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Guidelines for the Management of the Student with Diabetes in New Jersey’s Public Schools

Guidelines for the Management of the Student with Diabetes in New Jersey’s Public Schools. Addressing N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.11-21. Collaboration Cooperation & Planning

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Guidelines for the Management of the Student with Diabetes in New Jersey’s Public Schools

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  1. Guidelines for the Management of the Student with Diabetes in New Jersey’s Public Schools

  2. Addressing N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.11-21 • Collaboration • Cooperation & Planning • Students are more likely to succeed in school when student, parent, nurse, principal, teachers, coaches and others work together to manage care

  3. N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.11-21 • Became law on October 1,2009 • Effective January 29,2010 • Requires schools to take specific actions to ensure that students with diabetes are able to manage their disease while at school and to ensure the health and safety of the student and the school community

  4. Purpose and Beliefs • Diabetes requires management 24 hours a day • Students with diabetes must balance their blood sugar levels, food intake, medications, and physical activity while at school • School nurses will coordinate care and educate school staff to provide a safe, therapeutic environment for students with diabetes. • Diabetes can interfere with a student’s ability to concentrate and learn

  5. Goal: Optimal Student Health and Learning All school staff members should have basic knowledge of diabetes and know who to contact for help.

  6. New Law Requires • An Individualized healthcare plan (IHP) • An Individualized Emergency healthcare plan (IEHP) • Annual written parent & healthcare practitioners authorization for the provision of diabetic health care • Authorization for release and sharing of certain medical information

  7. Ten Element Plan for Diabetic Care 1.School Wide Posting of S/S of Hyper/Hypo Glycemia 2. Allowing for Blood Glucose testing throughout the building & grounds 3. Written Authorization from a student's Physician and Parent/Guardian 4. Full Participation in Physical Education & Sports

  8. Ten Element Plan cont. 5. Accommodations for school trips, after-school activities, class parties, and other school related activities 6. In-service Education for ALL SCHOOL PERSONNEL who may come in contact with a diabetic student on • How to recognize and treat hypo/hyper glycemia • When to call for assistance 7. Medical & Treatment issues that may affect the educational process 8. How to maintain communication between student, parent/guardian, school nurse & educational staff

  9. Purpose of Diabetic Law • Purpose of the law is to ensure the health and safety of both the student and the school community while providing support to the student to self-mange his/her diabetes to the fullest extent possible • Law states that the school nurse shall designate, in consultation with the Board of Education, additional employees of the school district who volunteer to administer Glucagon when the school nurse is not physically present at the scene

  10. Purpose of Diabetic Law cont. • No School employee shall be held liable for any good faith act or omission consistent with the provisions of the law • It also states that licensed athletic trainers who volunteer to administer Glucagon will not be held in violation of the Athletic Training Licensure Act (P.L. 1984,c.203).

  11. Three Levels of Training Level One: Education for All • Overview of Diabetes • Signs and Symptoms • Common issues such as exercise, meals, and access to medication • General emergency actions

  12. Level Two: Student Specific Training For those with direct contact with the student: • IHP/IHEP procedures, protocols and emergency actions • Child-specific exercise or nutrition issues • Emotional and behavioral issues • General information about care such as glucose testing or insulin administration

  13. Level Three: Volunteer Glucagon Delegates Student-specific information in Level Two plus: • Student –specific information on hypoglycemia symptoms and IHP/IEHP procedures • Successful demonstration by delegate of glucagon administration and emergency protocols

  14. Level Three: Volunteer Glucagon Delegates cont. • These volunteer designees must be trained by the school nurse or other qualified healthcare professionals to administer the drug “Glucagon” in the event of a Hypoglycemic Emergency

  15. School NurseResponsibilities • Coordinates the provision of care • Educates all personnel about diabetes • Develops and updates student’s IHP/IEHP • Has primary responsibility for emergency administration of glucagon • Trains volunteer delegates for glucagon administration • Serves as conduit for sharing of medical information and communications with parents

  16. Student’s Diabetes ManagementWritten Plans • IHP • IEHP • Education Plans • 504 Accommodations • IEP’s • Other

  17. WHRHS REPORT CARD • IHP • ECP • Full participation in all school-related activities • Accommodations made for school trips, activities, parties • 504 Plans as needed in conjunction with Guidance

  18. Hypoglycemia: A Medical Emergency • Hypoglycemia is a medical emergency that can progress from: • Mild • Moderate • SEVERE

  19. What Can You Do????? • Ifyou or someone you know is a Diabetic you should become a GLUCAGON DELEGATE • Glucagon is available at all times and is the treatment for SEVERE HYPOGLYCEMIA • Glucagon is an injection that provides a rapid boost of glucose to the body

  20. Glucagon Delegates • School nurse may delegate task of glucagon administration to personnel who have been trained and have demonstrated the appropriate skills and knowledge to do so safely. • Delegates may only be used when the school nurse is not physically present at the scene

  21. Glucagon Delegates Delegates must be: • School district employees who volunteer to serve as a delegate • Selected by the school nurse in conjunction with the Board of Education • Trained by the school nurse or other qualified health care professional to administer glucagon

  22. Delegation Considerations • The delegate should be reasonably expected to have regular responsibility for or contact with the student. • The delegate should not be a high school student employed by the district in an afterschool or summer program. • The delegate MUST be an employed of the district; the delegate cannot be an older sibling or relative attending the school, a neighbor or school volunteer.

  23. Delegate Considerations cont. • Delegates must be sensitive to privacy issues and confidentiality. • Delegates must complete a training course. • Delegates who transfer to another school must be retrained and evaluated by the nurse in that school. • Delegates will complete an annual refresher training.

  24. Delegate Considerations cont. • CPR-AED certification is highly recommended for delegates

  25. How Do I Become a Delegate? • Call Lee, Nan or Francine at 4877 or 4878 to enroll in the upcoming Delegate Training Workshop

  26. Always Remember….. “You can’t educate a child who isn’t healthy and you can’t keep a child healthy who isn’t educated” Dr. Jocelyn Elders 15th Surgeon General of the United States

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