Plan Your Dream Vacation • Your task: You will choose any STATE in the United States to plan a vacation to. You will have to make many decisions along the way. While planning your vacation you will have to decide: who will go with you, how long will you stay, how you will get to your destination, where you will stay when you are there, what will you eat, and what you will do while there. As you work through this project you must fill in all the information as it is listed below. • You will have a budget of $7000, plan accordingly! • Your Destination: ____________________________________ • Describe why you picked this destination: • State Quick Facts: • Capital: • Largest City: • Most popular tourist attraction: • Population: • People: How many people are you taking? You must take at least yourself and one other person, but cost is the only restriction to how many people you take. • _________ • Dates: When will you go? You will likely have to adjust your “dates” as you plan your trip but you will have to have “dates” in mind which must be solid by the time you complete the project. • Departure: ________________ Return: _______________________ • Transportation: How will you get from here, Elma, to your destination? Choose one of the 2 options and complete all the information for that choice. • Drive:You may choose to drive to your destination. If you do the vehicle you will have is a 2013 Honda CRV that gets an impressive 25 miles per gallon. • You must calculate gas cost based on the national average of $3.63 per gallon. • Travel Expense Calculator: www.mapquest.com • Travel Distance: ___________miles Fuel Cost: distance x miles per gallon • ______ x __________=_________ ?
Miscellaneous miles (this should be a close approximate that you will calculate when planning your itinerary): • ___________miles • Fuel Cost: distance x miles per gallon • ______ x __________=_________ • Fly: You may choose to fly, you must calculate the cost of a flight for you and all the members of your group that you are taking. Remember, you must calculate a round trip flight! www.travelocity.com • Flight Expense Calculator: • Departure Date ___________ Destination Airport _______________ • Return Date ____________ # of travelers ____________ TOTAL flight cost $_________ • Rental Car: If you fly you will have to rent a car to use during your trip. • Be sure to calculate the cost of the rental car based on the dates of your vacation. • www.rentalcars.com • Type of car rented ________________ Cost of rental $____________ • If you feel you are in a destination where a rental car is not necessary, explain here: • Lodging: • You will have to determine where you will stay, the most common solution is to book a hotel however, you may be creative. If it applies to your location you can consider a campground, a condo, or a rental house. www.hotels.com • Lodging choice(name) ________________ • Description of choice: • Cost per day: ______________ Total Cost of Lodging: $________
Dining: Where will you eat? You will need to plan your meals daily for your trip. You must look online to find restaurants in the area you will be travelling. You must find restaurants that have an online menu with prices. For EACH day of the trip you must plan what YOU will eat for dinner at which restaurant and calculate YOUR bill, then multiply your bill by the number of people in your group for a dinner estimate for each day. For breakfast and lunch you will calculate $5 per person per day for breakfast and $10 per day per person for lunch. Use the chart below to help you calculate your total dining cost. DAY Breakfast Lunch Dinner Total cost TOTAL for all ($5 per day) ($10p/d)Restaurant Menu Choices Total for day for all people • Itinerary: What will you do when you get there? • You must visit at least 3 historic sites and attach a 1 paragraph description of each. • You must go on 1 guided tour, of any place of interest associated with your destination/state and attach a 1 paragraph description. • You must visit 2recreational sites and attach a 1 paragraph description of each. • You must calculate the cost of all the items on your itinerary. • Itinerary Costs: • Location: Admission Price: #of people Total • ____________ _________ _____ ____ • ____________ _________ _____ ____ • ____________ _________ _____ ____ • ____________ _________ _____ ____ • ____________ _________ _____ ____ • ____________ _________ _____ ____
Trip Overview: • Complete the following once all of your decisions and plans have been made. • Be sure all other required information is filled out and paragraph descriptions are attached. • Destination: • Dates of trip: _________________--____________________ • Number of travelers ____________ • Total Transportation Cost: ___________ • Total Lodging Cost: ___________ • Total Food Cost: ___________ • Total Entertainment/Itinerary Cost: ___________ • Total Trip Cost: ___________ • Sources: • You will use many sources while planning your vacation. Please record all sources you used below. It is fine if these are all web sites.