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CHURCH is CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC. OBJECTIVES. Doctrine: explain the universality of God’s call and mission, which are both a gift and a task; - Explain that Christ entrusts His mission to the Church which is formed around the Apostles; .
OBJECTIVES Doctrine: explain the universality of God’s call and mission, which are both a gift and a task; • - Explain that Christ entrusts His mission to the Church which is formed around the Apostles;
Morals: exercise loving service of all by word and deed in their respective parishes; -carry on the mission entrusted by Christ to His Apostles in their daily lives by allowing themselves to be part of different outreaches not only in school but even in their own community/parish.
Worship: pray to the Triune God to motivate, strengthen and empower our loving service of all.
ACTIVITY (10-15 minutes) THE JIGSAW…. -5 EXPERTS HOMEGROUP with 8 members
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10: Zacchaeus • What is the significant message of Luke 19:1-10 ? • Why did Zacchaeus come to see Jesus? • What did his actions tell about his need/desire to see Jesus?
What is very striking observation in V. 5? *Jesus called him by his name ‘Zacchaeus’, Jesus knew him by his name even though he never met him before. • It was not Zacchaeus, who invited Jesus. It was Jesus, who invited Zacchaeus!
What was people’s response? • What was Jesus’ proclamation?
JESUS’PROCLAMATION • “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost
The Story of Zacchaeus • It is a story of Jesus reaching out to neglected and despised of the world.
Sacred Scripture: Acts 1:8 • “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses … to the ends of the earth."
What is the assurance that this text gives to the disciples of Christ?
Reasons why the Church is Catholic according to a Church Father, St. Cyril of Jerusalem:
The Church is "Catholic" because of five reasons: • she is spread throughout the world (cf. Acts 1:8); • possesses all saving truth (cf. Jn 16:13); • sentto all peoples (cf. Mk 16:15); • can heal all kinds of sins (cf. Jn 20:23); • and abounds in every kind of virtue and spiritual gift (cf. CFC 1402
The Church spread throughout the world (cf. Acts 1:8); The Church can be found in Rome, as well as in a provincial parish church, in a group of faithful in the remotest barrio. Although scattered in the different parts of the world, there exists communion among the “particular churches”.
The Church possesses all - saving truth (cf. Jn 16:13); The Church continues to teach the saving truths that Christ taught. The same essential faith and worship are held by a wide variety of people, geographically apart, culturally diverse.
The church is sentto all peoples (cf. Mk 16:15); By virtue of Jesus Christ” s mandate to His apostles before His ascension, the Church teaches all nations, she continues to be available to al men and women and everyone is invited to be a member of the church.
The Church can heal all kinds of sins (cf. Jn 20:23); The Church possesses the means by which the members can attain salvation. Foremost of these means are the sacraments which nurture Christian life, forgive sins and bring about reconciliation.
The Church abounds in every kind of virtue and spiritual gift (cf. CFC 1402 Gifted by Christ, Jesus with the Holy Spirit, the Church, in turn is endowed by the same spirit with every kind of virtue and spiritual gift necessary for her members to attain fullness of life.
“Catholicity” is basically not a question of number; for the Church was “Catholic” on the day of Pentecost and will still be “Catholic” even if, on the last day, she may only be a “little flock”.
Church Teaching: Vat. II, LG 13 • “All are called to belong to the new People of God. This People, while remaining one and unique, is to be spread throughout the whole world for all ages…This universality is that gift of the Lord whereby the Catholic Church strives energetically and constantly to bring all humanity with all its riches back to Christ the Head in the unity of His Spirit.”
Church Teaching from Vatican II, Lumen Gentium 13 • In obedience to the command of her Founder, Jesus Christ, the Church strives to preach the Gospel to all peoples because salvation comes from Christ through the Church, which is His Body, in the Holy Spirit.
To be a “Catholic” means to be welcoming, accepting, and bearers of wholeness. • In following Jesus, the Church is called to be “Catholic”, that is, all-embracing. In other words, the Church is not exclusive, but inclusive of all those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Risen Incarnate Son of God, our Lord and Savior.
INCULTURATION -It refers to the intimate transformation of authentic cultural values through their integration in Christianity and the insertion of Christianity in the various human cultures. • Though the Gospel is brought to the people in their own cultural heritage, the Church purifies what is not authentic and strengthens the culture’s true human values.
Church is Apostolic • Sacred Scripture: Eph 2:19-20 • “You are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the capstone.”
This particular text is concerned with our union with God and with one another now and for all eternity. • Church is compared to a building founded on the apostles, with Christ as the cornerstone. Because of this, nothing can bring down this Church, for God dwells in all believers and they are the temple of God under the Headship of Christ, through the working of the Holy Spirit.
The Church is apostolic in three ways: (1) She is founded on the Apostles, the witnesses personally chosen and sent on mission by Christ Himself; (2) With the Spirit dwelling in her, the Church keeps and passes on the teaching she has received from the apostles; and (3) She continues to be taught, sanctified and guided by the apostles through their successors: the Pope and the bishops, assisted by priests.
Jesus willed that these powers be passed on (Tradition see p. 44) by the Apostles to their successors in the Church continuing to teach the truth of Christ through the Magisterium, the living teaching authority of the Church. • This mission will be continued till the end of time by the Apostles’ successors since the Gospel the Apostles handed on is the lasting source of all life for the Church.
The Magisterium • is the teaching authority in the Church. • It is composed of the Pope, and bishops in union with him, guided by the Holy Spirit. • Particular Churches, or dioceses, are led by bishops, who appoint priests to be pastors and deacons to perform important works of service. • TheMagisteriumauthentically and faithfully interprets God’s word as it is given to us in Scripture and Church Tradition.
To this day, the college of bishops in union with the Pope, as bishop of Rome, is the authentic teaching authority that passes on the faith to the People of God and makes pronouncements on moral questions.
The Church is infallible, free from error. When the Pope, as head of the Magisterium, speaks officially on matters of faith or morals, what he says is to be believed by everyone in the Church. • * This infallibility also extends to the full body of bishops when they teach, in union with the Pope, about faith and morals, especially in Ecumenical Councils.