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Vines. Puncturevine or goathead Annual vine. Grows low to the ground. Forms a mat with trailing stems, each 1 to 6 feet long and hairy. . Leaves are opposite and compound. Four to eight pairs of leaflets. Fruit is hard and spiny Breaks into five tack-like sections of seeds.

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  1. Vines

  2. Puncturevine or goatheadAnnual vine Grows low to the ground. Forms a mat with trailing stems, each 1 to 6 feet long and hairy. Leaves are opposite and compound. Four to eight pairs of leaflets. Fruit is hard and spiny Breaks into five tack-like sections of seeds

  3. Ivy-leaf morning-glory Summer annual vine

  4. Field bindweed Deep tap-rooted perennial White flower Arrowhead shape with slightly rounded tip

  5. Blackberry - Woody vines

  6. Opposite leaves Japanese honeysuckle Perennial Vine

  7. Kudzu Perennial vine Leaf with 3 - leaflets

  8. Bigrootmorningglory - Annual

  9. Poison Ivy Perennial Vine

  10. Poison oak Perennial Vine

  11. Trumpet creeper - Perennial vine Compound leaf

  12. Virginia creeper - Perennial

  13. Wild Grape - Perennial vine

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