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277 North El Molino Avenue Predevelopment Plan Review. City Council Meeting May 5, 2014. Vicinity Map. 210 Freeway. Subject Site. Corson Street. EL Molino Avenue. Madison Avenue. Locust Street. Locust Street. Walnut Street. Subject Site. Corson Street. Subject Site.
277 North El Molino Avenue Predevelopment Plan Review City Council MeetingMay 5, 2014
Vicinity Map 210 Freeway Subject Site Corson Street EL Molino Avenue Madison Avenue Locust Street Locust Street Walnut Street
Subject Site Corson Street Subject Site EL Molino Avenue Locust Street
Project Description • Site is zoned CD-3 • Central District Specific Plan, Walnut Housing Subdistrict. • Site is within Central District Transit Oriented Development Area • Subject to Transit-Oriented Development Section of the Zoning Code (17.50.340). • Multi-Family Housing within the Central District Specific Plan • Subject to Urban Housing Development Standards.
Project Description • Demolish two commercial buildings of 8,790 square feet and surface parking lot. • Construct six-story (75 ft.) residential building containing 105 units. • Two levels of parking, one on street level and one subterranean. • Maximum permitted height: 60 ft. Request for height averaging to be reviewed by the City’s Design Commission.
Project Description • Maximum permitted density: 87 units per acre or 85 units. • Proposed: 105 units, a 23 percent bonus permitted with the provision of affordable units. • Maximum permitted floor area ratio: 2.25 or 96,097 square feet. • Proposed building size: 118,350 square or 2.77 floor area ratio. Request for an Affordable Housing Concession Permit to increase the allowable floor area ratio.
Project Description North end of the property View from north of subject property South end of the property
Project Description El Molino Ave. Perspective
Project Description Corner of El Molino Ave. and Corson St. Perspective
Project Description Southeast Corner Aerial
Project Description South Elevation North Elevation
Project Description East Elevation West Elevation
Discretionary Entitlements • Entitlements: • Affordable Housing Concession Permit to increase the maximum permitted floor area ratio requirement of 2.25; • Design Review for a project that exceeds 5,000 square feet in size or contain 10 or more dwelling units; and • Height Averaging for a project that exceeds 60-feet in height.
Discretionary Entitlements • Review Authorities: • Hearing Officer is decision maker on Affordable Housing Concession Permit; • Design Commissionwill conduct design review and review and possibly approve Height Averaging; and • Urban Forestry Advisory Committee will review requests to remove any street trees, and provide a recommendation to the City Manager.
Major Issues for Analysis Maximum height and height averaging; Placement and design of a required street level landscaped courtyard; and Construction adjacent or near properties that are designated historic resources or resources that are eligible for historic designation.
Major Issues for Analysis • Historic Resources are: • The residence at 267 North El Molino Avenue (Lukens House) is located immediately to the south of the project site, was built in 1896 and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, • The residence located at 246 North El Molino Avenue (Frances K. Mason House) is located to the east of the site, was built in 1904 and is eligible for historic designation, and • The property at 684 Locust Street (to the east) is not eligible for historic designation but should be considered in the planning process in the future.
Historic Resources 210 Freeway Subject Site Corson Street 684 Locust Street EL Molino Avenue Madison Avenue Locust Street Locust Street Lukens House Frances K. Mason House Walnut Street
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to Zoning Code: • Height:Maximum 60 feet or 75 feet when utilizing height averaging • The building is proposed to be five to six stories in height and have a overall height of 75 feet. Height Averaging is required for the proposed height. • Size (Floor Area): Maximum 2.25 or 96,097 square feet • The building is proposed to be 118,350 square feet or have an FAR of 2.77. An Affordable Housing Concession Permit is required to increase the FAR from 2.25 to 2.77. • Density: 87 units/acre or 85 units for the site • 105 units are proposed, which is a 23% density bonus.
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to Zoning Code: • Setbacks: Min 5 foot and max 10 foot along El Molino Avenue, 10 foot setback along Corson Street, rear and side property line. • As proposed, the building appears to be encroaching into the required 10 foot south side setback. • Parking: When utilizing density bonus, the parking requirement is the following: • 1 on-site space for 0-1 bedroom units • 2 on-site spaces for 2-3 bedroom units • Based on the project a total of 158 spaces are required, 159 spaces are proposed.
