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Ethical Considerations in Food Technologies: Indian Perspectives

Explore food ethics in India, focusing on issues like malnutrition, food insecurity, changing dietary preferences, and the impact of new production and processing technologies. Learn about uncultivated foods, Deccan Development Society's initiatives, and the challenges of ensuring safe and nutritious food. Dive into discussions on food security, GM technology concerns, organic production, and the need for safe food practices. Gain insights into the cultural and environmental implications of evolving food cultures.

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Ethical Considerations in Food Technologies: Indian Perspectives

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  1. WP4Ethics in Food Technologies: Perspective from India Sachin Chaturvedi GEST Meeting, Preston, UK March 15th and 16th, 2012

  2. What are the Issues? • Growing • Malnutrition • Food Insecurity • Changing Dietary Preferences • Changing Food Culture • Food Production Technologies • Food Processing Technologies • Safe Food

  3. Malnutrition • Is it necessary to avoid traditional food system be used to improve micronutrient status of the people? • What cultural attributes and environmental constraints new technologies generate for using these foods?

  4. Malnutrition What is uncultivated food? • The greens from land that are not cultivated such as plant, creeper etc. • The greens that are not cultivated but are available as per partner crop in a cultivated field etc. • The greens that are available from cultivated plants, but the product was not the explicit objective of the cultivation

  5. Malnutrition * Deccan Development Society led movement in India on Uncultivated Food Crops: - Millets - Greens like medicinal plants Very few greens are seen in chemical fertilizer applied fields as they die when they are young due to burning effect. * Tastier - Doggalikoora is more nutritious than broiler egg.

  6. Changing Food Profile

  7. Dietary energy protein and fat consumption Source: FAO Statistical Yearbook 2009.

  8. Share of Rural population in total Source: FAO, TH E STATE O F FOOD AND AGRICULTUE 2010 – 1 1

  9. Share of adult population with chronic energy deficiency Source: FAO Statistical Yearbook 2009.

  10. Food Price Volatility • Since the food price crisis of 2007 to 2009, the number of hungry and unnourished increased to unprecedented levels. • Nearly 1 billion in 2009. • Nearly 925 million people live in Asia and the Pacific (62%) followed by Sub-Saharan Africa (26%). • Since 1990, implied price volatility has systematically increased with a peak in 2008. • The implied volatility represents market expectations of how much is the price of a commodity is likely to fluctuate in the future. (FAO 2011)

  11. Food Security # FAO: “Food security exists when all people, at all time, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. # World Bank: “Secure access by all people at all time to enough food for a healthy and active life”. # Thus plans to maintain the nutritional quality of the food supply are important to the promotion of food security. # Chronic and Transitory Food Security Lack of Access Availability purchasing power # India is one of the few countries which has experimented with a variety of food security related programmes. Food Self Sufficiency Food Availability Nutritional Quality

  12. Food Production GM technology and its concerns. Idea of labeling and associated costs Organic Production and its labeling.

  13. Safe Food • Huge amount of unsafe chemicals are being added fir early ripening of fruits and vegetables. • Also for enhancing shelf life value • Extra sweetening.

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