Identify strengths and weaknesses • Prioritize goals • Consider: • How will your staff disaggregate data? • How will you use data to drive and redirect instruction?
Data Disaggregation: Review Resources Educational Data Warehouse (EDW) FCAT Demographic Report School Grade Report AYP Reports Test Specifications and Content Focus Reports
Points to Ponder Plan Data Disaggregation: Knowledge Check Why is it important to disaggregate the school’s data? Do you know each step of the DART model. Can you describe why the DART model is important to FCIM?
Plan APPLICATION • In a small group: • Draw a large FCIM diagram on your chart paper and label. (Plan-Do-Check-Act) • The PLAN section of the FCIM indicates that you are to disaggregate the data and develop a focus calendar based on the data. • Use the sample Diamond Report to discuss and list this school’s areas of strength and areas of need and list in the PLAN section of your FCIM diagram.
Instructional Focus Calendar: Purpose While all schools will follow the District Scope to cover the primary benchmarks, schools will also collaboratively create a roadmap for teaching, re-teaching, and assessing targeted benchmarks during the academic school year to address their secondary benchmarks based on data.
Instructional Focus Calendar: Components • Dates when benchmarks should be taught • Dates for weekly, monthly, and quarterly assessments • Other options to include: • Scheduled days for tutorials and enrichment • Days for re-teaching and spiraling back
Instructional Focus Calendar + = • Aligns • Sunshine State Standards • Instruction • Assessments
Instructional Focus Calendar: Segments March – May Instruction consists of other benchmarks not covered earlier in the school year and skills essential to learning for the next grade level August – February Instruction covers prioritized benchmarks and skills identified through the analysis of school’s student data
Instructional Focus Calendar • District Pacing Guide determines overall curriculum • Instructional Focus Calendar details when specific benchmarks will be taught • Not intended to replace the District Pacing Guide • Use concurrently • Customized based on academic needs of students at a specific school
Instructional Focus Calendar: Development • What will you need? • Data from past FCAT • Prioritized standards • Not all content areas of FCAT are weighted equally • FCAT assessment dates • District calendar • School calendar
Instructional Focus Calendar: Development • Mark off non-instructional days (holidays, testing days, etc.) • Determine the time available for uninterrupted, explicit teaching • Address start and stop times for benchmarks
Instructional Focus Calendar • Other things to consider: • While all schools will follow the District Scope to cover the primary benchmarks, schools will also collaboratively create a roadmap for teaching, re-teaching, and assessing targeted benchmarks during the academic school year to address their secondary benchmarks based on data. • not all benchmarks will require the same number of days • not all content areas of the FCAT are weighted equally; more time may be spent on the benchmarks that will have a more significant impact on your students’ academic performance • be flexible, there will be many unforeseen obstacles to your Instructional Focus Calendar; be prepared to make adjustments frequently • Time for Tutorial and Enrichment activities
Instructional Focus Calendar: Keys to Success Collaboratively develop the calendar with input from all teachers. Use results of data analysis to adjust throughout the year. Post calendars in classrooms, throughout the school, and on the website. Include calendars as a regular focus of newsletters. Send home an introductory letter about the FCIM process. Be flexible.
Instructional Focus Lessons : Purpose Provide a short, explicit lesson that focuses on targeted benchmarks identified through data analysis
Instructional Focus Lessons : Planning Lesson of the Day Instructional Focus Lesson Instructional focus lessons/Bellringers are part of the regular school day 10-15 minutes at the beginning of class Explicit Teaching “I Do, We Do, You Do” Model - You may have to supplement with additional materials May coincide with District Pacing Guide
Instructional Focus Lessons : Planning • The lesson should: • Be 10 – 15 minutes long • Have an explicit explanation of the focus benchmark • Include teacher modeling and examples • Actively engage students in learning • Provide guided and independent practice • Check for understanding • Include motivating materials such as graphic organizers or manipulatives
Instructional Focus Lessons : Self-Reflection What effective teaching strategies did I use? How did I engage the students? How did my students respond to the instruction? What could I have done differently?