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New Medical Technologies: The PET/MRI

New Medical Technologies: The PET/MRI. By Jenny Latta. Introduction. Modern medicine requires modern technology . D iscovery of x-rays in 1895 Ultrasound , CTs, PETs and MRIs have revolutionized medicine, allowing radical invasive surgeries What’s the latest great advancement?.

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New Medical Technologies: The PET/MRI

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  1. New Medical Technologies: The PET/MRI By Jenny Latta

  2. Introduction • Modern medicine requires modern technology. • Discovery of x-rays in 1895 • Ultrasound, CTs, PETs and MRIs have revolutionized medicine, allowing radical invasive surgeries • What’s the latest great advancement? *For more info about the history of medical technology, visit http://www.planetseed.com/relatedarticle/20th-century-and-role-technology

  3. Background Information • Bolle, Volgyes, Rissiand Hines, particle physicists at the University of Oslo in Norway (Vogt, Vngve)

  4. Technology (Dolson, Laura)

  5. advantages • Higher image quality and soft-tissue contrast • a faster diagnosis with increased accuracy Reduce radiation exposure • Procedure takes less time • one scan instead of two

  6. disadvantages Differences in procedures/preparations adds time • Combining them might degrade the performance of either • Expensive • Advanced training for staff • Space constraints & Retrofitting • Redo spaces for extra weight/support spaces (uptake rooms) • * visit http://rad-planning.com/RADblog/2012/02/28/pet-mri-the-new-kid-on-the-block/for more info on advantages/disadvantages

  7. Availability and use • Currently, 3 companies declare availability of PET/MRI devices: • PHILIPS, SIEMENS, & GE • Presently, there are only ~30 machines in use • Mainly at research institutions

  8. conclusion • PET/MRI scanners could • Revolutionize/replace current scanning procedure/machinery • likely impact clinical practice within the next few years • The PET/MRI has great life-saving, industry-altering potential.

  9. Thank you! • References: • Dolson, Laura. "CATs 'n' PETs: A Guide to Cancer Imaging Technologies." N.p., 2001. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. <http://www.baymoon.com/~gyncancer/library/weekly/aa071601a.htm>. • Judenhofer, Martin S., Pichler, Bernd, Kolb, Armin and Wherl, Hans F. "PET/MRI: The Next Generation of Multi-modality Imaging?" NCBI.gov. National Center for Biotechnology Information, May 2008. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2762705/>. • Vogt, Vngve. "New Cancer Scanner Halves Radiation." Apollon.com. Apollon, 22 Aug. 2012. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. <http://www.apollon.uio.no/english/articles/2012/pet.html>.

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