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Committee On Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) & Earth Observation (EO) Applications. Internet2 Members Meeting Atlanta, GA November, 2000. Jeff Smith Andy Germain NASA GSFC - EOS. Created in 1984 39 organizations involved Goals: To optimize benefits of space-borne Earth observations
Committee On Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)&Earth Observation (EO) Applications Internet2 Members Meeting Atlanta, GA November, 2000 Jeff Smith Andy Germain NASA GSFC - EOS
Created in 1984 39 organizations involved Goals: To optimize benefits of space-borne Earth observations To serve as focal point for international coordination of such observations To exchange policy and technical information to encourage synergy among space systems CRI (N.Zealand) CCRS (Canada) GCOS GOOS GTOS ICSU IGBP IOC ISPRS NSC (Norway) OSTC (Belgium) SAC/CSIR (S.A.) UN-ESCAP UN-FAO UN-OOSA UNEP WCRP WMO CEOS Overview MEMBERS ASSOCIATES ASI (Italy) BNSC (UK) CAST (China) CSA (Canada) CNES (France) CSIRO (Australia) DLR (Germany) EC (Europe) ESA (Europe) EUMETSAT (Eur.) INPE (Brazil) ISRO (India) NASDA (Japan) NASA (US) NOAA (US) NRSCC (China) NSAU (Ukraine) STA/NASDA (Japan) Roshydromet (Russia) RSA (Russia) SNSB (Sweden)
Integrated Global Observation Strategy IGOS- Partners CEOS Science Themes NAKODO (Matchmaker) WGISS IGBP Others... WGCV GTOS WTF-G GOFC Sub-groups • Goals: • To provide comprehensive framework to harmonize interest of • major space-based and in-situ systems for Earth observation • To improve observing capacity and deliver observations in a • cost-effective and timely fashion to users and policy makers
IGOS Partnership WCRP IGFA
Objectives: Provide an application-enabling capability to support science projects Promote WGISS capabilities, provide feedback to systems developers & gather requirements Provide feedback to science data product designers Prototype future WGISS/Application systems Characteristics An enabling infrastructure of interoperable EO and related services, tools and data system Logically coordinated with continuity over time Driven by science scenarios (e.g. GOFC, DMSG) Persistence 3-5 years Evolution over time WGISS Test Facility
Strategic Design Major objective of obtaining operational monitoring capability for global change research also supports forestry management and generation of information relevant to policy and decision makers Illuminates the way forward Does not provide a detailed blueprint Implementation depends on voluntary contributions of participating agencies and entities Principal Components Forest fire mapping and monitoring Forest cover characteristics and changes Forest biophysical functioning Global Observation of Forest Cover (GOFC)
Develops methods for integrated access to CEOS members’ data: CEOS information resources International Directory Network (IDN) http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ceosidn/map.html Catalog Interoperability (CINTEX) Catalog Interoperability protocol (Z39.50) World Wide Web Access Data and Information Access Link (DIAL) CEOS WGISS Access Subgroup
Directory provides concise high-level information about data sets. GCMD, CEOS IDN Guide provides detailed descriptions about data sets, platforms, sensors, projects, and data centers Inventory descriptions of specific observations or collections of observations of data (granules) that are available for request from a data archive. Information Management System (IMS) Browse Products reduced resolution images as an aid to data selection Data Products (Granules) via media (custom or standard) or network Information ManagementData Hierarchy
Objectives: To investigate and coordinate the implementation of WWW access to international Earth observation catalogue systems and data access systems. To perform outreach to external organizations capable of influencing WWW technology evolution Simple HTTP Based Search Protocol Low level http mechanism for remotely searching catalogs and databases Standardize the interface for space, time & free text searching Low buy in cost for suppliers Protocols in use at CCRS and CEO, unification details agreed upon Access Subgroup: World Wide Web Task Team
