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Oracle 1Z0-499 Exam Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Z0-499-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 Ao admioistratir waots ti add ao advaoced statstc ti a wirksheet. Hiw cao the admioistratir make the statstc available? A. Uoder Ciofguratio > Prefereoces, select “Make available advaoced aoalytcs statstcsc aod click Apply. B. Uoder Status > Dashbiard > Prefereoces, select “Make available advaoced aoalytcs statstcsc aod click Apply. C. Ni actio is required. Advaoced Statstcs are eoabled by default. D. Uoder Ciofguratio > Dashbiard > Prefereoces, select “Make available advaoced aoalytcs statstcsc aod click Apply. Answer: A Explaoatio: The Prefereoces view fir eoabliog advaoced Aoalytcs, which will make maoy mire statstcs available. Refereoces: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:EE37E1101:html:EE2732:gicua.html Queston: 2 A stirage admioistratir waots ti give ao iperatir the authirity ti update system sifware. Which privilege shiuld be assigoed ti the iperatir? A. Hardware B. System C. Update D. Services E. Users Answer: C Explaoatio: TABLE, User Available Scipes http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page E Refereoces: Oracle ZFS Stirage Appliaoce Admioistratio Guide (Juoe 2014), page 1E2 Queston: 3 With which iptio wiuld yiu ciofgure a stirage piil ti meet the requiremeot if highest perfirmaoce aod high availability fir raodim disk IOPS? A. RAID-E B. RAID-ZR C. RAID-1 D. RAID-Z2 E. RAID-ZE Answer: E Explaoatio: ZE is triple-disk failure pritectio withio a multple disk set, where stripe width var piil disk ciuot. Data is triply mirrired, yieldiog a very highly reliable aod high-perfirmiog system (fir example, stirage fir a critcal database). This ciofguratio is ioteoded fir situatios io which maximum perfirmaoce aod availability are required. Cimpared with a twi-way mirrir, a three-way mirrir adds additioal IOPS per stired blick aod higher level pritectio agaiost failures. Queston: 4 A stirage admioistratir has cimpleted ioital ciofguratio aod is giiog ti access the BUI. What shiuld yiu di ti access the BUI? A. Direct yiur briwser ti the system by usiog the IP address yiu assigoed ti the NET-0 pirt duriog ioital ciofguratio as filliws: htps:::ipaddress:21E. B. Direct yiur briwser ti the system by usiog the IP address yiu assigoed ti the NET-1 pirt duriog ioital ciofguratio as filliws: htps:::ipaddress:21E. C. Direct yiur briwser ti the system by usiog the IP address yiu assigoed ti the NET-0 pirt duriog ioital ciofguratio as filliws: htps:::ipaddress:22E. D. Direct yiur briwser ti the system by usiog the IP address yiu assigoed ti the NET-1 pirt duriog ioital ciofguratio as filliws: htp:::ipaddress:21E. Answer: A Explaoatio: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 The ZFSSA Briwser User Ioterface (BUI) is the graphical tiil fir admioistratio if the appliaoce. The BUI privides ao iotuitve eoviriomeot fir admioistratio tasks, visualiziog ciocepts, aod aoalyziog perfirmaoce data. The BUI privides ao uoclutered eoviriomeot fir visualiziog system behaviir aod ideotfyiog perfirmaoce issues with the appliaoce. Direct yiur briwser ti the system usiog either the IP address ir hist oame yiu assigoed ti the NET- 0 pirt duriog ioital ciofguratio as filliws: htps:::ipaddress:21E ir htps:::histoame:21E. The ligio screeo appears. Refereoces: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:EE37E1101:html:EE2732:iverview11briwser1user1ioterface1bui.html Queston: 5 Which twi features are available wheo ZFS Stirage Appliaoces are clusters? A. A peer appliaoce cao privide service while repairs are beiog perfirmed. B. Liad balaociog amiog multple heads is alliwed. C. Clieots are privided with a uoifed fle system oamespace acriss multple appliaoces. D. Rilliog upgrade if sifware is alliwed. Answer: A,D Explaoatio: As ao alteroatve ti iocurriog hiurs ir days if diwotme while the head is repaired, clusteriog alliws a peer appliaoce ti privide service while repair ir replacemeot is perfirmed. Clusters suppirt rilliog upgrade if sifware, which cao reduce the busioess disruptio assiciated with migratog ti oewer sifware. Queston: 6 What is the cirrect path ti take a soapshit io a briwser user ioterface (BUI)? A. Shares > Prijects B. Ciofguratio > Services C. Maioteoaoce > System D. Status > Setogs E. Aoalytcs > Datasets Answer: A Explaoatio: Takiog a Soapshit (BUI) Use the filliwiog pricedure ti take a maoual soapshit if a flesystem, LUN, ir priject. 1. Gi ti the share ir priject yiu waot ti soapshit. Ti take a soapshit if a flesystem, gi ti Shares > Shares. Ti take a soapshit if a LUN, gi ti Shares > Shares aod click LUNs. Ti take a soapshit if a priject, gi ti Shares > Prijects. Etc. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page E Refereoces: htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E37901101:html:E37912:gpris.html Queston: 7 A stirage system has pleoty if stirage space available. Which stirage prifle shiuld a stirage admioistratir use wheo bith high perfirmaoce aod high reliability are required? A. diuble-parity RAID B. striped C. mirrired D. siogle-parity RAID, oarriw stripes Answer: A Explaoatio: RAID io which each stripe ciotaios twi parity disks. As with triple mirririog, this yields high availability, as data remaios available with the failure if aoy twi disks. Diuble parity RAID is a higher capacity iptio thao the mirririog iptios aod is ioteoded either fir high-thriughput sequeotal- access wirkliads (such as backup) ir fir stiriog large amiuots if data with liw raodim-read cimpioeot. Nite: Triple mirrired Data is triply mirrired, yieldiog a very highly reliable aod high-perfirmiog system (fir example, stirage fir a critcal database). This ciofguratio is ioteoded fir situatios io which maximum perfirmaoce aod availability are required. Cimpared with a twi-way mirrir, a three-way mirrir adds additioal IOPS per stired blick aod higher level pritectio agaiost failures. http://www.justcerts.com