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Quick Review of Part 1. What signs are their that the African continent is still struggling to develop? Old problems: GNP growth rate in Africa vs rest of world Public health crises Water supply & sanitation Drought famine refugees Urban explosion
Quick Review of Part 1 • What signs are their that the African continent is still struggling to develop? • Old problems: • GNP growth rate in Africa vs rest of world • Public health crises • Water supply & sanitation • Drought famine refugees • Urban explosion • Exploitation of natural resources by outside (oil)
New problems: • Drug + fake medicine trafficking • E-waste dumping • Cybercrimes • Piracy • Land grabbing
What indications are there that growth has begun in certain sectors? • Increased GNP & GDP growth since 2009 • Rise in FDI • Better integration in globalization (increase container traffic along ports) increased trade with Asia + N. America • Increased role of BRICS in African development • Urban growth source of modernization • Social recomposition – rise of middle class • Entrepreneurs with world ranking
Boom of African Mobile Telephone Industry Cell Phone subscriptions Mobile subscriptions in Africa rose from 54m to almost 350m between 2003 and 2008, the quickest growth in the world. Source: The Guardian Oct, 2009 Between2007 and 2012, the number of mobile phone subscribers in SubsaharanAfricaincreased by 18% a year Source: Jeune Afrique 12/11/2013 30 25 Land Lines Internauts 20 15
Today, 17 out of 19 million Kenyans have a M-Pesa account. (…) According to the Gallup Institute, 66% of money transferscarried out in Kenya weredone by mobile phone (2% by banks) and the continent is leader in this type of transaction. Source: Le Monde, 18/08/2013 http://pritamkabe.wordpress.com/ http://www.innov8tiv.com/ Source: Vodafone Video: M-Pesa Ad
Source: Union Internationale des Télécommunications 2009 http://www.cgtfapt77.fr/
ProjectedAfricanUnderseaCables for 2012 and 2014 Sources: http://www.lemonde.fr/ http://economie.jeuneafrique.com/
"On l'aura compris, les femmes africaines n'ont pas la partie facile. Mais cette difficulté est aussi ce qui les rend fortes. La formidable puissance économique et sociale des femmes africaines distingue en effet ce continent du reste du monde. Leur présence massive dans le secteur informel et la production de biens alimentaires font d'elles des agents économiques de premier plan, que l'émergence d'une société civile conduit de plus en plus à s'organiser. C'est désormais surtout avec les réseaux de femmes, coopératives de production, syndicats agricoles, associations de quartiers, que traitent les ONG internationales". Source: Sylvie Brunel (Sciences humaines, 03/03/2012) Creating a climate of success for women in Africa is not simply smart economics, it is integral to the continent’s development effectiveness, referenced by a direct correlation between women’s empowerment, national GDP growth, private sector growth, environmental sustainability and improved health outcomes. The implications for human development are vast, but remain unharnessed. Instead, marginalization of women as economic actors is compromising a continent poised for a massive economic boom. Women’s disempowerment is particularly glaring in Africa’s agricultural sector. Women are Africa’s principal food producers: according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, they make up 70 percent of the agricultural labor force and are responsible for 80 percent of food production and 60 to 90 percent of marketing, in addition to grueling household responsibilities.
Why African women are the drivers of development • Women are a formidable economic force across emerging markets in Africa, yet their role in economic production remains largely unrecognized. Their continued inability to access and control economic and social capital assets and resources has been a central factor in perpetuating Africa’s poverty trap and keeping the economic performance of many African states below their potential. • “We need to ensure that the energy, skills, strength, values and wisdom of women become an integral part of the remodeled economic infrastructures now being developed by global leaders. Empowering and investing in women is part of a global solution for us all, now and in the future.” • -GraçaMachel, African Elder, Activist and Former First Lady of Mozambique and South Africa
2008: creation of the TanzaniaWomen’sBank (TWB) December 9, 2006 : Tontine in the district of Niamakoro, Bamako, Mali. Networks of women generally turn to the voluntary system of group savings, the tontine, to start businesses. The secretarywrites down the amountcontributed by each of the participants. Source: http://civilisations.revues.org/
In Rwanda, womenoccupy 51 deputyseats out of 80, i.e. 64% since the legislativeelections in 2013 WangariWaathai, prix Nobel de la paix 2004 (1° femme africaine lauréate) http://www.jeuneafrique.com/ 19/07/2011 Video: Taking Root - The vision of WangariWaathai 0 – 6’48
E- Democratic Aspirations Magazine Carto, juillet-août 2010 http://www.carto-presse.com/
“Africa is rich. It doesn’t need help. What it needs is more transparency.” Mo Ibrahim Ibrahim Prize: Annual Prize given to the African country with the highest score /100 Based on 4 indicators: Safety & Rule of Law Participation & Human Rights Sustainable Economic Opportunity Human Development. Link: Mo Ibrahim Foundation
III- Challenges to Meet A- The sheernumbers African Population estimation(according to UN data)1700 ≈100 million, i.e. 17% world population1900 ≈100 million, i.e. 6% world population2010 ≈1 billion, i.e. 14% world population2050 ≈2 billion, i.e. 22% world populationAnd controversial long-termestimates of 3.6 billion in 2100 out of 10 billion total, or 1/3 of the world population
Rwanda, in Equerre Blogspot The Specter of overpopulation - Fear of the numbers - Fear of exhaustion of natural resources - Fear of migratory flows ⇒ neo-malthusian perspective
B- Challenges of education/ a youthful population % of population under 15 Literacy Rate % GDP on education
Major gaps between countries • Population under 15 years of age • 41% of sub-Saharan African inhabitants • 31% in North Africa • Education major objective but with huge gaps • More than 80% children receive primary education in Gabon • Only 30% in Niger • Sub-Saharan Africa 1/16 students go abroad for studies • BRAIN DRAIN inhibits development
Infrastructure lacking in all areas • Meeting the needs of ever increasing needs for urban planning and development • Safe drinking water • Sewage systems • Transport systems • Electricity • Electrical power outages & dirt roads common due to lack of funding Video: TED Talk: “How I Harnessed the Wind” by William Kamkwamba 4’12
Transportation Main roads Railroads Ports Which ports are the main ones in subsaharan Africa? What do you notice about the road and rail infrastructure?
