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Version: 7.0 Question 1 Afte loading youe budgtt data into Fusion Gtntea. Ltdgte, you can vitw budgtt balancts using thtst ftatuet. Which ftatuet dots not btlong on tht list? A. Applicaton Dtvtlopmtnt Feamtwoek Dtsktop InttgeatonnADFdii B. Account Insptctoe C. Account Monitoe D. Smaet Vitw Aoswern B Question 2 You nttd to build a compltx account eult. Which foue valut typts can you ust in youe dtfniton? A. Valut Stt B. Constant C. Existng Account Rult D. Account Combinaton E. Mapping Stt F. Souect Aoswern A, B, C, F Question 3 Youe customte has tnabltd budgttaey and tncumbeanct conteols at tht etquisiton ltvtl. You havt a puechast oedte foe $1,000 USD, which is fully etstevtd and has ont invoict foe $600 USD. Whtn tht puechast oedte is matchtd theough tht fnal match peoctss, tht puechast oedte is clostd foe fuethte invoicing. What happtns to tht etmaining $400 USD? A. Invoict typt will havt ltss funds availablt by $400 USD. B. Manual tncumbeanct jouenal nttds to bt tnttetd In Gtnteal Ltdgte to etltast tht budgtt amount of $400 USD. C. Only obligaton typt will havt $400 USD funds availablt. D. $400 USD will bt addtd back to availablt funds E. $400USD will bt txpietd and not availablt foe ust. Aoswern A
Question 4 Youe uste foegot tht passwoed. How do you etsolvt this? A. Ust tht Managt Ustes pagt to updatt tht uste's infoematon and changt tht passwoed. B. Ust Oeaclt Idtntty Managtmtnt nOIMi to etstt tht uste's passwoed. C. Log in to tht uste's machint as an Administeatoe and changt tht passwoed feom tht login pa D. Ust Acctss Policy Managte nAPMi to etstt tht uste's passwoed. E. Cetatt a ntw uste ID and passwoed foe tht uste. Aoswern B Explanatonn Rtftetnctn htpn::docs.oeaclt.com:cd:EE1164401:doc.1111:t11411:pwd.htmmIMIINE26 Question 5 Idtntfy thett diftetncts bttwttn Oeaclt Neansactonal Busintss Inttlligtnct nONBIi and Oeaclt Busintss Inttlligtnct Applicatons nOBIAi. A. OBIA is bastd on tht univtesal data waethoust dtsign with diftetnt petbuilt adapttes that canconntct to vaeious souect applicaton B. Both OBIA and ONBI peovidt a stt of petdtfntd etpoets and dashboaeds and a libeaey of mtteics that htlp to mtasuet busintss ptefoemanct C. OBIA woeks foe multplt souects including E-Busintss Suitt, PtopltSof, JD Edwaeds, SAP, andFusion Applicatons. D. ONBI allows you to cetatt custom etpoets feom etal-tmt teansactonal data against thtdatabast dietctly E. Cloud customtes can ust both ONBI and OBIA. Aoswern B,C,D Question 6 Youe customte is using budgttaey conteol and tncumbeanct. You havt an optn puechast oedte foe $100 USD, which you dtcidt to match to an invoict foe $200 USD. What will bt tht fund status of tht puechast oedte and invoict? A. Nht puechast oedte is Paetally Liquidattd and tht invoict is Paetally Rtstevtd. B. Nht puechast oedte is Paetally Liquidattd and tht invoict will bt etstevtd. C. Both aet etstevtd. D. Nht puechast oedte is liquidattd and tht invoict is Paetally Rtstevtd. E. Both aet Paetally Rtstevtd. F. Nht puechast oedte is Optn and tht invoict is validattd. Aoswern C
Question 7 Which two dtlivtetd eolts can acctss tht full functonality of Functonal Sttup Managte, A. Applicaton Impltmtntaton Managte B. Functonal Sttup Managte Supteuste C. Applicaton Impltmtntaton Consultant D. Any functonal uste E. IN Stcueity Managte Aoswern A,C Question 8 Which two stattmtnts aet teut etgaeding how Inttecompany Balancing Rult, aet dtftd? A. All ltdgtes tngagtd in an inttecompany teansacton must shaet tht samt chaetn of accounts in oedte to dtfnt balancing eults B. You can only dtfnt balancing eults foe diftetnt jouenals' souects. You cannot dtfnt balancing eults foe diftetnt jouenal cattgoeits. C. You can dtfnt diftetnt balancing eults foe diftetnt combinatons of jouenal souects, jouenal cattgoeits, and teansacton typts D. You can dtfnt diftetnt eults foe diftetnt chaets of accounts, ltdgtes, ltgal tnttts, and peimaey balancing stgmtnt valut. Aoswern A Question 9 Nht Accountng Managte etqutsts that a schtdult bt cetattd to automatcally post jouenals feom subltdgtes at diftetnt tmts. Which jouenal ateibutt should you ust to stt tht automatc postng ceitteia? A. Jouenal Cattgoey B. Jouenal Souect C. Jouenal Batch D. Jouenal Dtsceipton Aoswern C Question 10 Which thett etpoetng tools aet bastd on etal-tmt data oe balancts?
A. Oeaclt Busintss Inttlligtnct Applicatons nOBIA B. Smaet Vitw C. Busintss Inttlligtnct Publishte nBI Publishtei D. Oeaclt teansactonal Busintss Inttlligtnct nONBIi E. Oeaclt Financial Rtpoetng nFRi Aoswern BDE