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Why Departmentalize?. To Increase Student Achievement!Select Teachers Based on Content KnowledgeProvide Targeted Professional Development that Builds Teacher CapacityDecide How Best to Meet Students' Needs Based on DataProvide Rigorous Instruction Based on Best Practices and Next Generation Suns
1. Del Prado Elementary SchoolParent MeetingJune 4, 20097:00 pm Frank Barbieri, Jr., Board Member - District 5
Arthur C. Johnson, PhD., Superintendent
Jeffrey J. Hernandez, Chief Academic Officer
Ann Killets, Chief of Staff
Joseph Moore, Chief Operation Officer
Nora Rosensweig, Area Superintendent
Sandra Rhategan, Principal
2. Why Departmentalize? To Increase Student Achievement!
Select Teachers Based on Content Knowledge
Provide Targeted Professional Development that Builds Teacher Capacity
Decide How Best to Meet Students’ Needs Based on Data
Provide Rigorous Instruction Based on Best Practices and Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
3. Why Departmentalize? Some advantages to Departmentalization:
Teachers become "curricular experts" in one or two subject areas rather than "Jacks of all Trades" at the elementary level. Planning time is maximized!
Each classroom can be set up as a "lab" situation where centers, word walls and the "print rich environment" would be totally revolving around the area of expertise (i.e.: Science lab, Math lab, Reading lab, etc.) This eliminates the transition times where self-contained teachers have to start, stop and restart everything (subjects) every day, all day.
4. Why Departmentalize? Some advantages to Departmentalization:
District-wide this is an effort to maximize resources to build capacity of teachers and learning outcomes of students
All schools will now have a Reading Coach and some will have limited access to a Science and Math Coach, while others will have full time Science and Math Coaches. These coaches can now focus their efforts on the limited number of teachers that teach each of the curricular areas. (i.e.. The reading coach will only have to work, mentor and demonstrate in 4 classes rather than the 8 of my 3rd grade team, etc. for the math and science.) This is focused, specific training for each of the curricular areas that the coaches have to work with.
5. Why Departmentalize? Some advantages to Departmentalization:
There is "power in numbers" in the teaching and learning process. When a student has 2, 3 or 4 teachers and the behaviors, attitudes, work samples, etc. demonstrate that there is a problem, ALL teachers (team) will conference with parents and give a full accounting of the child's performance. The same will hold true for those positive conferences where all teachers meet as a team to let a parent know how phenomenal their child is! Win-win!
6. Why Departmentalize? Some advantages to Departmentalization from Marsh Pointe Elementary School Principal Maureen Werner's perspective include:
1. Teachers become "curricular experts" in one or two subject areas rather than "Jacks of all Trades" at the elementary level. Planning time is maximized!
7. Teacher Content Knowledge