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STAR Database Reports. Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Services To At-Risk Youth (STAR) Program. STAR Database Reports. Introduction
STARDatabaseReports Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Services To At-Risk Youth (STAR) Program
STAR Database Reports Introduction • The intent of this training is intended to provide information about the STAR Database Reports, and how to use the reports to measure progress towards your contracted Performance Measures (referred to as Outputs and Outcomes). • Each Output is measured by the data entered into the STAR Database by the contractor. • The data is reviewed and monitored by the Department of Family and Protective Service – Prevention and Early Intervention to ensure accuracy and contract compliance. • Database reports are used to identify whether a performance measure is being met.
STARDatabaseReportscontinued • Each performance measure and corresponding database report will be reviewed. • It is recommended that database reports be downloaded and reviewed on a monthly basis to assist providers in meeting contract expectations. • As a requirement of your contract, a Corrective Action Plan is required with the Contractor’s Quarterly Report, for each performance measure not met.
STARDatabaseReportscontinued • Database reports are available in the STAR Database. • Users may request access to the STAR Database by completing the DFPS Form 4020, and users must log into the STAR Database every 90 days or lose access. • The current training will provide information on all the Outputs and Outcomes and corresponding reports currently required. • The FY12 Performance Measures for the STAR Program will consist of nine contracted Outputs and seven contracted Outcomes.
Contractor Self-Monitoring The outputs each contractor will be required to monitor on a monthly basis and reviewed by PEI are: • Output #1 – Average number of Target Youths served monthly in the Contractor’s STAR Program. • Output #3 – Number of Target Youths served during the contract period in the Contractor’s STAR Program. • Output #5 – Completed Pre-Service and Post-Service Protective Factors Survey Questionnaires are obtained from 10 – 17 year old Target Youths served in the Contractor’s STAR Program. Note: The Output #1 and Output #3 are reported monthly to the LBB. (The full list of all Outputs and Outcomes will be provided later in this training). In addition, all outputs and outcomes are required to be met in order to be in compliance with the contract.
STAR Reports and Performance Measures • The STAR Database contains twenty-one STAR reports. The standard documents available in the STAR Data System are in a Portable Document Format (PDF) and/or Microsoft Excel Format (XLS). • The Output, Efficiency and Outcome Measures report (Performance Measures) and the Provider Summary Report provide the self-monitoring information for the Outputs: Average Monthly Target Youth, Annual Target Youth, and Pre and Post Protective Factor Survey Completion.
Provider Summary Report(PDF) • Description: Lists the number of clients per month, total unduplicated number of clients, average monthly output, number of units per service per month, and total units per service. • Purpose: To view number of clients served per month, to compare with average monthly (Legislative Budget Board measure) and review which services are being utilized and if variations occur in a specific month or time of year. Click here to view an example of the report
Provider Summary Report and Output: #1 Average Number of Target Youths Served Monthly in the Contractor’s STAR program • The Provider Summary reflects the data entered for each month for each category of service. • The “Undup TY Clients who Rec’d Core serv”, is the category line for the average monthly target youth, indicated by the → in the left margin. • Determine the average monthly by adding the figures for each month, and then divide by the numbers of months passed. • The number in the “total” column indicated with an asterisk is the average for all months. Example: The All Blocks Covered Counseling Services has a contracted average monthly target youth of 280. Based on the average in the example, the contractor is on target for the month of March.
Output, Efficiency and Outcome Measures (Performance Measures) Report (PDF Format) • Description: Lists contracted target outputs/outcomes and compares to actual outputs; captures 10 – 17 year old target youth output, primary caregiver output registered under “Family Conflict”, follow-ups due, reasons for incomplete follow-ups, percent positive at follow-up, Pre and Post Protective Factor Survey completion percentage for youth and primary caregivers, percent of clients closed and percent of clients that are eligible to be closed. • Purpose: To illustrate percentage of target met for performance contracted outputs/outcomes in order for monthly analysis and to identify areas of strength and/or areas of concern. Click here to view an example of the report
Performance Measures Report and Output: #3Number of Target Youths served during the contract period in the Contractor’s STAR Program • The category Unduplicated Target Youth Served table on page 1 of the report. • Column “A is the Contracted Target Measure, in this example the Contracted Target Measure is 329. • Column “B” is the Actual Measure to date. • Column “C” is the % Attainment, (258 ÷ 329 = 78.4%). • Column “D” is the Year – End Projection (258 ÷ 66.27 = 3.8669 move two decimal points to the right and round up = 387). • In the example report, data provided reflects the Contractor is on target to meet the Annual Contracted Target Measure of the Unduplicated number of registered youth who received a core service.
