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Efficiency calibration of a Germanium gamma-ray detector using GEANT4

Efficiency calibration of a Germanium gamma-ray detector using GEANT4. Santiago Hurtado *, Manuel García-León*, Rafael García-Tenorio**. * Dpto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear ** Dpto. Física Aplicada I Universidad de Sevilla. Detector geometry. REGe (Reverse Electrode Germanium).

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Efficiency calibration of a Germanium gamma-ray detector using GEANT4

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  1. Efficiency calibration of a Germanium gamma-ray detector using GEANT4 Santiago Hurtado*, Manuel García-León*, Rafael García-Tenorio** * Dpto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear ** Dpto. Física Aplicada I Universidad de Sevilla 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  2. Detector geometry REGe (Reverse Electrode Germanium) Be window D Ge tf L d th r R 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  3. Experimental setup Radionuclides: 210Pb, 241Am, 137Cs, 40K, 133Ba, 152Eu 15 cm Point source Marinelli beaker 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  4. Simulation Class diagram REGePrimaryGenerator particleGun GSPM GenerateBiasFlux ROOT-C++ REGeRunAction Histogramfilename REGeVisManager RegisterGraphicsSystem ->VRML1FILE REGeDetectorConstruction G4Tubs,G4Material,... ->REGe geometry setup REGeCristalSD HitsCollection REGePhysicsList Cut values , e- and e+ LowEnergyPhysics REGeEventAction HitsCollection-> Histogramfilename REGeCristalHit Hit-> Pos,Edep,weight REGe 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  5. Variance Reduction technique Zone II algorithm r R min (x,y,z) Zone II Zone I max Ge H Zone III Zone IV Zone V 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  6. Computing time reduction 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  7. ROOT-C++ Analysis Histogram FWHMexp MC Area calculation 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  8. Point results 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  9. Marinelli results 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  10. Optimized geometry & Efficiency transfer D Ge tf L th d r D, R -> 240Am , 210Pb , 133Ba (POINT) L -> 240Am , 210Pb (MARINELLI) d, r, th -> 137Cs , 40K (POINT-MARINELLI) D+2 mm , R-0.75 mm , L-3 mm , D-3 mm , r+2 mm R 19th July 2002, Salamanca

  11. Conclusions • GEANT4 provides a good agreement: exp. & MC data • GEANT4 is useful to setup complicated experimental geometries • Versatility of GEANT4 (C++) improves lab experiments (coincidence- summing, background simulation, ...) 19th July 2002, Salamanca

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