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Chapter 7.1: Sleep and Dreams

Chapter 7.1: Sleep and Dreams. Mr. McCormick Psychology. Essential Question. What is the span of human consciousness , and how do people sense and perceive the world around them?. Do-Now: (In Journal). On average, how much sleep do you regularly get?

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Chapter 7.1: Sleep and Dreams

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  1. Chapter 7.1:Sleep and Dreams Mr. McCormick Psychology

  2. Essential Question What is the span of human consciousness, and how do people sense andperceive the world around them?

  3. Do-Now:(In Journal) • On average, how much sleep do you regularly get? • How do you feel after a full night’s rest? • How do you feel if you do not get enough sleep?

  4. Consciousness • Consciousness: • A state of awareness, including a person’s feelings, sensations, ideas, and perceptions • When we discuss states of consciousness, we are referring to our state of awareness.

  5. Stages of Sleep • Stage I. • Lightest Level of Sleep • Pulse Slows • Muscles Relax • Breathing and Brain Waves become irregular • Alpha Waves

  6. Stages of Sleep • Stage II. • Low-amplitude/high-frequency brain waves • Eyes roll from side to side • Stage III. • Large amplitude delta waves

  7. Stages of Sleep • Stage IV. • Deepest Level of Sleep • Large amplitude delta waves • Possibilities: • Sleepwalking • Talking aloud • Bed-wetting • Important to physical and psychological well-being

  8. Stages of Sleep • REM Sleep: • “Rapid Eye Movement” Sleep • Dreaming • Pulse and heart rate become irregular • Face or fingers may twitch • Large muscles become paralyzed

  9. Stages of Sleep

  10. “Jet Lag” • Have you ever experienced “Jet Lag?” • How did you feel? • Why do you think this occurs?

  11. Circadian Rhythm • Circadian Rhythm: • The rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting approximately one day

  12. Review • What is consciousness? • Why are levels of consciousnessconsidered a spectrum (as compared to conscious vs. unconscious)? • Which is the lightest stage of sleep? The deepest? • During which stage of sleep do dreamsoccur?

  13. Homework • Read Chapter 7.1 “Sleep and Dreams” • Pgs. 182-190 • Begin to bring books to class regularly

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