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Creationism News -- March 2012 创造 论新闻 -- 2012 年 3 月

Creationism News -- March 2012 创造 论新闻 -- 2012 年 3 月. Dedicated to David Coppedge who sacrificed his career as the Head Systems Administrator for the Cassini Spacecraft in JPL to honor the Creator of the Universe. He also spent literally thousands of hours to make his excellent websites.

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Creationism News -- March 2012 创造 论新闻 -- 2012 年 3 月

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  1. Creationism News -- March 2012创造论新闻 -- 2012年3月 Dedicated to David Coppedge who sacrificed his career as the Head Systems Administrator for the Cassini Spacecraft in JPL to honor the Creator of the Universe. He also spent literally thousands of hours to make his excellent websites. The contents of this presentation were taken from various sources following the footsteps of David Coppedge. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 10/23/2019 1

  2. Species Make Friends with Their Kind 种类有各从其类的朋友 • Time recently has an article on Animal Friendship. There is a saying that says “Birds of the same feather flock together.” The same is true for dogs, cats, rats, dolphins, monkeys, horses, chimpanzees, baboons, elephants, and indeed, the entire animal kingdom. God’s creation is so wonderful that we need to pay respect to His creation. Above all, we need to honor the Creator who did it all. 10/23/2019 2

  3. America’s Fastest Robot Cheetah 美国速度最快的机器猎豹 Time (3/19/12) has an article on America’s Fastest Robot. The Defense Department contracted a Boston design firm to make a mechanical cheetah who recorded a speed of 18 mph on a treadmill. This mechanical cheetah could traverse rugged terrain and assist in emergency operations. For now, the four-legged runs only on a treadmill and requires an external power source, but engineers hope to test its speed in the field soon. Despite breaking a 23-year-old record, it can’t keep pace with real cheetahs, which hit speeds of 70 mph. God’s creation is better than men’s creation. Praise be to God. 10/23/2019 3

  4. How the Moon Sank the Titanic 月球如何沉没泰坦尼克号 • Time (3/19/12) has an article that says how the moon sank the Titanic. It describes a cosmic convergence may have led to the tragedy. The earth, the sun and the moon moved into close proximity with one another 3 months before the collision. Gravity from the close encounter caused extremely high tides. Icebergs grounded in shallow water were lifted by the high tides and may have followed currents into the Titanic’s path. • The truth of the matter is that God allowed this to happen. The Titanic was boasted to be the pinnacle of human achievement, that even God could not sink it! The sinking of the Titanic showed the folly of men’s pride. It has been the judgment from God. 10/23/2019 4

  5. Rice Repels Bacterial Assault 水稻排斥细菌的攻击 • Discover (April 2012) reported that some plants broke the code of bacteria, allowing them to listen in on chatter and thwart infection. When Ax21 protein is present, the plants flooded their tissues with antibacterial chemicals. When Ax21 chatter reaches a certain level, the microbes pack into a thin layer that protects them from immune defenses and many antibiotics. These rice plants are the only known able to intercept the messages and act before the bacteria can form their biological bunker. U of N Carolina plant immunologist Jeff Dangl says plants have many immune receptors with unknown functions: “There may be a vast listening apparatus just waiting to be discovered.” How wonderful God provided these rice plants the ability to defend themselves before they get infected. 10/23/2019 5

  6. The Deep-Sea Slimer - Hagfish 海深泥鱼-- 盲鳗 • Discover (April 2012) reports that hagfish are elusive deep-sea creatures that have mucus-secreting glands positioned all over their long, writhing bodies. Vincent Zintzen of the Museum of New Zealand first observed how hagfish exploited those glands to ward off predators. He analyzed 500 hours of video from cameras placed in deep water off the New Zealand coast in deep waters off the New Zealand coast and found 14 encounters between hagfish and fierce hunters like the seal shark and the conger eel. In every case, the hagfish emerged unharmed while the predators fled the scene, gagging on the irritating slime that rapidly expands in seawater and clogs the gills. How wonderful are God’s creatures able to protect themselves. If these slims were gradually evolved, then these hagfish would been hunted to extinction! 10/23/2019 6

