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Using the Halo Occupation Distribution to Constrain Cosmological Models Oral Section of the Ph.D. General Exam, November 8, 2002. Current Issues in Cosmology:. Current Issues in Cosmology:. Determining the density of the universe, W M .
Using the Halo Occupation Distribution to Constrain Cosmological Models Oral Section of the Ph.D. General Exam, November 8, 2002
Current Issues in Cosmology: • Determining the density of the universe, WM. • Assumption: Large scale structure is a consequence of gravitational collapse. • To test this assumption, observe the redshift space distortions of the galaxy distribution. • The matter density is a key cosmological parameter.
Current Issues in Cosmology: • Voids in the Galaxy Distribution • To test your cosmological model, compare it to the observed distribution of galaxies. • Easy to do for bright objects in dense areas, harder for the lower luminosity objects in underdense locations. • New surveys (2dF, Sloan) will make this comparison easier.
The Halo Occupation Distribution: • What is the HOD? • Statistical description of the relationship between dark matter halos and their galaxies. • The HOD can tell us everything about the statistics of galaxy clustering for a given cosmological model: • xgg(r), xgh(r) • VPF • v12, s12 • etc...
The Halo Occupation Distribution • How does the HOD work? • Navg(M) - average number of galaxies in halo of mass M. • P(N|Navg) - probability distribution of galaxy numbers. • Relationship between galaxies and mass within a single halo. Berlind & Weinberg, 2001
High r Redshift Space Distortions What is happening... What we observe... This effect is modeled well by linear theory (Kaiser 1987): obs.
Coherent infall Virialized core Redshift Space Distortions Linear theory does not take into account velocities from non-linear collapse. Total observation: obs.
Current Issues in Cosmology: The effect is measurable with the new large galaxy redshift surveys (i.e. 2dF; Peacock et al 2001)
Redshift Space Distortions • Using the HOD to obtain the matter density: • We want to measure b=WM0.6/b, where b=bias parameter. • Need analytic function of the halo velocities-- obtained from fitting N-body simulations: Zheng, Tinker, Weinberg, & Berlind 2002
Redshift Space Distortions • What I plan to do: • Use N-body simulations to obtain functions v = f(Mh,r) and s = f(Mh,r) • Develop analytic form of xh(s,p) and test this against N-body models of different cosmologies. • Once xh is determined, use the HOD to extend it to galaxy correlation function, xg(s,p) . • This will be applied to Sloan results.
Voids What is a void? (1) A region devoid of any galaxies brighter than L*. (2) A region where the number density of galaxies falls below some threshold value. Mathis & White, 2002
Voids • Why are voids important? • Statistical test of galaxy clustering: void probability function (VPF), nearest neighbor statistic. • Test theory of galaxy formation: If galaxy type is environmentally dependent (i.e. Dressler effect) then voids should contain unique set of galaxies. Peebles (2001) terms this the “void phenomenon”. • Unanswered theoretical questions: • -How much mass is in the voids? • -How much of that mass is in virialized halos? • -What galaxies populate those halos?
Voids • Simulation techniques: • Particle Mesh (PM) - Fastest method, memory limited and therefore low spatial resolution. • Tree code (GADGET) - O(NlnN) algorithm, excellent spatial resolution but CPU time limited. r (h-1 Mpc) Zheng et al, 2002
Voids • Simulation techniques: • Nested-Grid Particle Mesh (NGPM). Insert higher-resolution mesh inside of a larger simulation volume, increasing resolution but subverting the memory limitation problem. • This method is well suited for multiscale simulation techniques that will be employed (Bertschinger 2001). Splinter 1995
Voids The HOD can give you the VPF very easily: Calculate from N-body simulations (once populated with galaxies). Analytical form if you have an analytic theory of halo clustering (e.g. Mo & White 1996). Berlind & Weinberg 2001
Voids Higher resolution simulations are needed to properly simulate the halo population inside voids. v ~ 30 km s-1 halos (l ~ 0.15 h-1Mpc) Explore parameter space of cosmological models: WM, L, ns, s8 Use the HOD to create galaxy populations in the voids. Create predictions and/or theoretical tools to use with the surge of new data to come out in the next few years.