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Jeremy Bamber . By Emily Raymond. Jeremy Bamber. On August 7, 1985, Jeremy Bamber’s father, mother, sister, and his sister’s two six year old sons were found dead in his parents’ home in Essex.
Jeremy Bamber By Emily Raymond
Jeremy Bamber • On August 7, 1985, Jeremy Bamber’s father, mother, sister, and his sister’s two six year old sons were found dead in his parents’ home in Essex. • Bamber was sentenced to a life imprisonment with a recommendation that he spent at least 25 years in prison but in 1994 the Home Secretary said he must spend life in prison with no release.
Sheila Caffell • On August 7, 1985 at 3:00 a.m. Bamber received a call from his father saying “Sheila’s got a gun, she’s gone crazy, come over quickly”. After the call, Bamber called the Chelmsford Police Station to tell them about the call. • Sheila suffered from schizophrenia and her psychiatrist said that she had expressed the feeling that she was capable of killing her boys and others. She had also talked about suicide.
Evidence Against Jeremy Bamber • Nevill, the father, looked as if he had been beaten up. It was said that Sheila was not strong enough to be able to cause this damage. • The silencer found to have blood on it. It was not clear to be Sheila’s but was the same blood type. If it was hers it would be impossible for her to have committed suicide.
Problems with the case • Three days after the murders the police burnt the bloodstain bedding and carpet • One officer had moved the riffle without wearing gloves • The bible found with Sheila wasn't examined at all • The police didn’t examine the silencer for weeks • Jeremy Bamber’s clothes weren’t examined till a month later
New evidence • In August 2010, it was reported that a telephone log was found showing that Nevill Bamber had called the police at 3:26 a.m. Saying that Sheila had a gun and had gone berserk. • Peter Sutherst examined the photographs of the kitchen taken on the day of the murders and after. There were scratch marks on the paintwork on the kitchen mantelpiece which were created by the silencer during a struggle. However the scratch marks appear on the photographs taken 34 days after the murders but not on the original crime-scene photographs.
Why were they murdered? • It was said that Jeremy Bamber committed the murders because of greed, so he would inherit his parents estate and money. • Before the murders occurred, Sheila had not been taking her medication. If it was her who committed the murders she may have not been in the right mind set at the time.
Bibliography • http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7927692/Jeremy-Bamber-murders-new-evidence-could-clear-killer.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Bamber • http://www.libertarian.co.uk/lapubs/legan/legan042.pdf