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Review Energetics Part 1

Review Energetics Part 1. 3/4/14. Concept 1: The 4 Macromolecules. What are they? Carbs Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins. Carbs. Main Purpose Quick ENERGY to burn The most commonly used for energy, first to be digested for energy Monomer  Monosaccharide Glucose

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Review Energetics Part 1

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  1. Review EnergeticsPart 1 3/4/14

  2. Concept 1:The 4 Macromolecules • What are they? • Carbs • Lipids • Nucleic Acids • Proteins

  3. Carbs Main Purpose • Quick ENERGY to burn The most commonly used for energy, first to be digested for energy MonomerMonosaccharide • Glucose • Galactose (component of milk) • Fructose (found in fruits) Polymer Polysaccharides • Starch (chain of glucose molecules) • Glycogen (animal starch, released from liver) • Cellulose (plant starch) Energy storage: 4 calories/gram

  4. Lipids Main Purpose • Long-term Energy Storage Holds the most energy, the second to be digested for energy Examples • Fats, oils, hormones, steroids, phospholipids • MonomerFattyAcids • PolymerPhospholipids, steroids, cholesterol Energy Storage: 9 calories/gram Lipids are made of glycerol heads and fatty acid tails.

  5. Nucleic Acids Main Purpose • Store & transmit hereditary or genetic information Examples • DNA, RNA Monomers Nucleotides Polymer Nucleic Acid Energy storage: 4 cal/gram Nucleotides consist of 3 parts: 5-carbon sugar Phosphate group Nitrogenous base

  6. Proteins When proteins are eaten, they are (glucose) broken down into monomer units (small pieces) that can be recycled and rebuilt into whatever the body needs. **Proteins are NOT used for energy** 1. Transport Proteins: Transports substances in & out of cells (ex. Hemoglobin) 2. Structural Proteins: Used to form bones and muscles (ex. Collagen) 3. Hormones: regulate cell processes (ex. Insulin) 4. Contractile Proteins: Help with muscle contractions and movement 5. Enzymes control the rate of chemical reactions MonomerAminoAcids • Each protein has a specific amino acid sequence • Amino acids are put in the correct order based on the instructions carried in the cell’s DNA. • Ribosomes assemble the proteins by linking amino acids together with peptide bonds. PolymerPolypeptide(amino acids are linked together by a peptide bond) Energy Storage:4 calories/gram

  7. Chart of Macromolecules

  8. Which Macromolecule?: • Includes DNA and RNA? • Allows/helps chemical reactions to take place, is a protein? • Reactant that the enzyme binds to is called? • Made up of amino acids? • Amount of energy needed for a chemical reaction to start? • Broken down as a source of energy…made up of C, H, & O?

  9. Concept 2:Enzymes and Chemical Reactions • Substances are changed into different substances when bonds break and form during _______ _________. • What do chemical reactions change and produce? • Changes: • Produces: • What are the products and the reactants in this reactions: • 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2 • Reactions that absorb more energy than they release are called ____________________. • Reactions that release more energy than they store are celled ____________________. • Activation energy is lowered by a(n) ____________________.

  10. What’s happening here: • Enzymes affect which part of a chemical reaction? • The molecule an enzyme binds to is the _________________. • When activation energy is LOWERED, then the reaction will happen ________________. • What are the two types of chemical reactions? • An example of a reaction that releases energy is _____________________. (2 examples) • An example of a reaction that absorbs energy is _______________. (2 examples)

  11. Endothermic or Exothermic, and Why?

  12. 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2 Photosynthesis Energy is stored as sugar, therefore it is an ENDOTHERMIC reaction C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O Cellular Respiration Energy is released as sugar is broken down, therefore it is an EXOTHERMIC reaction

  13. ATP • What does ATP do? • When is energy released from an ATP molecule? • Where do we get energy originally for reattaching the 3rd phosphate group to ADP to create ATP? • Label an ATP model. • What is recycled during ATP? • What do we use ATP for? • Cellular Respiration • Making Proteins • Muscle contraction • Active Cell Transport (endo/exocytosis, and molecular pumps) • ATP is like a __________battery, while ADP is like a ____________battery.

  14. Cumulative • What organelle creates ATP? • What organelle makes proteins? • Chromosomes move to the middle of the cell during what phase of mitosis? • What type of solution will make a cell shrivel up? • When a cell expends energy to bring something INfrom outside it is ____________________.

  15. When is genetic material duplicated? • Cell has 8 chromosomes….how many does each daughter cell have? • Mitosis: in order? • Cytokinesis in plants versus animals • Looking at picture of cell cycle, put in order. • IV and DV

  16. Plant Cell

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