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SNV and UNDP ACTIVITY AGREEMENT 4 Rwanda. Title of Rwanda AA4. Reinforcing Capacities of Local Governments to integrate Gender in Decentralized Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) Planning in line with the National EDPRS. Objectives.

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  1. SNV and UNDP ACTIVITY AGREEMENT 4 Rwanda UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  2. Title of Rwanda AA4 • Reinforcing Capacities of Local Governments to integrate Gender in Decentralized Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) Planning in line with the National EDPRS UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  3. Objectives • Objective 1: Improved baseline information on gender in five representative districts • Objective 2: Improved integration of gender-based analysis into the EDPRS district policies and plans • Objective 3: Improved implementation and monitoring of gender sensitive EDPRS district plans • Objective 4: Increased understanding of gender issues amongst the population in districts UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  4. Surveys will be conducted in the districts of Nyarugenge, Musanze, Ngororero, Nyamagabe and Bugesera (MDV) – one in each province • We shall generate gender-based data that will be used to improve integration of gender-based analysis into the EDPRS district policies and plans • We shall use the information to propose how implementers of EDPRS district policies and plans will systematically gather and examine information on gender differences and social relations in order to identify, understand and redress inequalities based on gender UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  5. We shall determine in which areas MDGs • and, in particular, gender advocacy needs to be concentrated • We shall determine existing differences between the performance of men and women on any particular indicator of development • PRSP1 contained strategies to bring a gender perspective to all aspects of institutional policies and activities through building gender capacity and accountability. We shall analyse policies, plans and institutions in terms of how they applied gender-related criteria in the PRSP1 UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  6. We shall organise and conduct workshops to raise awareness of local governments about engendering the EDPRS • To support the effective participation of stakeholders at local government levels with gender sensitivity, we shall train people from the five districts who will conduct gender awareness workshops to stakeholders UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  7. This includesawareness on gender • equality where women have the same opportunity in life as men, e.g. • the ability to participate in the public domain • equivalence in life outcomes • equality in distribution of power and resources • This also includesawareness on gender blindness, that is failing to notice the differences between men and women in analyses, policies or development activities UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  8. Based on survey and workshops we shall propose clear benchmarks and indicators on gender for use in the EDPRS • These are measures of gender-related changes in society over time • They include sex-disaggregated indicators that provide separate measures for men and women on a specific indicator (e.g. literacy rates) • or gender-specific indicators for issues specifically relevant to women or men (e.g. gender-based violence) UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  9. ACTION PLAN UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  10. UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  11. Achievements • AA4 built on collaborative work already done at national level on engendering the EDPRS • Strong relationships between UNDP/ SNV – CD&RR/ focal points/ technical expertise/ financing • Support from international/regional levels UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  12. Achievements • Regular steering committee meetings, representatives of MIGEPROF, MINECOFIN, MINACOM, District mayors, NCW, SNV advisors • Involvement of National University of Rwanda • Involvement of SNV advisers in four SNV active districts with JAFs, and the UNDP focussed MDV • Methodology of instruments and surveys developed and improved and survey work begun SNV Rwanda

  13. Challenges • Unclear procedures – slow start • Funding challenges – long delays • Only 25 percent available in the first instance • Difficulties applying Prodoc/ Atlas – but consequent linking with UNDP MDG program proved valuable • Recruitment procedures – slow approval • Staff turnover at UNDP • Lack of staff and time constraints at local level – district decentralisation slow UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  14. Good practices, emerging innovations • Developing commitment between SNV and UNDP, CD and RR, focal points and technical advisers • Building on collaborative work between development partners, INGOs, NGOs and government staff • Working in harmony with Government policy of EDPRS and decentralisation policies • Taking advantage of SNV work with local government in districts at meso level and UNDP focus on national policy • Building AA4 into SNV sector work in the districts with several Advisers and UNDP MDG focus and mutual sharing of strategies UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

  15. Good practices, emerging innovations • Participative approaches for the comprehensive surveys • Identifying achievements of PRSP and gender • Capacity for gender mainstreaming within the district governments • Overall development of goals and achievements within the local context • Looks beyond traditional areas of education and health to WaSH infrastructure, land ownership, agriculture, credit, economic development • Deals with gender-specific issues, GBV, tr, g-d data Ongoing cooperation with UNCDF, UNIFEM, local govts UNDP-SNV Focal Points Meeting Nairobi !6-17 May 2008

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