Performance Measures Report and Output #5:Completed Pre and Post – Service Protective Factor Survey Questionnaires are obtained from 10-17 year old Target Youths served in the Contractor’s STAR Program • The Pre-Protective Factor Survey data for self-monitoring is found on page 2 of the Performance Measure report, (columns A, B and C). • Column “A” is the # of Target Youth between 10 – 17 years old that received a Core Service Within the Fiscal Year. Core Services: Crisis family and youth short-term counseling, Emergency care service (youth shelter services), family and youth short-term counseling, Parenting skills training, and Youth coping skills training. • Column “B” is the # of Pre-PFS completed from Column A. • Column “C” is the Percentage of Completed (B ÷ A) X 100. • The Post-Protective Factor Survey data for self-monitoring is found on page 2 of the Performance Measure report, (columns A, B,C, D and E).
Performance Measures Report and Output: #5Completed Post – Service Protective Factor Survey Questionnaires are obtained from 10-17 year old Target Youths served in the Contractor’s STAR Program - continued • Column “A” is the number of Target Youth aged 10 – 17 years old who have received a Core Service within the Fiscal Year and are eligible to have completed the Post-PFS.** • Column “B” is the number of Target Youth from Column A with a completed Pre and Post-PFS (Post is within 60 days of the last service date). • Column “C” is the number of matched PFS (B ÷ A X 100) • Column “D” is the Target Measure * • Column “E” is the Performance on Target to Meet? The answer will be either Yes or No. *Effective 9/1/2011 for FY12 the combined Target Measure for the Pre and Post-PFS will be 60%, (completed Pre and Post-PFS). ** Eligible Target Youth must have:1) a Core service in the FY, (2) a completed Pre-PFS (any date) and (3) a registration close date within 60 days after the last service date (service date is the first of the month the service is given).
Outputs and Outcomes Click here to view the complete list of Outputs and Outcomes with the corresponding STAR Database Report
STAR Database ReportDescriptions Clients w/160+ Days Open Registrations (PDF Format) • Description: Represents clients who have been opened for 160 days or more including date opened and the number of days open. • Purpose: Since clients are eligible to receive STAR services for up to 180 days in the fiscal year in which the funds are available, this report enables providers to monitor those clients whose services from STAR are: (1) need to close within 20 days and appropriate referrals made if necessary or (2) clients whose registration inadvertently was left open but need to be close. Note:This report is not intended to be used as a means of determining when the client is eligible for the next 180 days of service. Click here to view an example of the report
Clients w/50+ Days Residential Services (PDF Format) • Description: Represents clients who have been receiving emergency shelter for 50 days or more. • Purpose: Since clients are able to receive a maximum of 60 days of emergency shelter per contract fiscal year, this report enables providers to monitor those clients whose emergency shelter services from STAR are (1) need to end within 10 days or less and (2) ensure that family counseling and referrals are provided. Click here to view an example of the report
Clients/Services Summary (Excel Format) • Description: Lists clients, open date, close date, days open, and service units (services received): youth counseling, family counseling, youth skills development, family skills development, emergency shelter and follow-up date. • Purpose: To illustrate the types of services and units of serviced received by the target youth and primary caregivers, monitor the amount of services received relative to the number of days open, monitor when clients are closed and services received, view the upcoming follow-up dates for closed cases, and verify that the youth receiving emergency shelter servicesalso received family counseling. Continued on next slide
STARClients Services Summary General Information • The grey shaded area is an indication of the case is opened for more than 160 days, and should be assessed for closure with appropriate referrals. • The report will allow you to Select a Client Type such as: All Client Types, Target Youth, Primary Caregiver, Secondary Caregivers and Other Family Members. • The Client Type for the Target Youth is TC and for the Primary Caregiver is PC. Note: This report was designed not to be printed. Click here to view an example of the report