  7. Dead Galaxies Live On 死星系仍然活 • Discover (April 2012) reports U of Michigan astronomer Joel Bregman looked into red-and-dead elliptical galaxies and found all of them have some young stars. The reddest and deadest galaxy, Messier 105, harbors dozens of young stars, although these young stars are a fraction of our own Milky Way. This fact will force astronomers to revise their models of galaxy formation. The fact is all galaxies have both “old” and “young” stars. It is a matter of interpretation. Some have more “old” stars, while others have more “young” stars. It is like some families have more elderly and others have more youngsters. • Thank God for these families of galaxies. 10/23/2019 7

  8. A cu. mm of Brain Tissue  1015 byte 一立方毫米的脑组织1015字节 • Discover (April 2012) reports MIT neuroscientist Sebastian Seung who models the brain’s connectome—the million billion points of contact between neurons in the brain. If successful, we’ll glimpse the anatomy of the mind. He needs bigger and faster computers for modeling. He needs more eyeballs to analyze the results. He is designing a game so that the public can play. It may take years to know what the brain is in store for us all. Thank God for our brains. 10/23/2019 8

  9. The Clouds Are Alive 云层活着 • Discover (April 2012) reports that clouds are teeming with microorganisms so much as that it says the clouds are “alive.” The ecosystem in the sky may influence much of the world’s weather. The amount of microbial life present in the cloud droplets that make up a winter storm is amazing. The skies are full of invisible life. Bacteria, algae, and fungi are swept up by winds and lifted to the altitude of 20 miles into the stratosphere by electric fields during thunderstorms. Some researchers proposed the ice-making bug and others like it might be creating ice crystals in clouds that result in precipitation. Now cloud seeding has more chances. Thank God for that. 10/23/2019 9

  10. Surprising Scientific Fraud 令人惊讶的科学欺诈 • Discover (April 2012) has the last page dedicated to “20 Things You Didn’t Know about Science Fraud.” In 18 surveys of researchers, 2% confessed to falsifying or manipulating data, but 14% said they knew a colleague who had. From retracted biology papers from 2000 to 2010, Americans were more prone to commit fraud than scientists of other nations. Chinese scientists were actually 3 times more likely to commit fraud. If caught stealing other’s ideas, they excused themselves that a memory as an original thought. Even geniuses succumb to temptation. Isaac Newton fudged numbers in his Principia, considered to be the greatest physics text ever written. Others who have altered data include Freud, Darwin, and Pasteur. • This says that “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” 10/23/2019 10

  11. Genome Length 基因组长度 • Popular Science (April 2012) has an interesting section on the length of genome of various life forms: • Bacterium (Escherichia coli): 6.2 million DNA base pairs • Foot fungus (Trichophyton rubrum): 22 million DNA pairs • Earthworm (A. tuberculata): 655 million DNA pairs • Piranha (S. brandtii): 1600 million DNA pairs • Human (Homo sapiens): 3000 million DNA pairs • Daffodil (N. jonquilla): 16000 million DNA pairs • That is why one single leaf of daffodil can grow into a plant. • Is daffodil more complex than humans? Not necessarily. • The fact is that all cells are very complex. There are hundreds of types of highly complex cells working in harmony in us to make us breathe and think. Thank God! 10/23/2019 11

  12. Self-Powered Cyborg Bugs 自供电的人造臭虫 • Popular Mechanics (March 2012) has an article in artificial bugs. Insects guided by remote control have been around for several years. But they all suffer from the same problem: short battery life. Now U of Michigan researchers overcome that by attaching piezoelectric harvesters to generate power from the wing movements of green June beetles. Other power-generation methods include thermoelectric devices to tap body heat, and solar cells. The electricity would run cameras, mics, and gas detectors, making cyborg insects ideal first responders in cramped, harzardous situations. Thank God for these inventions. 10/23/2019 12

  13. Hazy shades of life on early Earth 地球早期生命的朦胧色调 • PhysOrg (March 18, 2012) reports: A 'see-sawing' atmosphere over 2.5 billion years ago preceded the oxygenation of our planet and the development of complex life on Earth, a new study has shown. This switch between "organic haze" and a "haze-free" environment was the result of intense microbial activity and would have had a profound effect on the climate of the Earth system. • We ask the question: How do they know for sure? It is speculation based on little evidence. 10/23/2019 13