African Regional Organizations 2006 http://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/
E- The “Curse of natural resources” Challenge ITIE : Initiative for the transparency in the extractive industries 2002 Coalition composed of governments, businesses, civil society groups, investors and international organizations http://www.publishwhatyoupay.org/
EITI: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Source: http://eiti.org/en Video: EITI - Seeing results from natural resources 2013
AfricanLegal Support Facility Creation by the AfricanDevelopment Bank (ADB) in 2008. Objective: provide assistance to governments in the drafting of contracts Financing of teams of international experts in association with local executives in order to train them
Recent examples of renegotiations http://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2013/04/26/une-tendance-de-fond-liee-a-la-hausse-des-cours-mondiaux-des-minerais_3167361_3212.html Where has the government increased taxes for foreign extraction companies? Where has the government gained shares in the company? In which countries have contracts been renegotiated? Where have local investors gained shares in the business? Times are changing for Areva. Practically automatic up until the mid 2000’s, the renewal of contracts now goes through a proper negotiation process. And right from the start Mr. Issoufou warned that they would take place on an equal partner basis. With the return of democracy in Niamey, they are also taking place under the watchful eye and pressure of the public, elites and NGO watchdog groups such as Oxfam France and the Nigerian network of organizations for transparency and budgetary analysis (ROTAB). Source: Jean-Michel Bezat, ”Uranium : pourquoiArevapeine à renouvelersescontrats au Niger”, Le Monde.fr | 25.03.2014
Where are growth rates rising? • Where are they falling? • Do you recognize any regional or product related patterns? • For the 2 countries in red, can you explain their dramatic downturn in growth?
Figure 2: Evolution of the % of population living below the poverty threshold ($1.25 a day) between 1998 and 2008 Figure 1: Evolution of GDP per capita, 1990-2009 http://www.pnud.bf/DOCS/report_omd.pdf
Regional Economic Dynamics Economic Dynamism Shadow Zones Regional Groups Economic motor of Subsaharan Africa The Locomotives Other Subsaharan African States Outside of State control
Natural Resource Management Mineral Resourcs: Diamonds, Cobalt, Copper, Chrome, Pewter, Iron, Manganese, Nickel, Gold, Platinum, Lead, Zinc, Bauxite, Energy Resources: Petroleum, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal Where is foreign investment in mining concentrated? What about foreign investment in petroleum? Which areas are in conflict? Which are politically unstable? Which are politically stable?
“In Western countries, we only hear about Darfour, Zimbabwe, Congo, Somalia, as if there were only those countries. There are fifty-three countries on the continent, and many of them are doing very well….” Mo Ibrahim while conferring the Mo Ibraham Prize in 2008, quoted in Courrier international, 7 January 2010
UrbanSprawl The growth of Ouagadougou from 1975 to1993,in Ouagadougou et ses enjeux, Laval University dissertation Québec,Reine Bohbot, 2008
Comparison of Demographicgrowthbetween China, Europe and AfricaSource: United Nations
Manioc Harvest, unspecified location, in Encyclopédie Larousse, 2004 Young medecine merchant in a street in Yaoundé in « journal du Cameroun » 03.07.2010
Ipola-Foulla, Burkina-Faso, 2005 (Syfia photo) « (…)Le paysan africain, qui, depuis des millénaires, vit avec les saisons, dont l’idéal de vie est d’être en harmonie avec la nature, ne connaît que l’éternel recommencement du temps rythmé par la répétition sans fin des mêmes gestes et des mêmes paroles. (…)l’homme reste immobile au milieu d’un ordre immuable ou tout semble écrit d’avance » Speech by Président Sarkozy, pronounced in Dakar July 26, 2007, written by Henri Gaino
Video: Dominion Farms • Evaluate the foreigninvestmentdevelopmentproject by Dominion Farms in light of Sarkozy’s speech in Dakar 7 yearsago.