Counties Served by a Provider (PDF Format) • Description: Lists the names of clients and number of clients for each county served. • Purpose: Displays performance output by county; possibly indicates a need for more STAR services in certain counties; and/or more outreach/awareness in certain counties. Click here to view an example of the report
Provider Contracted Counties (PDF Format) • Description: Lists county ids, contract dates, and names of counties that provider serves. The report also identifies the type of county (i.e. primary, satellite or outlying). • Purpose: Displays the provider’s contracted counties and corresponding contract dates, as well as if the counties have changed during the contract fiscal year. Click here to view an example of the report
Client Details (PDF Format) • Description: Lists all services received and dates of service for specific a client. • Purpose: Tracks service types and service units for one client and assists with case analysis and client progress. Click here to view an example of the report
Download • Description: Provides the following information to be sorted after download: Registration Identification Number, Client Identification Number, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Ethnicity, Gender, Date of Birth, County Identification Number, Open Date, Close Date, Number of Days Open, Follow-up Date, Staff Initials, Reason for Opening, and Referral Source. • Purpose: Allows the STAR Provider to import Target Youth data into Microsoft Excel that can be sorted and analyzed. Note: Instructions for the Download Report are located as a link on the STAR Data System home page. A Download Report Format Change previously scheduled for Summer 2011 has been postponed to a later date. Click here to view an example of the report
TANF Billing Summary (PDF Format) • Description: Lists expenses associated with Emergency Assistance and Non-Emergency Assistance for families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). • Purpose: Track monthly expenses related to families receiving TANF with Emergency Assistance and families receiving TANF without Emergency Assistance. Click here to view an example of the report
Follow-ups Due (Excel Format) • Description: List the follow-ups that are due (for closed clients). • Purpose: Serves as a reminder for follow-ups that need to be completed or attempted in order to satisfy the 75-105 day contract requirement. Click here to view an example of the report
Universal Services Summary (Excel Format) • Description: Lists types of universal services, monthly outputs, and year-to-date outputs. • Purpose: Tracks the types of Universal Child Abuse and Prevention (UCAP) services and serves as a means for further analysis such as number of activities/outreach for people with number of youth & families registered (may lead to comparison of more cost-effective UCAP). Click here to view an example of the report
STAR Data Entry (PDF Format) • Description: Lists data entry for each contract service month and the 30 days following, for all months of service to date. • Purpose: Tracks the total of service data entered by the 30 day deadline and data entered beyond the 30 day deadline. Click here to view an example of the report
Unable to Complete/Incomplete Client List (Excel Format) Description: Lists pending follow-ups and/or follow-ups that have not been done after 3 attempts. Purpose: To illustrate which clients were able to receive post-STAR assessment and that staff have documented attempts. Click here to view an example of the report
Colonias Summary (PDF Format) • Description: Lists the Colonias the provider serves, number of youth served, age and gender of youth, number of services by service type, age and gender. • Purpose: State mandates tracking number of youth and families served in Colonias and to make sure services are available if needed. Click here to view an example of the report
Star Crisis Intervention Summary (PDF Format) • Description: Lists the type of Crisis Intervention request, the number of such requests per month, and the year-to-date number of requests. • Purpose: To capture crisis intervention services that STAR Contractors provide for youth and families who are not currently registered for STAR services. The Crisis Intervention tab was created in order to have a tool that enables you and DFPS to tract crisis work even when the youth does not become a client. Click here to view an example of the report
Client PFS Listing (Excel Format) • Description: Lists Pre- and Post-Protective Factor Survey responses by client name and type, referral source, open date, demographic information, close date, and if program was complete. • Purpose: Illustrates Pre- and Post-Protective Factory Survey results for Target Youth, Primary Caregiver and Secondary Caregivers in order for analysis of Protective Factor Survey results relative to specific outputs and outcomes. Note: The report was not designed to be printed. Click here to view an example of the report
