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Risk Management Training

Risk Management Training. ALCOHOL & YOU. CARSON’S STORY . On December 2, 2008, Carson Starkey died of alcohol poisoning following a fraternity hazing ritual at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Carson was 18 years old, finishing his first semester of college.

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Risk Management Training

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  1. Risk Management Training


  3. CARSON’S STORY • On December 2, 2008, Carson Starkey died of alcohol poisoning following a fraternity hazing ritual at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Carson was 18 years old, finishing his first semester of college. • Carson was instructed to split a fifth of rum with another pledge, drink two 24-ounce Steel Reserve cans and a can of Sparks, while a bottle of Everclear was passed around. He lost consciousness, showing multiple signs of alcohol poisoning, but his fraternity brothers abandoned an attempt to seek help for fear of getting in trouble. • Ultimately, Carson’s blood alcohol content at the time of death was between .39% and .447% -- over four times the legal limit for driving in Texas and California. • One call could have saved his life.

  4. The Signs of Alcohol Poisoning • Mental confusion • Unresponsive • Seizures / Stupor • Throwing up • Hypothermia – low body temp, cold / clammy skin • Erratic or slow breathing • Loss of consciousness • Pale or bluish skin color

  5. 911 Lifeline Legislation A new law passed by the Texas Legislature in 2011 means that a person under 21 won't be charged by the police for possessing or consuming alcohol if the person calls 911 because someone might have alcohol poisoning. This limited immunity applies only to the first person to call for medical assistance, only if the caller re-mains on the scene until medical assistance arrives and cooperates with EMS and law enforcement.

  6. DRUGS



  9. Synthetic cannabis



  12. DSS 101disABILITY support services

  13. DSS Staff • JoAnn Nunnelly, Director • Katy Holland, Assistant Director • Kaye Garrison, Senior Secretary • On-call Interpreters, CARTs, student assistants

  14. Laws • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall solely by reason of his disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 • (ADA-AA) A qualified individual with a disability means an individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable accommodations to rules, policies, or practices, the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, meets the essential requirements for the receipt of services or the participation in programs or activities provided by a public entity.

  15. Language • Handicapped vs. disabled • People-first Language, T.A.B. • Unacceptable terms • Wheelchair-bound • Hearing-impaired • Suffering from… • Victim of… • http://www.disabilityisnatural.com/

  16. Disability Categories • Visible vs. Invisible • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder • Blind/Low Vision • Deaf/Hard of Hearing • Mobility/Orthopedic Disorders • Other Physical Disorders (i.e. systemic) • Psychiatric/Psychological Disorders • Specific Learning Disabilities • Medical Model vs. Social Model

  17. Registering with DSS • Application • Class Schedule • Documentation verifying existence of a disability • Documentation Review Committee • Intake appointment • Semester appointments

  18. Student Responsibility • Must self-identify to the appropriate office • Must provide documentation of a condition that qualifies as a disability as covered under the law(s) • Documentation must show current functional limitations • Documentation must demonstrate support for requested accommodations

  19. DSS Responsibilities • Determine eligibility for services • Provide accommodations that provide student with equal access to university programs DSS Role • To EMPOWER, not to ENABLE the student

  20. Services/Accommodations • Interpreters, CARTs • DSS Testing Center • Additional time on exams • Note takers • Digital access for printed materials • Reduced course load • Referral resource to community agencies

  21. Services NOT provided • Personal care attendants • Tutoring • Testing or assessment of a disability • Personal equipment • i.e. wheelchairs, crutches • Transportation between classes • Academic advising • Disability parking tags

  22. CONTACT INFORMATION Disability Support Services dss@twu.edu (940) 898-3835 Denton – CFO 106 Dallas & Houston - Counseling Center, Student Life or Campus Manager’s Office P.O. Box 425966 Denton, TX 76204-5966

  23. Hazing

  24. What is Hazing? By definition hazing refers to any activity expected of someone joining a group that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the persons willingness to participate.

  25. Texas State Law on Hazing • “Hazing” means any intentional, knowing or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution. • Please see TWU Hazing Policy in Student Handbook on pg. 170-171

  26. Examples of Hazing • Threats or implied threats • Dressing in humiliating or degrading attire • Sleep deprivation • Buying personal items for other members and or performing personal service for other members • Beating, paddling, or other forms of assault

  27. Examples of Hazing • Expecting certain items to always be in ones possession. • Abductions/kidnappings • Exposure to extremely cold or extreme heat without appropriate protection • Sexual stimulations/acts • And the list goes on…

  28. Hazing:Important Questions to Ask Yourself • Is the activity going to contribute to the moral development of the person? • Is the activity one that you would have no problem explaining in a court of law? • Would you want the Fraternity/Sorority staff, parents, or media to view the event? • Does the activity require individuals to perform illegal or immoral acts? • Does the act mentally, emotionally, or physically threaten an individual? • Does the activity involve alcohol? • Would you be willing to videotape the activity and show it to a future employer?

  29. Statistics • 55% of college students involved in clubs, teams, and organizations experience hazing. • 2 in 5 students say they are aware if hazing taking place on their campus. More than 1 in 5 students report that they witnessed hazing personally. • 9 out of 10 students who have experienced hazing behavior in college do not consider themselves to have been hazed. • 82% of deaths from hazing involve alcohol.

