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AMIN-HEPA INSTANT DRINK Nutrition in Liver Disorders

AMIN-HEPA INSTANT DRINK Nutrition in Liver Disorders. HE Etiology HE Pathologenesis Treatments of HE Nutritional Dilemma Unique Amino Acid formulation Clinic Evidence. 龐振宜 藥師. Hepatic Encephalopathy. Neuropsychiatric syndrome Multifactorial etiology Secondary to hepatic failure

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AMIN-HEPA INSTANT DRINK Nutrition in Liver Disorders

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  1. AMIN-HEPAINSTANT DRINKNutrition in Liver Disorders • HE Etiology • HE Pathologenesis • Treatments of HE • Nutritional Dilemma • Unique Amino Acid formulation • Clinic Evidence 龐振宜 藥師

  2. Hepatic Encephalopathy • Neuropsychiatric syndrome • Multifactorial etiology • Secondary to hepatic failure • Synonyms • Portal-systemic encephalopathy • Hepatic coma J.Y. Pang

  3. Stage of Hepatic Encephalopathy Modified Parsons-Smith Rating Scale J. Y. Pang

  4. Pathogenesis of Hepatic Encephalopathy Theories • Amino acid imbalances • BCAA/AAA False neurotransmitters • Methionine • Tryptophan • Ammonia • Unified theory - BCAA/AAA + NH3 • Mercaptans • Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA) • Increased cerebral sensitivity J. Y. Pang

  5. Amino acid imbalancesTheory Blood Brain Barrier Brain Liver AAA MET NH3 BCAA Protein intake Muscle James, et al; Lancet, 1979 J. Y. Pang

  6. Abnormal plasma amino acids:chronic liver disease 400 Glu 350 Phe Asp Meth 300 250 Tyr % of Normal 200 Try 150 Gly 100 Orn Thr Ser Lys Tau His Val 50 Leu Arg Pro Ala Ileu Essential Non-Essential Cerra, et al; JPEN, 1985 J. Y. Pang

  7. Protein Intolerance/Hepatic Encephalopathy Cycle Hepatic Encephalopathy Liver Failure Protein Intolerance Malnutrition Catabolism Protein Restriction J. Y. Pang

  8. Reasons for malnutrition • Outpatient • Anorexia, nausea, vomiting • Poor diet • Malabsorption • Hypermetabolism/hypercatabolic state • Inpatient • Abnormal metabolic state, anorexia, malabsorption • Unpalatable diet (low Na, low protein) • Fasting for tests • G-I bleeding, PSE J. Y. Pang

  9. 肝臟疾病氨基酸配方TalAmine Hepa 8% inj. • 高枝鏈氨基酸 High BCAA (36%) • 低芳香環氨基酸 Low Aromatics • BCAA:AAA = 37:1 • Low Methionine • Iso:Leu:Val ratio =1:1:1 • 完整蛋白質配製 (for liver disease) • 48小時改善肝昏迷 • 療效優於傳統治療 • 改善體內氨基酸不平衡 • 良好正氮平衡 龐振宜

  10. Hepatic Amino Acids SupplementAMIN-HEPA • Leucine • Increase protein synthesis • Decrease protein breakdown • BCAA • Energy source • Regulation amino acids • Hepatic protein synthesis • Metabolism of ammonia • Decrease plasma AAA • Decrease proteolysis • Competition of BCAA with AAA for BBB • increase norepinephrine synthesis J. Y. Pang

  11. Hepatic Amino Acids Supplement AMIN-HEPA • BCAA (42%) • AAA • MET • BCAA/AAA ratio ( 15:1) J. Y. Pang

  12. Hepatic Amino Acids Supplement AMIN-HEPA Per Serving % Calories Serving Size 55g Calories 250 Kcal Carbohydrate 35g 56 Fat 8g 28 Protein 10g 16 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate 7.25g L-leucine 1.10g L-isoleucine 0.88g L-Valine 0.77g

  13. Hepatic Amino Acids Supplement AMIN-HEPA ** No US RDA as been established J. Y. Pang

  14. Hepatic Amino Acids SupplementMulticenter Study • Inclusion Criteria • Stable hepatic disease • Protein intolerant (20-40 Gm/day) • Exclusion Criteria • > Grade 1 encephalopathy • Acute illness Horst, et. al; Hepatology, 1984. J. Y. Pang

  15. Tolerance to Hepatic AA Supplementvs.. Dietary Protein 88% 10% Percent of Patients Developing Encephalopathy J. Y. Pang Horst, et. al; Hepatology, 1984

  16. Increased the blood Fischer's ratio compared to the hepatopathy diet alone (on a molar basis) 2.0 p<0.01 Group first receiving the control treatment Fischer's ratio 1.0 Group first receiving Hepatic AA Suppl. 0.5 Control period 0 Before treatment Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Period of the Hepatic AA Suppl. Hayashi, S., et al: JJPEN 9(3):425-435, 1987 J.Y. Pang

  17. Time course of blood ammonia level (%) 150 Group first receiving Hepatic AA Suppl. 100 Percentage relative to the pretreatment value Group first receiving the control treatment 50 Control period 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Before treatment Period of the Hepatic AA Suppl. Hayashi, S., et al: JJPEN 9(3):425-435, 1987 J.Y. Pang

  18. Improved the impaired nitrogen balance in a severe hepatopathy model (mg N) Aminals that underwent hepatic resection Nitrogen balance value day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Group treatd with marketed preparation for enteral nutrition Group treated with Hepatic AA Suppl. Ohashi, H.,et al:The Clinical Reports, 21(6):2533-2541,1987

  19. AMIN - HEPA INSTANTA nutritionally complete diet for liver disease Log rank test p<0.05 Wilcoxon rank test p<0.05 Gehan-Wilcoxon test p<0.05 Hepatic AA Suppl. (n=31) 纍積生存率 Historical Data (n=31) (月) 16th Asia Pacific Hepatologic Congress Feb. 1988 J. Y. Pang

  20. AMIN - HEPA INSTANTA nutritionally complete diet for liver disease 配製 口服 210ml water with one pack of Amin-Hepa 管餵 4 packs of Amin-Hepa into 840ml water as 1 liter solution 用量 完全以Amin-Hepa 為營養來源, 每日6-8 包 治療劑量每日4包 J. Y. Pang

  21. AMIN - HEPA INSTANTA nutritionally complete diet for liver disease • INDICATION • Hepatic encephalopathy / protein intolerance • Malnourished liver disease patients • Cirrhosis • Hepatitis • Liver transplant J. Y. Pang

  22. AMIN - HEPA INSTANTA nutritionally complete diet for liver disease • Well tolerated enteral supplement for protein intolerant patients • Reduces risk of protein - induced hepatic encephalopathy • Promotes positive nitrogen balance • Improves abnormal plasma amino acid pattern • Does not elevate blood ammonia levels J. Y. Pang

  23. AMIN - HEPA INSTANTA nutritionally complete diet for liver disease BENETITS • Significantly lessens risk of protein-induced HE • Promotes positive nitrogen balance • Modified AA pattern is better tolerated than dietary protein • Flexibility as oral drink or tube feeding can improve patient compliance J. Y. Pang

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