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to Zoning Code: • Open Space: Min area required: 30% of the net floor area. • Proposed building area is 95,375 square feet therefore a min of 28,612 square foot open space is required. Total 30,434 square foot open space proposed. • Courtyard: One 20’ by 20’ ground floor landscaped courtyard open to the street is required. • A 43’ by 30’ courtyard is proposed in the southeast corner of the property. Staff recommends that the courtyard connects/opens to the swimming pool podium or be relocated to break the building mass along El Molino Avenue.
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: • Demolition: • Existing buildings are not designated historic resources and do not appear to be eligible for designation. • Design Review: Design Commission will review because: • Project exceeds 5,000 square feet and the entails10 or more dwelling units, and is within the Central District Specific Plan.
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: • Massing & Siting: care should be taken in creating a building form that appropriately responds to the existing context, especially the historic resource immediately to the south; • Sitting: A multi-family project is generally well suited for this location, but greater consideration should be given in the massing of the structure to appropriately respond to the nationally register listed historic resource adjacent to the site and other eligible historic resources on the periphery
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to Design & Historic Preservation: • Compatibility: No specific building designs have been presented for review at this time and staff cannot comment on the new building’s architectural compatibility with its surroundings or its consistency with the applicable design guidelines; however, the City of Pasadena’s objective is to achieve architectural and design excellence. Buildings should improve the environment for the public, respond to their context and be compatible to the surroundings;
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to General Plan: • Policies and Objectives that apply include: • OBJECTIVE 1 - TARGETED DEVELOPMENT: Direct higher density development away from Pasadena’s residential neighborhoods and into targeted areas, creating an exciting urban core with diverse economic, housing, cultural and entertainment opportunities. • OBJECTIVE 3 – AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Encourage the retention and creation of affordable housing throughout Pasadena by providing sufficient land and densities to develop new affordable housing.
Planning Division Comments • Topics related to General Plan: • Policies and Objectives that apply include: • Policy 27.4 – Consultation: Encourage project applicants to contact the surrounding neighborhood prior to submitting a formal application for the project. • Central District Specific Plan: • The purpose of the Specific Plan is to include a diverse mix of land uses designed to create the primary business, financial, retailing and government center of the City. • Walnut Housing Subdistrict: • This subdistrict is intended to promote the development of a high-density residential area north of Colorado Blvd and in close proximity to the Lake Avenue Light Rail Station.
Public Works Comments • Topics related to Public Works: • Corner Rounding – Land Dedication: • In order to accommodate an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, the applicant shall dedicate to the City the land necessary to provide a 30-foot radius property line corner rounding at the southwest corner of Corson Street and El Molino Avenue. • Street Trees: • In order to protect the canopy of the existing street trees, the building setback shall be 8 to 10 feet along Corson Street frontage and 10 to 12 feet along El Molino Avenue frontage.
Transportation Comments • Topics related to Transportation: • Traffic Impact Study: Required per City guidelines. • New Driveways: The driveway and apron shall have a minimum width of 18-feet to accommodate 2-way traffic. • Access: It is recommended that a second access location off Corson Street be constructed to provide more vehicular circulation alternatives into and out of the parking garage.
Environmental Review • Per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an environmental review of the project will occur. • Analyze project’s potential to result in significant impacts, as identified by State and local environmental guidelines. • Per the City’s Zoning Code, a project proposed on this property must contain an housing component. • The site is located adjacent to the south of the 210 Freeway, approximately 80-feet to the off-ramp, at its closest point, and 130-feet to the freeway. • In cases where sensitive receptors (generally defined as 24-hr occupied habitable buildings, such as residences) are proposed within 500 feet of the freeway, the City undertakes a Health Risk Assessment as part of the CEQA process.
Next Steps • Preliminary Consultation: Design Commission. • To provide preliminary design comments on the project. • Affordable Housing Concession Permit: Hearing Officer. • Environmental Review. • Includes Traffic Study. • Design Review and Height Averaging: Design Commission. • Conceptand Final.
277 North El Molino Avenue Predevelopment Plan Review City Council MeetingMay 5, 2014