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Summer Leadership Institute Superintendent’s Kick-off August 9, 2011 Dr. Susan Enfield Interim Superintendent

Summer Leadership Institute Superintendent’s Kick-off August 9, 2011 Dr. Susan Enfield Interim Superintendent. Our Shared Mission. Ensuring that every Seattle Public Schools student graduates prepared for college, career and life. Our Shared Vision.

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Summer Leadership Institute Superintendent’s Kick-off August 9, 2011 Dr. Susan Enfield Interim Superintendent

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  1. Summer Leadership Institute Superintendent’s Kick-off August 9, 2011 Dr. Susan Enfield Interim Superintendent

  2. Our Shared Mission Ensuring that every Seattle Public Schools student graduates prepared for college, career and life

  3. Our Shared Vision Every Student and Every Staff Member in Seattle Public Schools is: • Known • Cared for • Challenged

  4. Our Assets Committed, hard-working staff at all levels Dedicated, involved families Courageous school board members Generous community partners Inspiring students

  5. Our Challenges Unacceptable achievement gaps and graduation rates Discouraged families Dwindling resources/increasing needs Skeptical community members Disconnected staff

  6. What will it take for us to achieve our shared mission and vision?


  8. All of Us in Seattle Public Schools Believing that ALL students can learn Respecting the work of our colleagues and the contributions of our families and community partners Maintaining an unrelenting focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning in all of our schools Serving our students, families and community to the very best of our ability Raising the expectations we have for ourselves and our students

  9. FOCUS

  10. Our Focus for 2011-12:AGREE

  11. Not initiating new work, just getting better at the work we are already doing

  12. Four Pillars of Success 1. Great principals who are highly skilled instructional leaders Creating a culture of high expectations for students and staff Using data to continuously monitor and improve instruction and supports for students Spending significant time in classrooms observing teachers and gathering evidence of practice Meeting with teachers individually and in groups to analyze data and identify areas for growth

  13. 2. Great teachers who are highly skilled in meeting the needs of all students Knowing each student by name and need Ensuring each student makes at least one year’s worth of growth Collaborating with colleagues to share what works Remaining committed to their own professional growth and development Four Pillars of Success

  14. 3. Families and Community Partners who are connected to our schools Consulting families on what will help their students succeed Creating ongoing opportunities for two-way communication Ensuring that families have meaningful roles within the school Matching community partners with schools to maximize their impact on student learning Four Pillars of Success

  15. 4. Central Office Staff who serve and support schools and families Four Pillars of Success • Creating central office-school partnerships aimed at improving teaching and learning • Reorganizing and reculturing each central office department to support these partnerships • Providing exceptional customer service • Seeing ourselves as central to the mission and vision of Seattle Public Schools Adapted from M. Honig, 2010


  17. Serving ALL Students Raising expectations for what WE can achieve together Raising expectations for what OUR students can achieve with our help Raising expectations for what OUR families and community will see from us this year Working to be a part OF, not apart FROM our community


  19. And, yes, we are getting results. . .

  20. Our Results Schools across the District saw increases in student growth based on MAP Enrollment is increasing • Our SIG schools making AYP: • Hawthorne (first time in 8 years) • West Seattle Elementary (first time in 7 years)

  21. And we must COMMUNICATE our results and successes throughout the year

  22. Sharing Success Take a moment to write down one of your school’s biggest points of pride to share with your colleagues

  23. How we will AGREE: Focus on continuous improvement • Identify problems using data • Ask questions about the root of the problems • Set goals for both student achievement and teacher/leader growth

  24. How we will AGREE: Focus on continuous improvement • Engage families in identifying barriers and solutions • Seek out community partners to help bridge gaps • Monitor progress throughout the year • Celebrate success!

  25. How we will AGREE: Instructional Leadership A shared vision and common language for teaching and learning Significant time in classrooms Opportunities to learn from, and with colleagues Use of evidence to monitor and support professional growth

  26. How will we AGREE: Intervention and Acceleration WE are the first method of intervention for our students SIT team process Use of MAP data and formative assessments to provide additional support and challenge

  27. How will you AGREE? How will you raise the quality of instruction for ALL students this year? What particular groups of students will require interventions? What data are you basing that on? How will you measure progress? How will you engage families? What support will you need?

  28. “Don’t believe that more people, wealth or things will make a community great. Greatness grows from people with dedication.” - Lorraine Monroe

  29. We Are Seattle Public Schools!

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