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CS496: Mobile & Cloud Software Development. http://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/4512464888. What is this course?. Introduction to the concepts and techniques for developing mobile and cloud applications Cutting-edge training that will vastly increase the range of jobs you can acquire.
CS496: Mobile & Cloud Software Development http://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/4512464888
What is this course? • Introduction to the concepts and techniques for developing mobile and cloud applications • Cutting-edge training that will vastly increase the range of jobs you can acquire
Where this course fits inwith respect to some other OSU courses • Key Points • Only CS311 is a prereq • But CS275 and CS494 are handy • So we will have a “boot camp” of sorts • CS496 provides some cool skills you can use in your CS361 and CS362 projects CS 496 Mobile & Cloud Software Dev
Official course objectives At the completion of the course, students will be able to… • 1. Install and configure tools for cloud and mobile development • 2. Create basic cloud and mobile applications that include: • Efficient storage of replicated data • Reliable synchronization of offline data • Presentation of mobile-optimized user interfaces • Effective use of relevant application programming interfaces
In technical terms, CS496 helps you… Create… • Mobile web apps • Cloud apps • Native mobile apps Attain… • Portability • Usability • Reliability • Performance • Security • Interoperability
Course outline • First part of course (Units 1-4) • Get started with the core technologies • You do homework assignments • You write a short “How-To” guide • Second part of course (Unit 5) • Ensure adequate quality attributes • You create a project of your choice • You take a final exam
Course content • First part of course - technology • Unit 1: Basic background • Unit 2: Mobile web apps • Unit 3: Cloud apps • Unit 4: Native mobile apps • Second part of course - quality • Unit 5: Portability, usability, reliability, performance, security, interoperability
The things you’ll complete (for grade) • Homework • How-to Guide • Project • Final Exam
A few words about Homework • Very simple assignments • Make an app; turn in a PDF containing a screenshot and a sentence explaining the screenshot • Intended to • Check if you’re following along • Prompt you to ask questions if you’re struggling • Give you practice prior to your project • Graded solely based on whether you turn it in
A few words about your How-To Guide • Describe how to use one library, API, feature, or tool that you discovered for mobile web, cloud, or native mobile development • Turn in a 1-3 page PDF • 1st paragraph: what is the name of the library/API/feature/tool; what is it good for? • Remainder: step-by-step instructions for how to install and use library/API/feature/tool on an example • Graded on completeness and clarity, plus net upvotes by your peers
Examples of How-To Guide topics • Google Maps – display map in a mobile app • Barcoder – scan bar code with phone camera • QRcoder– scan QR code with phone camera • CloudFront – speed up delivery of cloud data Any library/API/feature/tool useful for mobile web, cloud, or native mobile development!
A few words about your Project • Create one application that includes: • A web service that accepts uploads of structured data files • An asynchronous computation that performs an analysis of uploaded data files • A native mobile app that enables users to upload data and view results of the analysis • One “cool feature” that takes advantage of 1 or more mobile-hardware APIs (e.g., GPS, accelerometer, camera, etc.) as well as 1 or more cloud-based APIs (e.g., image APIs, geolocation, search, etc.) • Turn in a PDF that describes the app’s functionality and implementation; include screenshots • Indicate if the How-To Guide gets an upvote or downvote • Graded on completeness and apparent app quality
Examples of Project topics • An app where OSU students can post listings of the stuff that they own, search through other students' stuff, and set up rental agreements. • An app linked to local Corvallis fashion stores, where students can post coupons and photos of themselves wearing the stuff they bought. • A website where students can post a shared trip, get a cab or other shared transit (bus maps, anyone?), and chronicle the progress of their journey (handy on a trip through Portland!)
A few words about Final Exam • Will be multiple choice • Generally is very easy if you carefully review • Material from lectures will be covered = material on a slide is likely to be on the exam
Turning in your work • Homework assignments • PDF via Blackboard; 1 screenshot + 1 sentence • How-to Guide • PDF via course website; 1-3 pages; will be copied to website for other students to view • Project • PDF via Blackboard; 4 pages + explanations (Notice a theme of any sort?)
Grading • Grade is equally divided among: • Homework (total) • How-To Guide • Project • Final Exam Typical grading levels
Resources for you • Instructor & TA interactions • Contact the instructor & TA by email any time. • Student interactions • How-To Guides are your chance to get & give help. • Optional books (try Amazon.com) • Roche, K., "Beginning Java Google App Engine", ISBN 143022553X (very useful) • Wright, N., "Building iPhone Applications with Titanium", ISBN 047066083X • Mednieks, Z. et al., "Programming Android", ISBN 1449389694 • Lee, WM. "Beginning Android Application Development", ISBN 1118017110 (very useful)