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Bally Chohan IT Solutions

Bally Chohan IT Solution is an UK based IT Service Company. Bally Chohan is an IT Professional.

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Bally Chohan IT Solutions

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  1. In-Game Advertising Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com

  2. What is In-Game Advertising? By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com Put simply, in-game advertising is serving ads into a game environment, but the nuances vary dramatically. For some 3D games, in-game ads appear as posters or billboards in the virtual world. For online 2D casual games, in-game ads can replace an object in the game with a branded product, or even serve a branded quest into the game for a week long run.

  3. The World of Gaming By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com With advancing technology, videogames have become increasingly interactive, common and addicting. Videogames are now accessible in our homes, at work, and on our cell phones The internet allows players to interact with other players around the world

  4. Industry Facts By Bally Chohan 72% of American households play computer or video games The average game player age is37 58% of players are male and 42% are female 19% of most frequent game players pay to play online games 55% of gamers play games on their phones or handheld device In 2010, consumers spent $25.1 billion on the games industry Gamers spend on average, 8 hours a week playing games www.ballychohan.com

  5. Sales Growth By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com

  6. Types of In-Game Advertising By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com In-Game ads can either be “dynamic” or “static.” Static ads stay the same every time the game is played. They are typically hard-coded during the development and appear as billboard or props, like vending machines. Dynamic ads can be changed over the internet for online players.

  7. Main Categories Featured in IGA By Bally Chohan Automotive Beverages Fast Food Companies

  8. Significance for Advertisers By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com Videogame industry is huge and it keeps growing DFC, a research company that specializes in the video game industry, predicts that in-game advertising spending will double from $3.1B to $7.2B by 2016 53% of players are ages 18-49, so if this your target in a campaign, in-game advertising could be very beneficial

  9. In-Game Advertising: Example 1 By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com McDonald’s Campaign

  10. Advantages of In-Game Advertising By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com Easy to target a particular market accordingly with a videogame genre Quickly reaches consumers, ex: (Farmville, which launched on June 19th 2009, reached 50 million users by October 1st of the same year) Effective in increasing brand awareness, and especially effective at priming audiences for engagements and sponsorships within associated gaming environments

  11. Advantages Continued By Bally Chohan According to Microsoft’s Massive (an in-game ad serving company for Xbox & PC), in-game advertising has been found to increase purchase intent by 24%, brand recommendation by 23% and, overall brand rating by 32% In-game advertising also has a greater advantage over TV since, TV spots only feature 30-60 seconds of commercials & a typical in-game advertisement exceeds 300 seconds! www.ballychohan.com

  12. Advantages Continued By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com New medium to reach consumers Ads are unavoidable in a virtual environment High reach due to the growing popularity of video games

  13. Disadvantages of In-Game Advertising By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com High game repetition creates a negative brand attitude Difficult to plug a product on an alien planet in the year 2553 in Halo, or do the same in a fictional medieval world filled with dragons and orcs in Skyrim

  14. In-Game Advertising: Example 2 By Bally Chohan www.ballychohan.com Obama’s 2008 campaign

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