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Chapter 12 Race and Ethnicity. Lisa, Voyd, Danny, josh, José, Vanessa. Laying down the sociological foundation race and ethnicity. Ethnicity= the cultural distinctive cultural character that distinguish one group from another culture Background Ancestry Language beliefs.
Chapter 12 Race and Ethnicity Lisa, Voyd, Danny, josh, José, Vanessa
Laying down the sociological foundation race and ethnicity • Ethnicity= the cultural distinctive cultural character that distinguish one group from another • culture • Background • Ancestry • Language • beliefs • race= physical/biological features that distinguish one group from another • Hair color • Eye color • Genetics • Skin color • Bone structure
Discrimination and prejudice • discrimination • An act of unfair treatment of different categories of people or things on the grounds of race, age, sex • Individual discrimination • The negative treatment of one person by another • Institutional discrimination • The negative treatment of a minority group • Prejudice • An attitude or prejudice, usually in a negative way
Theories of prejudice • Psychological perspective-1939 John Dollard suggested that prejudice is the result of frustration. • People who are unable to strike out at the real source of their frustration look for someone to blame. They unfairly attribute their troubles to scapegoats. • Mild frustration can increase prejudice • Theodor Adorno concluded that highly prejudiced people are insecure conformists. • Authoritarian personality– have deep respect for authority and are submissive to superiors. • Thousands of studies were done to prove Adorno’s theory
Conclusion: Older, less educated, less intelligent, lower social class. • Sociological perspective- Focus on the social environments influencing prejudice. • Functionalism- functional prejudice creates in-group solidarity • Dysfunctional prejudice is when you observe the way it destroys human relationships. • Conflict Theory- capitalists have two main tactics • 1st- keep workers insecure • 2nd-encouraging and exporting racial ethnics divisions • Symbolic Interactionism- Labeling people • Labels affect the perception and create prejudice • “the labels we learn affect the way we see people”
Prejudice vs. discrimination • S.B. 1070 (Arizona law) • Requires officials to fully comply with and assist in the enforcement of federal immigration laws. Establishes crimes involving trespassing by illegal aliens, stopping to hire or soliciting work under specified circumstances, and transporting harboring or concealing unlawful aliens. The law says that any alien who enters or attempts to enter the U.S eludes by a willfully false or misleading representation.
genocide • Genocide- the killing of many • People who participate are ordinary people like you and me. • Labels that are singled out the victims as enemies and deserved to die • Ex: of label • The U.S label native Americans as “savages”, a lesser being, it made it easier settlers to kill native Americans • Labels that dehumanize others help people to separate acts from feelings or attitudes (people kill and have no remorse)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLLlU7dZQNo&feature=related • Rwanda a tropical place • Rwanda attracted Tutsis • For 600 years the two lived together • European introduce modern weapons and modern method of waging war
looking toward the future • The problem of the 20th century is the color line and it is not likely to disappear • Problems with immigration believed to change the character of the united states. • Affirmative action leveling the playing field of economic opportunity • Does the U.S have potential to live in a society where all racial and ethnic groups co-exist.