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Emerging Trends in Technology 2009 Mountain West States Directors Meeting Oct 26-27, 2009

Emerging Trends in Technology 2009 Mountain West States Directors Meeting Oct 26-27, 2009. Joyce Raby , Consultant jaraby@gmail.com , 571.765.0011. Emerging Trends. Context – the who, how, and what of current technology trends Using these trends in client service delivery

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Emerging Trends in Technology 2009 Mountain West States Directors Meeting Oct 26-27, 2009

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  1. Emerging Trends in Technology2009 Mountain West States Directors MeetingOct 26-27, 2009 Joyce Raby, Consultant jaraby@gmail.com, 571.765.0011

  2. Emerging Trends • Context – the who, how, and what of current technology trends • Using these trends in client service delivery • How to think about using these technologies

  3. Two Great Trends Photo from Flickr: Bob.Fornal

  4. Towards 2020 PC Magazine – December 16, 2008 "People are currently addicted to their Blackberry or iPhone devices, but by 2020, those devices will be the primary Internet connection for most people around the globe*” *According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project

  5. Other developments • Netbooks - (toshiba) approx $350 • Ereaders – Amazon’s Kindle $250, B&N’s Nook $259, Sony’s Reader $299 • Tablet pc’s – (hp) approx $1,100 ubiquitous browsing

  6. Harris Interactive and CTIA Cell Phone Use Study The study was conducted online among a nationally representative sample of 2,089 teenagers across the U.S. who have cell phones (13-19).  More than 100 questions were asked on mobile phone usage, attitudes, behaviors, and teens' desires and aspirations for the future including mobile communications and entertainment.  The study was conducted in July 2008 among teenagers who are part of the Harris Interactive Online Panel.

  7. And the Survey Says…. • 46% use phone primarily to make and receive calls, and • 39% use phone primarily to send and receive text messages • 28% browse the web on their phone • 72% can text blindfolded! (using keyboard)  • 38% somewhat agree, 19% strongly agree (57%) having a cell phone has improved the quality of their life

  8. Mobile Web Benefits • Truly personal mass media • Always-on • Always-carried

  9. Demo Time! • Take out your phone! • Google 411 service – 46645 • Web browsing by phone -ptla.org/ptla.org/test/mobilewapedia.mobi

  10. But Do Our Clients use the Internet? • Illinois - "49.1% of the low income households surveyed had access to the Internet, and 59% had used the Internet" • Montana - "83.9% had private, reliable access to a phone, 42.3% had private, reliable access to the Internet, 37.5% had private, reliable access to email" • Connecticut - "51% of callers had access to a computer", and “42% of callers had Internet access" • Colorado - "27% of callers had access to the Internet"

  11. Moving Online • http://www.lawhelpmn.org/MN/index.cfm/index.cfm • Online Intakewww.lsnmirp.org/www.legalservicesalabama.org/

  12. Legal Services of Alabama • Online intake http://intake.alsp.org soft launched on the 1st of the month we had an immediate need to give the hotline callers an option to opt-out of the queue and somewhere to send them during lunch and after hours... • We wanted a solution that was fast and easy to develop and deploy, would collect the data in both the form format and SQL and didn't break the bank. • We went with FormRouter, http://www.formrouter.com with a 12 month contract costing us 3k. • 15 day metrics:448 unique visitors338 from the state of Alabama42 cases

  13. Social Media • Twittertwitter.com/trlatwitter.com/mlsa • Facebookwww.facebook.com/illinoislegalaidwww.facebook.com/immigrationadvocates

  14. Social Media - continued • YouTube State Bar of TexasSearches for legal helpClient Education Videoshttp://www.lawhelpmn.org/MN/index.cfm/index.cfm

  15. Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) http://www.ntia.doc.gov/broadbandgrants/ The U.S. Congress has appropriated $4.7 billion to establish a Broadband Technology Opportunities Program for awards to eligible entities to develop and expand broadband services to unserved and underserved areas and improve access to broadband by public safety agencies. Of these funds, $250 million will be available for innovative programs that encourage sustainable adoption of broadband services; at least $200 million will be available to upgrade technology and capacity at public computing centers, including community colleges and public libraries; $10 million will be a transfer to the Office of Inspector General for the purposes of BTOP audits and oversight. Up to $350 million of the BTOP funding is designated for the development and maintenance of statewide broadband inventory maps.

  16. How you should think about all this • Consider what you already do – and then take it out there.Start small, you don’t have to do everything at onceconsider working with younger staffonline solutions aren’t for everything – pick something that is a good fitconsider partnerships

  17. Ideas • Website content for mobile phones • text messages to clients • using a facebook for an existing fundraiser • twitter legal tips or a success story

  18. Questions? Want to know more? Joyce Raby jaraby@gmail.com 571.765.0011

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