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The Concept of CALL


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The Concept of CALL

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  2. DEFINITION OF CALL 1. By Chapelle: CALLrefers to the area of technology and secondlanguage teaching and learning despite thefact that revisions for the term are suggestedregularly. 2. By Levy : CALL may be defined as the search for andstudy of applications of the computer inlanguage teaching and learning 3. By Beatty : CALL is any process in which alearner uses acomputer and, as a result,improves his or her language

  3. HISTORY OF CALL • Behavioristic CALL (1960-70s) The computer as tutor, serving mainly as a vehicle for delivering instructional materials.

  4. 2. Communicative CALL (1970-80s) - The computer is used for skill practice, but in a non-drill format and with a greater degree of student choice, control and interaction. - This phase also includes using the computer to stimulate discussion, writing or critical thinking and using the computer as a tool or workhouse

  5. 3. Integrative CALL (1990s) - multimedia CD-ROM - internet applications

  6. CALL ACTIVITIES • multiple-choice & true/false quizzes • gap-filling exercise/cloze • matching • re-ordering/sequencing • concordancing • web quests/searching • web publishing • online communication (synchronous andasynchronous)

  7. TERMS RELATED TO CALL • CALL (Computer-Aided Language Learning) • CALI (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction) • (CELL) Computer-Enhanced Language Learning) • CAI (Computer-Aided Instruction) : learning at the computer but not necessarily with a language focus. Use teacher-centered approach • CAL (Computer-Assisted Learning) : using computer to learn a subject. Emphasize learner. • CALT (Computer-Assisted Language Teaching) : learning language by using computers but with emphasis on teacher.

  8. 7. CALT (Computer-Assisted Language Testing/Computer-Adaptive Learning System) : using computer to assess the answer to each questions and raises or lowers the level of difficulty accordingly. 8. CAT (Computer-Adaptive Testing) : using computer but not necessarily testing language acquisition. 9. CAT (Computer –Assisted Teaching) : learning with computer. 10. CBT (Computer-Based Training) : programs used for training with narrow and shirt-term instructional goals

  9. 11. CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) : using computer as a discussion means but not involving learning. 12. CMI (Computer-Mediated Instruction) : using computer for learning when a learner communicates with distant tutor through email. 13. ICALL (Intelligent Computer –Assisted Language Learning) : programs that attempt to customize feedback features that cater to individual learner’s input 14. TELL (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning) : technology used in classroom like video, tape recorders. 15. WELL (Web-Enhanced Language Learning) :Learning language by using WWW as the medium for instruction

  10. TYPES OF CALL PROGRAMS 1. CALL-specific software applications designed to develop and facilitate language learning, such as CD-ROMs, web-based interactive language learning 2. Generic software applications designed for general purposes, such as word-processors (Word),  presentation software (PowerPoint, see an e-book made by student and spreadsheet (Excel), that can be used to support language learning

  11. 3. Web-based learning programs online dictionaries, online encyclopedias, online concordancers, news/magazine sites, e-texts, web-quests, web publishing, blog, wiki, etc. 4. Computer-mediated communication (CMC)programs synchronous - online chat; asynchronous - email, discussion forum, message board

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