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The American Colonies

The American Colonies. Native American Culture. Way of life varied based on location: Farmers, Nomadic, etc.: Not all Native Americans are the same Organized by kinship groups: Clans and tribes

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The American Colonies

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  1. The American Colonies

  2. Native American Culture • Way of life varied based on location: Farmers, Nomadic, etc.: Not all Native Americans are the same • Organized by kinship groups: Clans and tribes • Followed religious rituals and believed in earthly spirits and forces: Believed in multiple spirits of the earth such as wind, fire, rain, etc. • Oral History and tradition • Used barter system across regions • BELIEVED LAND SHOULD NOT AND COULD NOT BE OWNED- It was everybody’s

  3. Christopher Columbus • Christopher Columbus convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to have three ships. • The three ships were: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. • He landed in the Bahama Islands on October 12, 1492. • His exploration ushered in the AGE OF EXPLORATION Picture Credit: http://www.mariner.org/age/columbus.html

  4. Christopher Columbus • Also named San Salvador meaning “Holy Savior.” • He saw people and named them “Indians” because he thought that he was in the West Indies.

  5. Columbian Exchange • As a result of Columbus’s voyages to the New World, an exchange began between the Americas and the rest of the world. • Cultural Diffusion- Spread of Culture throughout the world

  6. Columbian Exchange

  7. Countries - France a.) Active in fur trade b.) Canada and lands west of Appalachian Mountains • Spain a.) Active in Florida and American Southwest b.) Established St. Augustine- FIRST permanent settlement in what will become the U.S. • England a.) Slow to become involved – worried of expense b.) Will come to dominate East coast of North America WHY?- GOD, GOLD, and GLORY!!!

  8. Types of Colonies: JOINT STOCK Companies (Charter Colony) • Joint-Stock Companies • Owned by a corporation and stock holders • Economic ventures • Elected own officials • Jamestown, Virginia- Virginia Company

  9. Types of Colonies: Proprietary • Owned by a person or family after land is given from king or queen • Make laws and appoint officials as they saw fit

  10. Types of Colonies: ROYAL COLONY • Under direct control of the King and he appoints the Royal Governor who appoints other officials • By the time of the Revolutionary War- all colonies were considered Royal- Controlled by the King

  11. England Starts Badly • The English Colonies were established for a variety of reasons but mainly for RELIGION and WEALTH • Roanoke a.) Multiple attempts to establish colony in North Carolina (Virginia) b.) Close to 100 colonists disappeared c.) “Croatoan”

  12. Jamestown • First permanent ENGLISH settlement in North America- 1607 • Named in honor of King James • Located in Virginia • Famous Leader- John Smith • Aided by local Natives including Pocahontas • Colony saved by Tobacco and John Rolfe

  13. Jamestown • Critical to the early survival of Jamestown was the policies of the Native Americans that allowed them to establish a settlement- a decision they no doubt regretted later • First permanent ENGLISH settlement in North America- 1607 • “Virginia Company of London”: Intended for short term gain and then to be abandoned • Named in honor of King James • Located in Virginia • The CHARTER was important because it clearly stated that colonist would have the same rights as English citizens

  14. Jamestown • Early Years- Were a nightmare • 40 would be colonists died during the initial voyage (1606-07) • Dozens more died once on shore of disease, malnutrition, and starvation • The colonists were more concerned with finding gold so they spent their time searching for this instead of hunting the abundant game and fishing

  15. http://www.preservationvirginia.org/rediscovery/page.php?page_id=25http://www.preservationvirginia.org/rediscovery/page.php?page_id=25 http://www.womenlargejaw.com/node/992

  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:View_of_James_Town_Island,_Captain_John_Smith_Statue.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:View_of_James_Town_Island,_Captain_John_Smith_Statue.jpg

  17. Jamestown: “The Starving Time” • Despite effective leadership by John Smith and the aid of the Natives, the colonists were still dying in droves • Were reduced to eat “dogges, Catts, Ratts, and Myce.” (31) • Some even dug up corpses and one man was executed for killing his wife and salting her to eat • Of 400 hundred in Virginia in 1609- only 60 survived the “starving time” of winter 1609-10

  18. John Rolfe • “Saved” Jamestown because he brought tobacco seeds • Tobacco grew well in the Virginia climate • Europeans couldn’t get enough of it and Jamestown became a profitable colony at long last • Colonists would grow it in the streets and even between graves. They even had to import their food • Wore out the land, also was labor intensive which meant more labor would be needed- Guess Who?

  19. The Pilgrims • Went from England to Holland to North America in search of religious tolerance: Took 66 days • Were considered Separatists from the Puritans which wanted to purify the church • Settled the Plymouth Colony in MA in 1620 • Mayflower Compact: Named for their ship / Contract between the Pilgrims / Common good / 1st example of “consent to be governed”- similar to our constitution: FOUNDATION OF SELF GOVERNMENT

  20. Thanksgiving • Pilgrims didn’t take the land from Natives- tribe had all died • Was probably between Sept-Nov, most likely Oct. • Celebrated in 1621 but not again for many years • G. Washington proclaimed 1st national Thanksgiving in 1789 • A. Lincoln made it national holiday for last Thursday in November • FD Roosevelt moved it to the second to last Thursday…why?

  21. Pilgrims

  22. THINK!:What impacted the development of the distinct cultures of the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies?

  23. New England Colonies • Connecticut • Massachusetts • New Hampshire • Rhode Island • (Maine- will break from MA)

  24. New England Colonies • Reasons: Religious, Establish Puritan society, and Fur Trade • Economy: Fishing, Ship building, whaling and Fur Trade • Important People: - Roger Williams: Established Providence, Rhode Island and First Baptist Religion in America - Thomas Hooker: Puritan who founded Connecticut

  25. Middle Colonies • New York (Taken from Dutch) • New Jersey (From Dutch) • Pennsylvania • Delaware

  26. Middle Colonies • Reasons: Expansion, Religious Tolerance, Freedom • Economy: Trade, Farming, and Lumber

  27. William Penn • Established Quaker Pennsylvania, Wrote democratic constitution, Called for fair treatment of Natives, and wanted union of colonies

  28. Southern Colonies • Virginia • Maryland • Georgia • The Carolinas- Later North and South

  29. Southern Colonies • Reasons: Gold, Escape Debt (Georgia), Land wealth, Religious • Economy: Tobacco, Rice, Indigo Crops: Labor intensive crops- Need for slaves • Tobacco and John Rolfe saved Jamestown and Virginia

  30. Important People • Captain John Smith- Led Jamestown, Helped it prosper, “Those who don’t work, don’t eat” • John Rolfe- First successful cultivation of tobacco- became main export crop • Pocahontas- Credited with helping to save John Smith and help colony survive. Married John Rolfe- Lived in England

  31. What impacted the development of the distinct cultures of the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies? • Religion, Economy, and Climate

  32. SLAVERY • African slaves were first taken to Portuguese and Spanish colonies in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and South America in the early 1500’s • Were brought over as part of Triangular Trade between Africa, Europe, and the Americas • Portion of trip that brought slaves was the Middle Passage • Were seen as better workers than Natives because more immune to diseases • 1638- African Male cost $27 dollars (European Labor: $.70/ day) • Originally used for servants for the rich- Later more manual labor and violent

  33. Amistad • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXS6JAhMe1Q&feature=player_

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