1. DAL Dairy Factory’s Rural Development Model Sammy Musa
Strategic Projects Manager
26th April 2012
2. Agenda DAL Group
Sudanese dairy industry prior to milk collection
Milk collection centre set up and operations
Next Steps
3. DAL Group KICS & DAL MedicalKICS & DAL Medical
4. DAL Dairy Factory Founded 1997
Initial Capacity 8,000ltrs per day
First company to produce stirred yoghurt
First company in Sudan to receive ISO accreditation
Tetra Pak turn-key facility opened September 2010
Current capacity 500,000ltrs per day
First milk collection centre in Sudan opened January 2011
5. CAPO 1997
6. CAPO 2010
7. Sudan Dairy Facts 4.2 billion litres milk annual production
Dairy industry traditionally used only milk powder
First modern farm development with DAL Group in 2011
Underdeveloped dairy industry
3 key players only
Sudan Dairy Processors Association launched 2011
8. Sudanese DairyValue Chain
9. Milk Collection Centres Strategy formulation started 2009
Full external & internal environmental analysis completed
Change from milk powder to locally produced raw milk
Feasibility analysis completed end 2009
Operations strategy formulated beginning 2010
First pilot milk collection centre started operations 31st October 2010
Don’t use PESTLE – you sound like someone who is studying an MBA!Don’t use PESTLE – you sound like someone who is studying an MBA!
10. Issues and Risks Farmers:
Fluctuating market prices
No sales during national holidays
60% of their time spent marketing
Animal health
Animal production low
11. Traditional Farm
12. Farmer Training
13. Pilot Collection Centre
14. First Fully OperationalCollection Centre
15. System Farmer gets receipt for milk
Receipt can be used to purchase animal feed
We pay the balance every 10 days
Samples taken to the factory for quality grading
16. Animal Feed
17. Technical Support Services
18. Then..
19. …Now!
20. Results 5 Fully operational collection Centres
Expected intake volume for 2012 31,000,000ltrs
Milk rejection now negligible
Average output per cow increased from 6.7ltrs per day to 10.4ltrs per day
Farmer has outlet for milk 365 days per year
21. New Sudanese Dairy Value Chain
22. Next Steps Green fodder
Milk collection from outside of Khartoum
Artificial insemination
Integrated software implementation
More farmers
23. Thank You