  30. What to do if being HAZED • Contact the Greek Life Coordinator as soon as possible: Caisha Jones Office of Greek Life Texas Woman’s University cmurry@twu.edu

  31. Sexual Harassment and Assault

  32. Sexual Harassment and Assault • Sexual Harassment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints of sexual harassment must be filed within 60 days of the incident. • Sexual Assault is a felony under the criminal laws of the State of Texas and will not be tolerated at TWU. • Sexual harassment and sexual assault may be subject to prosecution and disciplinary action.

  33. Signs of Sexual Abuse • Fear responses to reminders of the assault • Pervading sense of anxiety, wondering whether it is possible to ever feel safe again • Re-experiencing assault over and over again through flashbacks • Problems concentrating and staying focused on the task at hand • Guilty feelings • Developing a negative self-image, feeling “dirty” inside or out • Anger • Depression • Disruptions in close relationships • Loss of interest in sex http://www.nsopr.gov/en/Education/RecognizingSexualAbuse#adult

  34. Signs of Stalking • Checking your cell phone or email without permission • Constantly putting you down • Extreme jealousy or insecurity • Explosive temper • Isolating you from family or friends • Making false accusations • Mood swings • Physically hurting you in any way • Possessiveness • Telling you what to do • Repeatedly pressuring you to have sex

  35. Who should I report to? Project REV • Jones Hall room 108 & 109 • 940-898-2744 • rev@twu.edu Project REV Program Coordinator • Amy Mitchell: amitchell11@twu.edu Project REV Counselor • Kathy Eubanks: kathy@dcfof.org Department of Public Safety • Hubbard Hall, Lower Level, 301 Administration Drive • 940-898-2911 Student Health Services • 940-898-3826 Denton County Friends of the Family • Outreach office: 940-387-5131 • 24-Hour Hotline: 800-572-4031

  36. Silent Witness You may choose to report a crime, concerning event, or information anonymously by visiting the Silent Witness form on the DPS page of the TWU website. • The form allows you to reveal your identity or remain anonymous.  • Do not use this form to report crimes that are in progress or request immediate emergency services • http://www.twu.edu/dps/silent-witness.asp

  37. Department of Public Safety Students may report sex offenses to TWU DPS officers regardless of where the incident occurred. The university also provides options for students needing assistance in changing academic and living situations after an alleged sexual assault.

  38. Counseling Center The Counseling Center staff is dedicated to providing a confidential atmosphere to assist all students. • Individual Therapy • Couples Therapy • Group Therapy • Crisis Intervention • Outreach & Consultation

  39. What does Project REV do? Project REV is a federal grant-funded program that provides resources for victims of the following crimes: dating or domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Although TWU is one of the safest college campuses in the country, it is important for students to be informed about these issues, which college-age women are at a disproportionally high risk of facing. • Preventative Measures • Intervention Services Project REV provides students, staff and faculty services and resources related to dating or domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, including, but not limited to: • Advocacy • Counseling Services • Education and Awareness-Raising

  40. Denton County Friends of the Family Along with community partner Denton County Friends of the Family, Project REV offers a wide range of services, which include, but are not limited to: • Academic Advocacy • Counseling Services • Referrals and Resources • Assistance with Protective Orders • Shelter Services • Presentations and Training • Awareness-Raising and Education

  41. Student Conduct

  42. Student Conduct • Students enrolling in Texas Woman’s University and registered student organizations assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational community. • The act of registering for classes or registering as a TWU student organization is an explicit acceptance of TWU’s regulations as outlined in the Student Handbook, which includes the Student Code of Conduct, the University’s General Catalog, the Graduate Catalog, and other official University publications. • TWU retains the authority to maintain order within the University and to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process or who represent a threat to the community.

  43. Rights and Responsibilities • Students and student organizations enjoy the following rights and responsibilities: • The right to an environment in the residence halls, academic buildings, and other areas on campus which will be as conducive as possible to study and serious inquiry; • The right to inquire about and to recommend improvements in policies, regulations, and procedures affecting the welfare of students through appropriate channels such as student government, administrative offices, and various committees; • The right to a fair hearing (procedure described below) when charged with violation of university regulations.

  44. Rights and Responsibilities • The responsibility for being fully acquainted with published regulations and for complying with these regulations in the interest of an orderly and productive community; • The responsibility for respecting the rights and property of other persons in the University community. • The responsibility for knowing that each student’s conduct reflects not only upon the student but also upon the university and the members of the community, and that conduct must be judged accordingly. • The responsibility to help maintain a safe environment by reporting suspicious/ inappropriate /dangerous behavior to university employees.

  45. Where the Code of Conduct Applies • The Code of Conduct applies to you as student orgs as well.  • Inappropriate conduct off campus can be considered code of conduct violations, even though it happened in Denton, Dallas, Boston, or Paris.  You are a TWU student at all times.

  46. Charter Renewal Process

  47. Charter Renewals All TWU chartered and university-sanctioned student organizations must resubmit a charter every Spring semester after your officer elections in order to be recognized as a fully-functioning organization. • Failure to provide the information by the due date will result in the loss of chartered/sanctioned status at Texas Woman’s University. • All charter renewals are due on April 25, 2014 via email to Tiffany Edwards at tedwards4@twu.edu or at the Center for Student Development front desk.

  48. Training Your Organizations • Officers who attend this training must go over the information covered with their organizational membership. • The Center for Student Development will need records of who has received this training. • The Risk Management Form will need to be turned into the Center for Student Development by Friday, March 21, 2014 at 5pm.

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