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Through the Looking Glass - Alice 2.0. Welcome from Alice. WEBSITE http://www.mrmclaughlin.com NING http://ning.peteandc.org/profile/ ThomasMcLaughlin TWITTER @mrmclaughlin EMAIL mclaughlint@nhsd.org. Presented by Thomas McLaughlin.
WEBSITE http://www.mrmclaughlin.com NING http://ning.peteandc.org/profile/ ThomasMcLaughlin TWITTER @mrmclaughlin EMAIL mclaughlint@nhsd.org Presented by Thomas McLaughlin
Alice is a modern programming environment designed to be a student's first exposure to object-oriented programming. It allows students to learn basic computer science while creating animated movies, simple video games, where students control the behavior of 3D objects and characters in a virtual world. What is Alice?
Story Telling Alice • High-level animations that enable users to program social interactions between characters. • A story-based tutorial that introduces users to programming through building a story. • A gallery of 3D characters and scenery with custom animations designed to spark story ideas. Use at Middle School Level
Alice can be used to cover every curriculum piece in my Current BASIC course. • Variables, Conditionals, Loops, Arrays, Methods, Functions, Sorting and Searching. • Students are more engaged and excited to use Alice • Provides the foundation for Object Oriented programming without the heaving lifting of JAVA. Use as a Beginning programming course
Use Alice to explain object relationships. • Array Lists Visualized. Use for AP Computer Science
Caitlin Kelleher • Storytelling Alice, a programming environment that gives middle school girls a positive first experience with computer programming • Barb Moskal , Deborah Lurie , Stephen Cooper • Overall, the data presented in this paper supports the effectiveness of the Alice course for improving students' performance in CS1, retention within computer science, and attitudes toward computer science Supporting Research
Stephen Cooper, Wanda Dann, Randy Pausch • The authors strongly believe that, as long as object-oriented languages are the popular language of choice in CS1, the objects-first approach is the best way to help students master the complexities of object-oriented programming. • Kelleher, C • In searching for ways to make computer science more appealing to students, educators must think about more than simply the numbers of students they enroll. When creating curricula based on games, they need to be sure that the games they choose really are able to motivate students of both genders. Supporting Research
Step one – Create an Alice project • Step Two – File, Export, and choose the settings you wish • Step Three – Upload folder to Web Server (optional) • Open html file that was created • Note: to run Alice you need to have Java and a few extra Java Components instructions to download them are here:www.alice.org/index.php?page=applet_instructions/applet_instructions Exporting with Alice
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Carnegie Mellon University have announced a national competition in which students will share their knowledge about avoiding dangers associated with Internet use by creating computer animations. • LINK: • http://www.fbi-sos.org/ • http://www.cmu.edu/news/archive/2010/October/oct12_competitionpromotesinternetsafety.shtml • http://www.pacomputerfair.org/ Competitions
AL113255 ACT 48 Session Number