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Explore the Art of Storytelling in Grade 3

Discover the world of biographies, fiction, and fantasy through reading various stories. Learn about myths, folktales, and cultural narratives in different genres. Share your own family stories and memories. Presented by Linda Brady.

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Explore the Art of Storytelling in Grade 3

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  1. Storytelling Open Court Reading Grade 3 Unit 3 presented by Linda Brady http://www.opencourtresources.com

  2. Some stories have really happened.

  3. A biography is the true story of someone’s life. What biographies do you know? Washington’s Uniform Mount Vernon George Washington

  4. Some stories could have happened but didn’t. realistic fiction

  5. Some stories are fantasy and could never have happened.

  6. Fairy tales are told around the world. These stories were often told to children to teach them a lesson. These stories all have elements of magic. Sleeping Beauty

  7. Can you retell your favorite fairy tale? What props would you need?

  8. The ancient Greeks told stories to explain their natural environment. • Myths

  9. Each culture has its own stories.

  10. The Irish told tales about leprechauns and finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. leprechaun

  11. Folktales are stories passed down from one person to another. In early American history this story was often retold. Johnny Appleseed

  12. The American Indians told many stories.

  13. What story does a totem tell?

  14. There are many African folktales. This is one you will be reading.

  15. The Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico. Who has a story aboutit?

  16. Each family has their own stories and memories to share.

  17. When does your family eat special foods? Share a special memory.

  18. What memories do you have of a special holiday? Share your story. Happy New Year

  19. What stories do you have to tell? What is your favorite genre? What are your favorite stories to retell?

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