PFS Client Listing ReportSearch Parameters • Select Provider: from the drop down box, select the applicable provider name. • Select Client Type: from the drop down box, select one of the following; Target Youth, Primary Caregiver or Secondary Caregiver. • Select Survey Type: from the drop down box, select one of the following; Pre and Post test (this takes a while to download), Pre Only or Post Only. Note: The PFS was revised, and this report reflects all Pre and Post-PFS results entered since September 1, 2011. Click here to view an example of the report
Client Ancillary Services Summary (Excel Format) • Description: Lists clients, open date, close date, days open and units for the following ancillary services received such as: mentoring, case management, child care, transportation, advocacy training, support group and resource/referral • Purpose: To illustrate the types of ancillary service and units of service that clients receive, to monitor amount of services received relative to number of days open, to monitor when clients are closed and the services they received, and to view the upcoming follow-up dates for close cases. Click here to view an example of the report
Satisfaction Survey Output and Outcomes (Excel Format) • Description: Lists the Outputs and Outcomes of the Satisfaction Survey and the Overall Score for the Target Youth or Primary Caregiver. • Purpose: The report will measure the contractor’s success in delivering services that meet the satisfaction of youth served. Click here to view an example of the report
Satisfaction Survey Data Listing (Excel Format) • Description: Lists clients Satisfaction Survey responses to the numerical questions based on answer values. • Purpose: The report provides an overview of the client’s Satisfaction Survey responses based on average score, not the actual answers. Click here to view an example of the report
Satisfaction Survey Comment Listing (Excel Format) • Description: Lists clients Satisfaction Survey comments about the program. • Purpose: Satisfaction Survey Comment listing provides an overview of client’s satisfaction based on the client’s qualitative response. Works in conjunction with the Satisfaction Survey Data Listing report. Click here to view an example of the report
STAR Database Reports and Performance Measures Test Your Knowledge
STAR Database Reports and Performance Measures 1.Which report would be used to see a provider’s Number of Target Youths served during the contract period? A – Provider Summary Report B – Client Details C – Performance Measures 2. Which report would you use to determine the Unduplicated TY clients who received a core service? A – Performance Measures B – Client Ancillary Services Summary C – Provider Summary
STAR Database Reports and Performance MeasuresTest Your Knowledge - Continued 3.ABC Counseling Services contracted to serve 175 Average Monthly Target Youth. To date they have data entered the following: September = 174, October = 334, November = 347, December = 314, January = 206, February = 233 and March = 289 Please answer the following: a) What is the monthly average? b) Are they meeting the contracted average monthly target youth? 4. On what report would you find the Percent Positive Affect at Follow-up? A) Performance Measures B) Follow-ups Due C) Client/Services Summary
STAR Database Reports and Performance MeasuresTest Your Knowledge - Continued 5. Which report shows the Completed Pre and Post-Protective Factor Survey Questionnaires for youth ages 10 – 17 that received a core service? A) Satisfaction Survey Output and Outcomes Measures B) Performance Measures C) Client PFS Listing 6. Which statement is incorrect about the Client w/160+ Days Open Registration? A) Need to close within 20 days and appropriate referrals made B) Clients whose registration inadvertently left open but need to be closed. C) Determine when the next 180 days of service will be available.
STAR Database Reports and Performance MeasuresTest Your Knowledge - Continued 7. Which report would you use to determine if all data entry was completed on time? A) Universal Services Summary B) STAR Data Entry C) Client Ancillary Services Summary 8. The STAR Quarterly report asks how you use the Satisfaction Surveys to improve STAR services. Which report will you use? A) Satisfaction Survey Comment Listing B) Satisfaction Survey Output and Outcomes C) Client Ancillary Services Summary
STAR Database Reports and Performance MeasuresTest Your Knowledge - Continued 9. How often should the Provider Summary Report and the Performance Measures be reviewed? A) Quarterly B) Monthly C) Never 10. All reports in the STAR Database are in Excel or PDF format, are they all meant to be printed? A) Yes B) No