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Purpose: D emonstrate benefits of x-border collaboration in science

Particle physics in Brussels May 2013. Purpose: D emonstrate benefits of x-border collaboration in science L aunch update to European strategy for p article physics. Target Audience: European S&T opinion leaders and decision makers. Tools: CERN Council meeting in Brussels Press conference

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Purpose: D emonstrate benefits of x-border collaboration in science

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  1. Particle physics in Brussels May 2013 • Purpose: • Demonstrate benefits of x-border collaboration in science • Launch update to European strategy for particle physics • Target Audience: • European S&T opinion leaders and decision makers • Tools: • CERN Council meeting in Brussels • Press conference • Exhibition • Networking reception • Round table • Brochure

  2. What did we do last time? • Press release 1 February 2006: European particle physics sets course for the future • Press release 14 July 2006: CERN Council adopts European strategy for particle physics • Brochure: The European strategy for particle physics “Council will establish a network of closely collaborating professional communication officers from each Member state, which would incorporate existing activities, propose, implement and monitor a European particle physics communication and education strategy and report on a regular basis to Council.”

  3. The proposal this time • Tuesday 21 May – Friday 24 May 2013 • CERN Council meeting in Brussels co-inciding with Competitiveness Council meeting • Launch of Euro PP strategy update including brochure • Exhibition in the European Commission’s Berlaymont building on the benefits to society of investment in PP • Various receptions / meetings targeting Euro opinion formers • Round table: What do we get from Big Science • Possible VIP dinner

  4. The exhibit: five themes

  5. Key area 1: Collaborative research in particle physics • The role of particle physics and basic research, mentioning the LHC, its experiments and the worldwide collaborations as an example of collaborative research • Opportunity for the Commission to highlight its key tools for cross border collaboration • Plays to core European messaging • Ensures importance of fundamental research is highlighted

  6. Key area 2: Medical and life sciences • PP technologies are critical to many essential medical applications, disease prevention, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis • Examples to be presented/displayed • Better diagnostic tools/medical imaging (using HEP expertise in detection and imaging) • Tailored radiation treatment of disease (using HEP expertise in accelerator and beam technologies) • Production of Radioisotopes for treatment and diagnosis (using particle accelerators) • Improved or newly developed techniques for research in medical & life sciences, esp. neuroscience

  7. Key area 3: Energy and the environment • Some PP technologies extremely efficient for environmental applications • Examples to be presented/displayed • Solar panels / Vacuum for thermal solar collectors: • Greener industrial processes • Cleaning flue gases from power plants with electron beam accelerators • ADS from TARC to nTOF. • Cosmic ray radiography for volcano imaging, water resource management… • Astrophysics, geosciences…

  8. Key area 4: Communications and new technologies • PP is greenhouse for new ideas and technologies • Examples to be presented/displayed • Grid computing (communications) • GEM detectors (flame detection and earthquake prediction) • Diaphragm system technologies (mechanics) • Silicon cooling plates (microelectronics) • CERN’s open hardware license

  9. Key area 5: Society and skills • Using curiosity to inspire and enthuse • PP laboratories proven hotspots where curiosity is expressed as pure research, and transformed into benefits • Examples • High School Teachers’ programmes and PP Master classes • CERN-UNESCO schools   • Developing country work, eg teacher training etc • High value skills for the general economy, eg innovation activities, transfer of PP graduates to other sectors • Services for a safer, better world, eg UNITAR’s Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) • Security scanning applications

  10. The proposal this time • The Brochure • Will catalogue the exhibit, with 2-page summary of strategy • Press conference organization • The press conference will present the strategy • Presentation to Competitiveness Council • Details to be determined with DG research, EU office etc. • Roundtable with opinion formers as target audience • Deliberately provocative topic • Networking events • 2-3 events targeting CERN Council, Ministers, EC officials, media, industry

  11. Interactions involvement? • Activity assigned to EPPCN, led by James with assistance from small working group (STFC, SRC, Nikhef, IN2P3) • Euro members of Interactions already involved, but need for European and global coordination on PP strategy messaging • Possible assistance in sourcing real-world benefits • Additional opportunities for use of exhibit?

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