  14. Can a scientist be religious? 科学家可以有宗教吗? • PhysOrg (3/12/2012) reports: An empirical answer to the question “can a scientist be religious” is easy: yes. Religious scientists are actually quite common. However, many would prefer to know whether or not it is rational for them to be religious. Here we need some qualifications on what exactly ‘religious’ means. If it requires belief in an omnipotent, human-like entity who interferes in the workings of nature, suspending a law here or a rigging a miracle there like a mechanic might fix a car, then I’d say no, religion is not rational. Given what we know about our world and cosmos, based on methodologies on which we depend in nearly all aspects of our lives, it’s not rational to believe that stars hang from a metal firmament in the sky, that the Earth is 6,000 years old, that human virgins have sons, or that decomposed cadavers can come back to life. • No wonder 90% of academics are not religious. 10/23/2019 14

  15. 'Faster-than-light' particles fade “快于光”粒子褪色 • Physorg (3/16/2012) reports: Neutrinos do not go faster than light, according to fresh measurements of a test last year that had suggested the particles broke the Universe's speed limit, CERN said on Friday. • Einstein’s Special Theory has undergone the test of time. The speed of light is the absolute maximum speed that anything can attend. Exceeding the speed of light would mean infinite mass, zero time, and zero length, all of these are impossible. 10/23/2019 15

  16. Red meat consumption and risk of death红色的肉类消费量和死亡的风险 • PhysOrg (3/12/12) reports: Eating more red meat appears to be associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality and death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, but substituting other foods including fish and poultry for red meat is associated with a lower mortality risk, according to a study published by Archives of Internal Medicine. • Fruits and vegetables are more conducive to health. Genesis implicated this fact about 4000 years ago. Thank God for that. 10/23/2019 16

  17. Hunting the Higgs狩猎希格斯 • Time (March 26, 2012) has an article on how scientists are hunting the Higgs particle. It has been called the “God particle” by the editors, to the dismay of the physicists. It was originally called the “goddamned particle.” Energies of CERN are within reach to accelerate the proton beams 11,000 rounds and attain speeds up to 99.9999991% of the speed of light. It is quite an accomplishment. However, the structure of matter is different from the origin of matter. The latter is a philosophical question. An example is the structure of a cell is different from the origin of the cell. The structure of a house is different from the origin of the house. It requires design and intelligence. 10/23/2019 17

  18. Oil Spill Anniversary 石油泄漏周年 • Popular Mechanics (April 2012) has a short article on the two year anniversary of the worst oil spill in America. The mishap killed 11 people and dumped 5 million barrels of crude into the Gulf of Mexico. Federal officials found it is not a catastrophe as predicted. Favorable currents and topology prevented the oil from spreading and allowed bacteria to break it down quickly. A reduction of bluefin population was found to reduce less than 4%. Thank God for the bacteria to avert a catastrophe. 10/23/2019 18

  19. Vikings’ Crystal Compass海盗水晶罗盘 • Archaeology (March/April 2012) reports Vikings were able to sail from Norway to North America 1000 years ago without magnetic compass. The crystal Iceland spar could be used to ascertain the sun’s position even on a cloudy day. When light passes through the crystal, it is doubly refracted. As a person holds up the crystal to the sun and rotates it, the two beams line up when facing the sun. This is true even on a cloudy day. Thank God for the ingenuity of the Vikings to navigate without compass. 10/23/2019 19

  20. Heart Disease is Still the No. 1 Killer心脏疾病仍是头号杀手 • Time (April 2, 2012) has an article describing why heart disease is still the number 1 killer in America. Each year more than half a million people die of heart-related causes in the US, but despite increasing awareness of the key contributors to heart disease, we haven’t been getting much better at preventing it. Of the seven major heart risk factors(high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, high glucose levels, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and being overweight—most of us succeed at keeping only 3 or 4 under control. • That is why Paul said that “the flesh is weak. The things that I want to do I did not do.” We need the grace of God and help of the Holy Spirit to help us to walk in His path. 10/23/2019 20

  21. Man-made Sound Helps Hummingbirds人做声音帮助蜂鸟 • Time (April 2, 2012) has an article describing how man-made sound from natural gas compressors help the hummingbirds to survive. Strange as it may sound. The man-made sound scare away the predator, the bluejay, which eats nesting babies of the hummingbirds. • Man-made engine noise is not all that bad. At least in the case of the hummingbirds. It helps the birds to survive. We praise God for that. 10/23/2019 21

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