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Explore the different types of modern slavery - Chattel, Debt Bondage, Sex Slavery - existing worldwide. Learn how individuals are trapped in these heinous practices and discover ways to combat and raise awareness about this urgent issue.
Modern Day Slavery By: Matt Welsh Foreign Policy
Background Info • Modern Day Slavery is not like the traditional form of slavery. • It is in every country in the world in some shape or form.
3 Types of Slavery • Chattel Slavery • Debt Bondage Slavery • Sex Slavery
Chattel Slavery • When one person is completely owned by another and can be inherited as property. • Traditional type of slavery used when Africans were enslaved.
Chattel Slavery • Isn’t very big anymore because slavery is now illegal in all countries and ownership isn’t needed to be a slave. • People can force someone to work without pay with violence or psychological manipulation.
Chattel Slavery • The most known form of chattel slavery in today’s world comes from wartime in certain countries. • Countries experiencing troubled times result in militia and raider attacking villages and then kidnapping and enslaving children and women.
Debt Bondage Slavery • A person enters debt bondage when their labor is demanded as a means of repayment of a loan, or of money given in advance. • Debt bondage keeps society’s lowest classes in debt to their masters.
Debt Bondage Slavery • Bonded laborers must work for however long the master says and must ask permission for their every move. • These people are paying off debts of $10-$50 but the interests are than they can pay and therefore are passed down throughout their generation.
Sex Slavery • Sexual slavery is a special case of slavery which includes various different practices: • 1. Forced prostitution • 2. Single-owner sex slavery • 3. slavery for primarily non-sexual purposes where sex is common or permissible
Sex Slavery • The majority of people in the sex slavery industry are abducted. • Mostly women and children are kidnapped and forced into the harsh conditions of prostitution.
IEARN Response • The modern slavery is an absurd, because many laws say that “everyone is equal onto the law” and it is irrational because the humans were born to be free and do what they want but they can’t take away the freedom of other person. -- Brazil
IEARN Response • I think that we don’t have anything like child labour and dept bondage, but sex slavery is impossible avoid. Of course we are not happy about it. Probably it’s also exploitation, that cheap workers from the east are fetched to do unpopular work for less money than our own workers. We all think really baldy about slavery and dept bondage but we couldn’t really imagine how it is, because we think it’s not the problem in our own country. We think, that sex tourism is a bigger problem and we think that it should be stopped. --- Brazil
27 million men, women and children currently live in slavery around the world. 500,000 children have been forced into prostitution in Brazil forced marriages Debt bonded labor accounts for some 20 million victims human trafficking victims in the U.S. runs as high as 50,000 The average price for a slave is $90 but varies. Current Status
What should be done? • No boycotts, honor slave-free certifications, be alert to news of other certifications, look for products with Fair Trade certifications, look for products with organic, local or union labels and avoid companies known to drive prices as low as possible.
Other Solutions • The U.S. should take the first steps in fighting against slavery. • Increase public awareness • Support groups that work to end modern day slavery • Ask state representatives/senators to pass anti-trafficking laws • Understand the link between human trafficking and commercial, sexual exploitation • Give money to support local organizations that help slaves escape or walk away from slavery.
Quote • “…What good is our economic and political power, if we can’t use it to free slaves? If we can’t choose to stop slavery, how can we say that we are free?”
Anti-Slavery Organizations • Anti-slavery International • Free the Slaves • The Sage Project • HumanTrafficking.org • www.saveaslave.com
Bibliography • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_slavery • http://images.google.com/ • http://www.brandeis.edu/projects/fse/Pages/chattelslavery.html • http://www.state.gov/g/rls/rm/2004/31063.htm • http://www.iabolish.com/slavery_today/factsheet/ • http://archives.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/03/08/women.trafficking/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debt_slavery • “Bitter Harvest.” UU World Magazine.