A WWW based data distribution system. Allows data providers to easily serve their Earth science data directly to their users. Provides traditional catalog services like metadata search Extended interactive data services: Browsing Subsetting Subsampling Reformatting Direct Downloading Supports Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) and HDF for EOS (HDF-EOS) formatted datasets. Provides interoperability with GIS systems through translators. Data and Information Access Link (DIAL) http://dial.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Resource planning and management for CEOSnet, a virtual private network Performance measurement of network links Network Security (CEOS context) Collaboration on Next Generation networks and international prototyping Network support for Access Subgroup projects and CEOS demos CEOS WGISS Network Subgroup
CA*NET3 ILAN GARR DANTE UNEP (TEN-155) STAR TAP SURFnet GPN NISN JANET GSFC Commodity ISPs ( BBNPlanet, Verio, etc.) Telintar Ar RBnet ANet WorldNet Teleglobe ATT.net Optus Teleglobe Alternet Qwest Virtual CEOSnet - September 2000 Nairobi CAO Bangkok CCRS SJCR IRE-RAS Beijing Moscow Norway Israel MAFF ESRIN Milan MIRNET Koln Chicago DLR DFN TransPAC Geneva DFN IMNet NYC (APAN) NYC (60 Hudson) (60 Hudson) Swisscom KNMI NASDA JRC EDC MSFC/UAH CONAE WIDE (Argentina) Fla Abilene PAO MichNet (Philipines) AIT MSU MAX UMD RAL MAE-E Oxford Wash DC UCL DC START IconiSoft (Thailand) Cable & Sprintlink (Paris) Wireless EU-Link SFO NJ France Telecom EUmetsat JARING (Malaysia) CMA (China) INPE EmBratel CNES CSIRO (Brazil) (Australia)
WFW: World Fire Web European Commission/Joint Research Center (EC/JRC), Italy, Belgium Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia OGC-WMT: Open GIS Consortium-Web Mapping Testbed Canadian Center for Remote Sensing (CCRS), Ottawa, CA USGS EROS Data Center (EDC), SD Earth Explorer: EDC Tropical Rain Forest Information Center (TRFIC) Mich State University, MI University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia EOLI/MUIS:Earth Observations on-Line / Multi-mission User Information System European Space Research Institute (ESRIN), Italy DLR (Germany) MOCHA: Middleware based On Code sHipping Architecture University of Maryland, College Park (MD), University of New Hampshire (NH) Space-Time Toolkit: University of Alabama, Hunstville, AL IDN: International Directory Network, DIAL: Data and Information Access Link NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), MD National Space Development Agency (NASDA), Japan SPOT: System Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre Centre Nationalle d’Etudes Spatialle (CNES), France ANDES: Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan Forest Products and Production Research Institute (FPPRI), Japan Bangkok Demos
France Telecom SprintLink Cable & Wireless GARR AlterNet Optus DC SFO MAE-E NISN SeaStart WFW WFW Chulalonkhorn U Bangkok, TH JRC Ispra, IT Iconisoft Belgium MilNet WFW IDN, DIAL MOCHA CSIRO Hobart, AU NASA GSFC Greenbelt, MD UMD College Park, MD GA MD SOX MAX TRFIC Chicago Mich State E. Lansing, MI STAR TAP EOLI TRFIC ESRIN Frascati, IT Earth Explorer UKM Malaysia EDC Sioux Falls, SD MAFF/ FPPRI, JP ANDES Bangkok Demos: Sept. 2000 Network Configuration SPOT Network Test Sink Paris NY CNES Tolouse, FR Network Test Source Teleglobe SFO NY EU Net SFO SFO Milan NY LAX Milan Demo Site, WFW AIT Bangkok, TH Space-Time Toolkit NY U of Ala Huntsville, AL EOLI AI3 UNH Nashua, NH A-Net DC Tokyo Tokyo Abilene TransPac MSP AI3 OGC-WMT NASDA EOC, EORC, JP CCRS Ottawa, CA IDN, DIAL
GARR AlterNet Chicago STAR TAP EOLI ESRIN Frascati, IT ESRIN - Bangkok EOLI DemoAbilene Transit Configuration NY LAX Milan Demo Site, WFW AIT Bangkok, TH NY AI3 Abilene Tokyo TransPac Abilene provided transit between GARR (NY) and TransPac (Chicago)
Useful URLs • www.ceos.org • links to other CEOS documents, Newsletter, etc. • www.igospartners.org • links to IGOS related documents, IGOS brochure, etc. • wgiss.ceos.org • wgcv.ceos.org • access.ceos.org • corn.eos.nasa.gov/ceos_ns/index.html • gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ceosidn/map.html • corn.eos.nasa.gov/performance/Net_Health • redhook.gsfc.nasa.gov/~imswww/pub/imswelcome