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Take out a sheet of notebook paper Title this sheet “SSUT Review” number to 40. Put all of your group members’ names on the top line of your heading. .
Take out a sheet ofnotebook paper Title this sheet “SSUT Review” number to 40. Put all of your group members’ names on the top line of your heading. You have 30 seconds to answer each question. Pick one scribe from your group to write down your responses. Remember not to reveal your answers to other teams around you.
1 Name the antagonist of “The Sniper”
2 What literary element suggests or predicts the outcome of the plot?
3 The time and place of the story is known as what?
4 Name two types of external conflict
5 What type of character is rainsford? (Two answers)
6 At what point on the plot chart does the character overcome the conflict or is overcome by the conflict?
7 Who is the antagonist of “war”?
8 The following quote is what type of conflict? “He began to count his strokes. He could possible do a hundred more and then…” (42).
9 At what point on the plot chart are the characters and setting given?
10 “The cask of amontillado” has what type of narrator? What is his name? (Must use correct pronunciation)
11 What is an Epiphany?
12 The following quote is what type of conflict? “One thought persisted maddeningly. It was the crash into his body of a high velocity bullet” (41).
13 Is the scout a dynamic or static character? Must explain why
14 What is the climax of “The most dangerous game”?
15 Is the republican sniper a static or dynamic character?
16 What Are the three different settings in “The Most Dangerous Game”? (Each place Rainsford ends up)
17 What type of Character is Ivan? Three answers
18 What is the climax of “War”?
19 Who is the protagonist of “The Sniper”?
20 What is the resolution of “The Most Dangerous Game”?
21 Define internal conflict
22 Name The three types of irony
23 Define dramatic irony
24 What type of character stays the same throughout a work?
25 What point of view is “The Sniper” and “War” told from?
26 What is the difference between a flat character and a round character?
27 Define motivation
28 What is the difference between a dynamic and static character?
29 Who is the leading character of the work (and can have good/bad qualities?)
30 What is the term for the sequence of events or happenings in a work?
31 What is the term for insight or revelation gained? What type of character experiences this?
32 What type of character lacks complexity and is not fully developed?
33 The following quote is an example of what type of irony? Fortunato said “I will not die of a cough.” Montresor replied, “True, true.”
34 The following quote is what type of irony? “And the men applauded at the long shot by the ginger bearded man.”
35 The following quote is what type of irony? “You are a man to be missed. For me, it is no matter.”
36 Define symbol
37 The eruption of apples is _________ of the scout’s death.
38 What is Theme?
39 What is the definition of affable?
40 What builds the reader’s attention?
BONUS • Write a thematic statement for each short story • No first person • Cannot be so specific that it ONLY applies to the story: • In war, brothers are turned against brothers.